Rug pull started
Was waiting for this comment
I consider it to be an experiment though lol
recent is full of links about stuff I specifically mentioned in the description to not belong in ~crypto. Additionally, they are all from the same stacker even though most of them have no sats on them. 384 sats didn't hurt them I guess.
Wanted to see if 1k sats would have an impact.
I've read that you pay the satoshis if the subject is cryptography, I understand the idea (preventing spam) but if you notice you'll be giving 3 points to a stacker for a post that might be shit.
64 sats \ 9 replies \ @ek 16 Jan
but if you notice you'll be giving 3 points to a stacker for a post that might be shit.
Wdym with this? It wasn't me and 3 - 384 is still net negative.
3 - 1000 is more net negative though.
maybe I should have waited until your edit timer ran out.
wouldn't it be better, as moderator, to delete the post?
No, why?
I don't mind if people value this stuff enough.
But I don't value it and I am the one who has to pay the rent for this territory. So if you want to post stuff I didn't create the territory for, fine, but you'll financially support me then at least.
If I simply outlaw it (there are no deletes), I would lose the signal in recent that maybe you should reconsider posting crypto news since you're probably just wasting your sats.
good point
16 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 16 Jan
Sats are the signal
Or in this case no sats
What would you do if I posted the following paper related to IOHK and the Ethereum Foundation?
lol I understand this meme now:
But joke aside. Before I answer your question, let me ask you a question:
What do you think I would do?
[0] which I hope won't be a bad precedent and invite more stackers to ask the same question before posting in ~crypto