What truths do you impart? Your pill seems full of an old imperial language.
haha, it's English/legalese, straight copy/pasted from the dictionary. Go look at your name how is written in all your documents and compare it to the post
my name "is written in all [my] documents" the way the person who typed my name typed it, formatted in the way the software the designs the document chooses to display it.
What do you want me to do with this comparison of the way my name appears on various documents?
i'm not gonna connect the dots for you
"the living wo/man, is not under any "jurisdiction" but is above all." -@DarthCoin
I agree with @DarthCoin, and therefore keep wondering why it matters, those documents. The documents have no authority over me because I am under no jurisdiction.
And how you will prove it if you don't even know how to write correctly your name? Do you know how to rebut any claim on you, if a document have your name written in CAPITALS? Because if you do not rebut it, they still have jurisdiction over you. Please read and pay attention, this entire website, are many sections. https://livingintheprivate.blogspot.com/
This is serious stuff.
This is crucial! Responsability means ability to respond. There's no freedom without it. Njet, nada
they still have jurisdiction over you.
They never have jurisdiction over me. They only have violence.
Don't be a fool. They've always have jurisdiction over you if you never rebut it correctly. Study more.
au contraire, they never have jurisdiction over me, no matter what I do or do not say.
Please go and try to change some of those documents (that are NOT yours, are gov documents btw) and tell them to write them properly without CAPITAL letters.
They will come with million of useless excuses not to do it. And that should the your alarm.
Those will be YOUR documents when YOU will create them, you will be the AUTHOR, not the bearer.
If you really want to know more, then start learning about WHO you really are - a full playlist explaining in details.
But @DarthCoin I'm an anarchist, why do those documents and what they say on them matter?
being an anarchist doesn't mean you know all the truth. And for an anarchist those documents matter even 100x time more than for a normie shitizen. Anarchists are pissing around still being under the State, not looking for the real matter: sovereignty. True individual sovereignty.
An anarchist only is fighting the gov but with no end... A sovereign individual is pissing on ANY gov, because that means to be sovereign.
Please read my article and study ALL the links posted inside https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/natural-law-and-bitcoin
Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition, 1968.
I see the source but not the purpose. For what purpose would a person read this dictionary? What use does it have for you?
Knowledge is power. If you have knowledge nobody can manipulate you and lie to you, because you know the truth.
Black's Law dictionary is a collection of case law definitions. contains the law as the judges have interpreted it in courts cases. it's the dictionary that is used in courts
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