Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Finally got my 15 yo son's Honda Xr80r dirtbike running today. He got it months ago and it has never really ran. We tried everything. I felt like a failure. I call myself handy and I can't fix a simple dirtbike? Turns out , the exhaust was clogged from back when it was burning oil. Now it runs great, has a new carb, new rings, and we both learned so much. It was a roller coaster. Delayed gratification feels good.
big day of activity on stacker news 👀
Shiz Liz, the hero we didn’t know we needed.
Single handedly bringing the Mempool size down. Sub 40 sats per byte now 👌
I found how @siggy47 is training raccoons to get cash for buying more BTC
He takes 20% in sats, but it's worth it.
soon this will be the method people will do their groceries, sending raccoons for shopping
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Holy shit! I have got to check this out in more detail. We all should follow your example.
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you mean this? That will be a better use case for these fiat ATMs
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Another fun and exciting week planned in Bitcoin land! Haters gonna hate but I believe in the dream of a better world, especially this time of year. Looking forward to more learning and developments this week. Let’s go!
Howdy!! The week has begun, Monday is in, we've got to give it our best, holidays are kicking our heels and we need to give this final month of 2023 a nice ending, so get your big boy/girl pants and show this month who's in charge, I believe in you and you're important. Kick rear my friend!! I wish you all a phenomenal day. Keep on keeping on, be well and stay frosty!!
Are people interested in Bluesky invites? I have a source :)
do they pay in sats?
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ya I’m through using social that doesn’t pay me
me too but might still be interesting what the "competition" is doing :)
you could go on there and just expect to get paid, lol
like: "how can i zap people?"
Stacker News has genuinely made me a fanatical writer now.
I have like 5 articles on the go right now. And they all are somewhat intertwined. Never in my life have I wanted to write. I’ve wanted to read but definitely not had the energy or motivation to throw my thoughts out there in the wild and expose them for critique. SN has completely turned the tables on that. Who knows whether it continues. For now at least, can’t thank you guys & gals enough 🙏
Stacker News has genuinely made me a fanatical writer now.
me too, even though it doesn't look like it yet, lol :)
Excited to read them :) We underestimate how much great thought wish washes around in our brains all day -- writing let's you ink and solidify those ideas (or confirm if it was a bad one lol)
CAPITE MINUTUS. One who had suffered capitis diminutio, one who lost status or legal attributes.
CAPITIS DIMINUTIO. A diminishing or abridgment of personality; a loss or curtailment of a man's status or aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications.
CAPITIS DIMINUTIO MAXIMA (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man’s condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.”
CAPITIS DIMINUTIO MEDIA. (eg John DOE) A lesser or medium loss of status. This occurred where a man lost his rights of citizenship, but without losing his liberty. It carried away also the family rights.
CAPITIS DIMINUTIO MINIMA. (eg John Doe) The lowest or least comprehensive degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man's family relations alone were changed. It happened upon the arrogation of a person who had been his own master, (sui juris,) or upon the emancipation of one who had been under the patria potestas. It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered.
Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition, 1968.
why did you share this?
The content in your link did not clarify anything for me.
why did you share this?
because I have a habit of sharing small red pill truths regularly and Natalia gave me the idea for this one. Clear?
Remember that only you have a “birthday” on which you were born into the world from your Mother. Whereas the artificial legal “person” has a “date of birth” on which it was registered by the Registrar. These two events usually have different dates
@DarthCoin @Lux I used to think it's the same date 😳
In my case wasn't the same date. I went deeper into this and is worst than I thought. The whole situation is fucked up and we live in a lie. The mother practically is giving away her property to the state by registering that birth. The lie is so deep that regular people can't even imagine that such thing is possible, that's why many will reject it immediately and call you crazy.
Why do you think are so many cases when child are taken from their families so easily, because state have the ownership on them. Literally like cattle.
I can't check mine as it's not with me, isn't it funny when they ask “date of birth” is not mean by birthday, so which one did you fill?
The mother practically is giving away her property to the state by registering that birth.
now I wonder what's gonna happen if not registering it at all, no school? no banks? all fine, trying to understand what is "the fear" making everyone voluntarily register their new borns.
What truths do you impart? Your pill seems full of an old imperial language.
Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition, 1968.
I see the source but not the purpose. For what purpose would a person read this dictionary? What use does it have for you?
haha, it's English/legalese, straight copy/pasted from the dictionary. Go look at your name how is written in all your documents and compare it to the post
my name "is written in all [my] documents" the way the person who typed my name typed it, formatted in the way the software the designs the document chooses to display it.
What do you want me to do with this comparison of the way my name appears on various documents?
so people will learn the truth and not just be obedient workers... What he shared is valuable information. But if you want to continue ignore it, it's your choice.
CAPITIS DIMINUTIO MAXIMA (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man’s condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.”
everything officials are this 😂
Happy Monday Stackers! Let's get it!
If a man among you Got no sin upon his hand Let him cast a stone at me For playing in the band
If you would want to start a SN territory, which one will be? What name will have?
I would need to give that some thought.
Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t watched “One Piece” in ages, but my heart nonetheless did a little leap when I chanced upon this One Piece merchandise store at AMU Plaza. Clever design abounded, so I was thrilled to spend a lovely, nostalgic time there.
Three life-sized figurines beckoned me warmly. Though my face looks a bit puffy these days, I gamely took a selfie in front of Luffy and Sanji and sent it to my colleagues. Just come visit Kumamoto already!
Capitalizing on the success of the Netflix series, the store also sells posters of the charming actors depicting these beloved characters. Or, you can do targeted shopping and patronize the “Happy Birthday” shelf. You can buy a notebook that showcases your birthday - if you happen to visit Japan during your birthday month.
I was particularly drawn to the comic strips plastered on the upper walls. A great way to recreate the youthful, zany energy of One Piece that we all adore!
The success of a store lies in making people buy things they absolutely don’t need. I confess, I fell prey to its sleekness. But it’s okay; I’m commemorating my emotional connection with Luffy and his crew. The icing on the cake was that I was given a free plastic bag with Eiichiro Oda’s drawing. You can rest assured that I will treasure it forever.
If you live where I do, you get reminded every day. There are still "public service" messages suggesting that we all consider wearing masks when we leave the house
that is how they are training people into being obedient workers...
I still listen to Carlin regularly! Everyone should.
Hard truth in his words
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he can't leave all those raccoons alone... 😂😂😂😂
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Luckily, I've noticed the return of the long dormant "fuck you, I'll do what I want" New York attitude. My brother in law is a teamster truck driver. I suggested we should all leave. He said, "fuck that, this is my home. It's time to fight." People are piseed off, and even the average person is starting to doubt the narrative.
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Day 240 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 40 push-up(s).
Horse Stance: 2 minutes 10 seconds
Have you ever broken 2:30 before?
No.. Started at 30s in oct/sep. Was 1m50s when i made this post here.
I'm finding the 2 min mark like a huge mental barrier. I tend to take a peek at the clock, when i see it close to 2 min and my breathing goes hay wire. However the pain starts to creep in only after 1:30. Only few weeks back it was all pain from 40s on.
Since you asked me, I WILL do 2:30 tomorrow.
does this grow your 🍑 or is this just an exercise in pain tolerance?
Isometric hold exercises are great for overall strength, stability, and muscular development.
20 days until we reach my personal prediction date.
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That was my guess, which I made shortly after starting the Daily Snail. Things sure are looking rosier these days.
I don't know what would even push us into that range in such a short time frame, though. Probably something completely nuts like Apple announcing that they're going to convert all their cash into BTC?
I will never sell my BTC back into cash, and honestly BTC hitting 1M isn't going to change my day to day life. I don't trade. And it's not like I'd quit my job or anything. But price (or "purchasing power", however you wanna define it) is important IMO. I find speculating on these things to be immensely fun, and I'm sure even the most hardened veteran enjoys waking up to the sight of a big green dildo piercing through Jerome Powell's crusty old heart.
Strong monday :) LFG!
Hi __@_'-' It's good you have you here so early.
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I'm gearing up to start mining Bitcoin in my new mining center. I'm hoping to make at least 1 Bitcoin per day.
This AI stuff is getting out of hand, that looks so good.
Sounds like a great way to induct my child into the BTC Standard!
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don't run nodes for other people?
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Actual... and a fact.
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