Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
well what if there was a daily thread in each territory or should i just create a new thread with my random thoughts kek or maybe i just keep them to myself :) for everyones sake
Caught while sunbathing at upstair's window:
@DarthCoin, do you have a post about the following quote:
I am really intrigued by this quote, would love to read more about this :)
Yes, is based on one of my old memes.
Many shitcoiners hate me because of my toxicity and rejecting any other form, coin, whatever crap.
Because as in the meme said, for more you know about Bitcoin, more toxic you became. I studied Bitcoin more than 10 years now, I tested, used, collaborate, all kind of apps. The only part I couldn't cover is coding. I have zero coding skills. I can understand some parts, but I never wrote code. And is quite late for me to start learning this now. My mission is to help noobs to use the best solution for each one of them and give them the most objective perspective over the vast number of solutions we have now.
To conclude: my toxicity comes from all this learning and seeing more clearly the Bitcoin perspective. Many people are talking shit, without having any drain of knowledge, just fort talking. All these years I learn some important lessons:
  • never talk about something if you are not comfortable with or you know at least a good base of information about that thing. Better STFU and listen what other says.
  • talk about a thing, ONLY if you know it better and being able to give more details.
  • be honest. Mistakes are human, but lying is not good. If you do not know enough, is OK to say, "sorry, I don't know any further details". Don't lie to yourself.
  • be honest whatever others will say or if will hurt their feelings. Is their problem not yours because YOU are honest, clear and say out loud things. If somebody feels hurt by my words that means I was right and my truth hurts them.
be honest whatever others will say or if will hurt their feelings. Is their problem not yours because YOU are honest, clear and say out loud things.
if not being honest so to avoid hurting others' feelings then it would end up hurting myself, I don't want to keep thinking about the same thing or need to remember something extra (the lies), being honest is the best for everyone in the long term.
TOXICITY is brutal honesty 👀
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Someone sent me a sat with a message attached but didn't say who they are so I can't reply.
level of success reached: @k00b receives so many DMs but can't even reply because people don't realize there is no information attached such that he can reply
@WeAreAllSatoshi, can you edit your comments? Going to really look into this right now
i guess the race is on between @k00b and me, lol :)
If you can fix it I’ll ship it
Shipping a fix now. If it's my code I'll probably always beat you.
edit: does it edit?
edit 2: it does
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I’ve done this a few times. Fortunately the context of the message has typically been sufficiently identifying
The only context I have is that they founded a territory
Well that really narrows it down /s haha
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Forgot about that. Just nabbed it
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The Record of Live Birth is used to issue a Birth Certificate Bond, certifying that a property “Title” is registered as a Security. It is like a Warehouse Receipt for the baby, the delivered goods. [WAREHOUSE RECEIPT. A warehouse receipt, which is considered a document of title, may be a negotiable instrument used for financing with inventory as security. - Black's Law Dictionary, 7th Edition]. At the same time, your “given name” and family name have been registered as a tradename. Only corporations have a “last name”. An artificial legal “person” has been issued by the State as a franchise child of the parent corporation.
The Bond is sold to the World Bank (Bank for International Settlements, created in 1931 by the Vatican) as Settlor of the Trust. Your value to society is calculated using actuarial tables. Your Bond becomes a registered Security, which the Treasury uses as Surety for Treasury securities such as Treasury Bonds, Notes and Bills.
So you have been monetized. The people truly are the “Credit of the Nation”. However, in the corrupted system, the people's credit is effectively “human capital”, or “livestock”.
So we’re rehypothecated digits. Quite a revelation.
I assume that means that the courts, hospitals and schools are basically banks under this scenario. Too much for my pea-sized brain to comprehend all the implications right now.
I assume that means that the courts, hospitals and schools are basically banks under this scenario.
pretty much, and much to explore 👀
haha, we redpilled Natalia so now she will wake up all the sheeps
this is dangerous for our democracy...
indeed, now I see why the gov feel so entitled to tax everyone.
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Will I ever see the world the same way from tomorrow? 🙈
most likely not, because you will see the real world!
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so that more toxicity for onions.
Im sick and about to die. No energy to stand or eat.
feel the force! get some sleep, you will be fine 💪🏽🧅
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What and how can I get a job where no one misses you for 'n' hours? Spill the beans, sff.
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Slept all day almost 30 hours straight
but can still keep the hat:)!
Probably just a cold... 🤧🤒
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No one at work even noticed i was gone, that's how useless my job is 🥲
You sure it's because how useless your job is, not how useless the person doing the job is?
lol, sorry, that was a way too good setup, lol :)
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when something served the purpose, it can be gone 🫡
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deleting posts is the new black, lol :)
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Starting the season of Christmas parties. Time to gift Bitcoin.
yay! just paid my Airbnb host in Bitcoin with Blink ⚡️
nice, p2p transaction?
ofc! do you remember that I ask in the saloon a few days ago?
now I can come back anytime and pay in sats 😎😎😎
was talking about how stupid need to have permission to do Airbnb - me talking with you or staying at your house that's something private, and if I pay you in Bitcoin or any currency, that's between us, no one need to know anything.
Some Airbnb hosts in Turkey stopped accepting guests from January because they was told they need to have a license, so I guess many would delisted their home from Jan.
well said... nobody have to be involved into a private contract.
need to apply for a license and pay 20% tax from next year for the hosts, and those costs will come to the guests...
the only thing Airbnb meant to do was to connect, and then it ended up being a tool to control.
And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, ‘Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.’ And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Revelation 18: 1-5
try to read it like a lawyer ;) hint hint
Saw a showcase of puppet shows last night. One was a stripper puppet which was pretty hilarious (done by the guy who does the skeleton puppet show in Chef).
did all the puppets have jobs
no most were just dead weight and couldn't lift a finger by themselves
shared a post about adding to the bitcoin space from my perspective as a woman. please let it rip in the comments, I'm ready
One of my favorite movies...
great movie!
Civilization will be at its peak when movies this good come out every week.
not a chance! We are going on the other side... having worse and worse movies. And is not about piracy, lack of money etc... is about that the movies industry do not want us to be smart...
Wise words from George Carlin...
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Good morning gang!! Sunday funday is here, how is everyone relaxing today?? Almost noon here so it has been a sleepy morning but recharging quite good, french toast and some hot java is in order, then perhaps hit the beach or the pool, depending on the missus, last week and off to the Christmas holidays, let's do this!!! One last push for the year, it has been a great school year so far, let's see how the rest of the year is, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there, for now, it's Carpe Diem, seize the moment, I wish you all an incredible Sunday, may it be filled with love, prosperity and abundance. Enjoy your day my good friend, remember that you are worthy, important and everything you are doing matters. Thank you for being, be well and stay frosty!
because you didn't shame them into using it, lol :)
What is special about Turkish coffee?
*The thinnest grounded coffee. *It is cooked in charcoal embers. *A copper coffee pot is used. *With a spoon, the foam is taken into the cup. *And before putting it in the cup, it is boiled again.
And people usually serve Turkish coffee with a glass of water whenever guests come; if the guest chooses coffee first, it means he/she is not hungry; if chooses water first, it tells that he/she is hungry, details details details:)!
Yes, it might be true. But the main reason is that coffee has a feature that removes water from the body. For this reason, water is served with coffee. 😉
Do you know why Vlad The Impaler, flew from Otoman palace? ... Because the coffee was so damn good. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I don't think the Impaler Voivode escaped. When our janissaries saw him, they fled. 😁
or maybe after listening to Mehter!
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I don't know how accurate their predictions are, but there are websites that provide services for this job. After drinking the coffee, turn the cup upside down, wait and take a picture of it, send it to them. 😂☕
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am I the only one who doesn't like to make plans?
I like things to flow naturally, for example, I rarely buy return tickets, setting the return day in advanced takes away the feeling of adventuring, what if I discover something hidden or meet someone really cool on the last day? do I really need to say goodbye because of the "plan"? no way, so I tend to make "plans" that enable me to be maxi flexible.
my favorite days are when I have no plans, and it's the only way I vacation. Just show up to a new place and leisurely discover it
yes, free mind and free time, that's how most magic happens:)
I was like that when I was much younger. The same older I get the more I need to plan for travel. As a young guy I drove across the United States without a plan or even a change of clothing. Now I get anxious if I don't plan even the shortest journey in detail. Part of it is having to consider my family's feelings, but it would probably be the same if I was single.
a reckless siggy!
enable me to be maxi flexible.
very interesting concept....
in a sense it's freedom maxi.
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sometimes you can make plans, and let the world adapt to you, than you to the world
indeed, sometimes I feel like people are"taking advantage" of my flexibility, so I need to compromise a bit more.
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yes, or simply being honest and say things out loud 😂
saying things out loud could have consequences... see my haters 😂😂😂 that cannot grasp my words and warnings.
but there are still people who appreciate honesty:)
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I can't be the only person who benefits from a commitment device.
If there's any activity you want to do more regularly, check out @POTUS's Daily Accountability Offer.
Time to up your game, cowboys.
Yesterday, I was #1 in comment zapping and #4 in post zapping.
Be the change.
I tried that hard too. Is really hard to keep a balance in how much good content you provide and how much zaps you do.
Example: I was trying to be quite for few days, not commenting, not posting, just zapping those good content. It worked for some time. But then somebody is calling you and you have to comment something, you are literally forced. You can't ignore SN calls LOL
Then they zap your comment, even if is a normal answer that should not have any zap. All your work building a good amount of zaps is gone.
Don't take me wrong, I zap too, but I try to be more cautious with the amount, with number of zaps etc. Sometimes you zap the wrong thing and there's no way back.
'Tis better to send some false positives into the world than false negatives.
I'm pretty sure I'm not talking about you anyway. I'd be surprised if you weren't doing your share.
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NOOOOO please do not do that, zapping random of my comments! Zap only the ones that deserve it!
Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it.
hmmmm wise words. I will try to make a meme from this.
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I've tried appealing to their rational self interest, but they seem to have none, so now I'm going to try public shaming.
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Indeed. I assume you lot have no shame either, but I won't give up on you.
@k00b is it SN prepared to migrate towards msats zaps?
Soon after the next halving, people will think twice about zapping too many sats, so a msats zap will be appropriate.
this Darth oracle is hated by @ekzyis 😂😂😂😂
is it SN prepared to migrate towards msats zaps?
Yes, we store everything as msats already :)
Soon after the next halving, people will think twice about zapping too many sats, so a msats zap will be appropriate. this Darth oracle is hated by @ekzyis 😂😂😂😂
Nah, I think this is a good prediction :)
Nah, I think this is a good prediction :)
LOL you agreed with Darth oracle 😂😂😂😂
Yes, did I ever say you're bad at predicting stuff? If so, I am sorry, I didn't mean to :)
I thought we just disagreed on putting sats on predictions :)
Do you know why I do not put sats on my predictions? Because I do not want to take all the sats from other people. I feel some kind of fooling them. And I do not want that.
Most of the time I am really scared of my own "predictions" because when something came into my mind, is because is linked to many other things I saved in the past into my mind-harddrive and that means is a certainty.
some predictions are really scary and I am trying hard to not put them in writing
Is there a place where your predictions are collected? I've seen you allude to them a number of times but can't recall seeing predictions that are concrete enough to be definitively be proven right or wrong.
it is wrong all along with these predictions, no matter where are made or stored. Why?
Because people are dumb and do not want to use their own brain and usually are just following predictions, bets etc to make their own gambling market.
And that's how people got rekt.
Live your life randomly, don't try to look for patterns and predictions.
LOL no! please do not collect them... are terrible and I am afraid when are true. Better let's forget about this. I want a better world...
Better let's forget about this.
lmao :)
some predictions are really scary and I am trying hard to not put them in writing
Those are the ones I am most interested in :)
fucking hell! are these 7777 msats from the future?
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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 FUCK THE CLONES!
Having Lightning as the only login method, is it possible to change the lightning login here in SN, to another wallet address? or add multiple Lightning addresses from different wallets as a security measure?
Yes. First you need to use another login method, so you would not have to lose your account. Use nostr for example. Works perfect with nos2x browser extension or Alby. Then once you are login with nostr, unlink your old LN-auth wallet and link it again with a new LN-auth from another wallet. Done.
I would always suggest to have at least 2 types of login methods linked.
Thanks. This is what I suspected and I didn't want to click the unlink lightning without having another method active. I'll try the nostr. Good idea to have different methods too.
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noooo, that is too hard. Instead users find very easily to save 28 words for their iShit devices...
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Moving mighty slow this morning. Went to see Napoleon last night. What's going on in Hollywood lately with these 3 hour movies?
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The guy who sold the Gretzky card?
I heard the same thing. I went because my wife is a huge Joaquin Phoenix fan. It wasn't as bad as I expected. I guess it's good going in with low expectations. Too much of the whole Josephine love story. It was fairly historically accurate. After a lifetime of watching battle scenes, they can get boring. Very little explanation of his rise to power and fame.
I've always been surprised that the French Revolution is not all over the btc mythos. Although I guess it's more nuanced than many people can tolerate, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.
Do you have any good recommendations for learning about the French Revolution? I know the basics, but I would like to go deeper.
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Fukuoka is famous for its mentaiko—a spicy cod roe delicacy. For those of you wishing to buy some as souvenirs, sifting through the numerous options in the food hall can be overwhelming. But since I enjoy a kick to my taste buds, the decision was easy: mentaiko laced with wasabi!
Indulge yourself in this culinary delight by generously topping your rice with it. Just as spring onions pair nicely with the mentaiko, the spicy wasabi harmonizes with the umami-boosting cod roe. It's a feast for the palate as much as it is for the eyes. Revel in its lip-smacking savory taste. Your discerning taste buds will thank you for delighting them with such nuanced flavors.
Do we have some food-related sub? It would be cool to collect various regional foods by places stackers know about. Maybe ~earth? I liked @Lederhosen's post about white sausages.
all for a good food focused sub but if you feel it ties more into the culture you're surrounded in then ~earth would love to hear about it!!
You are so welcoming xP
Glad you liked it :)
Let's drive government out of our money and our lives so we may truly aspire to Liberty and happiness.
Oh, and stack sats & stay humble.
And give some examples how to achieve that, please.
Thanks for the opportunity, @DarthCoin.
  1. Exit the Federal Reserve system to the level one can. Saving in Bitcoin is a start. Earning and existing on Bitcoin is the goal. Individually at first, but binging family and communities along is how we take the system from the roots level.
  2. Trade with individuals more and corporations less. And remember, the United States of America is the largest corporation. A peer-to-peer electronic cash system was designed for a peer-to-peer economy. A real economy. Not the fiat floated, fat and bloated usurious system. Start the transition, but radical change is helpful to the cause. Tired of seeing your local shops close, stop shopping at on ground and online big boxes.
  3. Everything, including the above extends from personal responsibility. Tired of politics, get in it to change it or stop playing their game. But stop with the tribalism. It is part of their game. Left-wing or right-wing, it is all the same damned bird. Don't join it. Let's cook that MFer!
Have been thinking more and more about this since joining SN and learning from others here:
Wow, probably 90% of my day to day actions are reinforcing the world Im trying to move on from with bitcoin. Makes me think more about these things you shared here, and how else I can stop reinforcing the system.
binging family and communities along is how we take the system from the roots level.
Start the transition, but radical change is helpful to the cause.
wise words.
Tired of politics, get in it to change it or stop playing their game.
You are seeing the truth. Wise man.
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Stacked enough? What is this creature?
I thought spending (using the currency) was obvious in drive government out of money phrase but, yes, we must transact, not in fiat.
we must transact, not in fiat.
indeed. transacting leads to trade. trade leads to commerce. commerce leads to profit. profit leads to prosperity. prosperity leads to freedom. freedom leads to responsibility. responsibility leads to respect.
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the profit is just a transitory stage
wise words, indeed....
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sorry, I can't make a spoiler for you :)
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we can spoiler each others in PM over LN :)
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Out on the perilous deep, where danger silently creeps, and storm's so violently sweeping, You're drifting too far from shore
I encourage everybody to participate in my recent POLL.
Important topic:
You should join the daily snailpost and nofap for 100 days.
funny but still with privacy to vote!
Day 239 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 39 push-up(s).
Horse Stance: 2 minutes
orth this is prob a late question to ask, but what happens once btc hits 100k, snail posting to $1M??
Although I prefer framing the target as 1 sat = 1 cent
sat cent parity ser 🫡 pardon me for using the dirty fiat symbol pls!
I'm in, if you are @orthwyrm.
Strong snail :), that house need an upgrade for the muscles:
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Hmm I suppose so. The first 20-30 feel easier. Then it starts to grind.
I am currently busting these out in 2-3 sets within ~5 mins. I can always space them out across the day if need be.
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2 days on the trot!!
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Like lightning ;)
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My condolences 😜
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Hello, I have been needing to check out this website. Been listening to the summary podcast so checking how the site actually works.
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since territories, founders can change the fee at any time:
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edited after being seen
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also is a good opportunity to teach inmates about the natural law and their natural rights... Is really fun to see how their eyes start sparkling and start seeing THE REAL WORLD.
most of the well known people in the freedom movement started to research after being jailed or prosecuted injustly. you reminded me for eg of Bibi Bacchus, she learned all in jail and got herself free.
And Dean Clifford that was jailed exactly to not be able to talk anymore in public and then they released him from jail because he was talking too much with the inmates... LOL
yes, Chad Legend. Christopher Houser the same, he was redpilling the prisoners and guards and helping them with paperwork and they kikcked him out of jail
maybe there is good therapy in prison, lol :)