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20,590 sats stacked
stacking since: #373787longest cowboy streak: 1
I am a health and wellness coach and biohacker. Believer in freedom and radical self-reliance.
I remember early social media in 2003 - 4 and the early sites had a optimistic and generous spirit - a feeling that there was a revolution that could change the world for the better.
It was heartbreaking to see social media get transformed into an all-encompassing surveillance & censorship apparatus. I sense the same "new paradign" energy here on Stacker News and this time, with bitcoin's thoughtful design and passionate community and incentives to play fair, I think it's gonna be different...
We are breaking the walls and Babylon's throne is going down!
Welcome BountifulB !
Stack sats, stay humble
Welcome to the Final Frontier!
Welcome. Stay humble, stack sats.
Welcome to the sat party! Health is the ultimate wealth!