Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Paranoia is a convenient mental disorder that governments can use to censor stuff without censoring stuff. People censor themselves, lol :)
Just like Coinbase or other companies trying to front running regulations:
Look at us, we are so regulated, we enforce rules we don't even need to!
... you might be but you also just might be paranoid, lol :)

Guess I am using the saloon as my notes for the post titled "Anonymity, Privacy and Paranoia" that I wanted to write for someone on here now, lol :)
It’s definitely a thing. Can’t wait to read
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Just posting here to let everyone know I finally took the time (at least some, lol...) to answer a common question people have about PMs:
Tried the new Pupusa food truck at work... not sure if I was overhyped by bitcoiner fanaticism over El Salvador or if this particular truck isn't very good but I was a a bit underwhelmed...
fomo'd into founding ~chess ~polls ~education Loving it so far. Be sure to stop by and say hey!
Yes, can’t stop won’t stop! It’s a movement!
it’s cool to see that 4 of the top 21 posts from this week are already coming from user generated territories
~earth, ~privacy, and ~oracle are responsible for those 4 posts.
ya wonder what it will look like 6 months from now, lots of interesting content
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lol that would be funny 🤣
Well, I publicly admitted owning a couple Ledger devices. I haven't used them in a long time. No bitcoin on them. They sit in a drawer but it kinda felt like confession time... lol.
I learned several lessons because I bought these devices. I've learned many lessons the hard way in my life and really this one is pretty small impact. So far at least.
is the reward got delayed or changing timezone again 🧐
@k00b just did it manually, it occasionally needs a kick for some reason
This time we timedout waiting for a db connection from connection pool. Earn needs retry logic but it'll need to be refactored to be either atomic or idempotent.
Using my chance to own my mistakes and publicly apologize
Trying to keep this short but still sincere :)
All of this was me, not @nemo, if that wasn't clear. I actually don't know what I was thinking anymore, if anything at all, lol :)
I just know that @DarthCoin manner of "knowing it all again" triggered me and I thought too much of myself in that moment by thinking I have to teach him a lesson, lol
Didn't realize that @nemo's reputation was collateral damage.
I'll also try to stop imitating @nemo's writing style to such an extreme degree. At first, it was just a little and natural. Like you just pick up some idiosyncrasies from the people you interact with regularly by accident. Then I thought: "Why not go all the way? I miss @nemo so much, I might just try to become him to keep his legacy alive, lol."
Anyway, I'll keep it at this. More or less obvious, there's a lot more that I could share (about myself) but I chose not to :)
Oh and @DarthCoin, sorry not sorry, you know why, lol :) True love-hate relationship :)
hahahaha nice try to fool me! All good man.
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Welcome back. : )
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I miss @nemo so much, I might just try to become him to keep his legacy alive, lol."
no, @ekzyis is funny too 👀
btw, also using my chance to tell people that I can be mean if I want to, I just choose not to most of the times, lol :)
Another fun weekend! Embrace the time everyone! It’s our most valuable asset, and bitcoin harnesses it perfectly!
We are starting our family Christmas parties, so it should be a good one!
pouring one out for @k00b & team this weekend for the deluge of territories' confusion as they continue grinding work out for us
Good problems to have though. SN is a feedback machine!
Thanks lol so true.
@Natalia i have already broken the weekend off rule 😭
I first posted this to the Bitcoin Education discord:
Morning y'all! I wanted to give a few updates on some of what's been going on in my bitcoin life lately. I continue hosting Bitcoin Brunch in Miami, where we chug our way towards 150 events. Through Bitcoin Brunch, and some of the other local meetups, I joined the founding cohort of a Bitcoin community accelerator / hacker space in Miami called Bitcoin Grove. Due to our collected efforts, Miam now has one casual and one practical bitcoin meetup every week, and we're going to be adding more. Tomorrow after Brunch, my friend Jae and I will launch our Bitcoin for Beginners class to a group of invited friends. We're going to pilot our presentation for a few months, and then hold a monthly, ticketed introductory bitcoin class which anyone could attend. Next Saturday, we're going to visit a special agricultural park about an hour and a half away from Bitcoin Grove, to try to connect with a few bitcoiners who live over there, and try to encourage them to build their bitcoin community, and take advantage of our resources and knowledge to help them. Another effort I've told you about before is the Bitcoin Vortex, of which we just had another at the end of October. It went really well. As usual I met new bitcoiners, and several came from out of town to hang out with us. Our next Vortex will be in February, and I invite anyone who is available and would like to go on a bitcoin vacation to come over to Miami for about a week of pure bitcoin goodness, all of it either free to attend or price set near cost. Finally, I am in the preparation stages of starting a non-profit organization dedicated to bitcoin education and community support
showing post fee now 👀 gonna be fun - founders want more people to come and post, but then they need to come up with creative solutions to break the cost even or potentially earn profit:)
it's quite an art to be mastered
  • too high fees, fewer people come and post;
  • too litter fees, maybe hard to break even.
Interested to see what other monetization plans k00b has in store. Im just having fun with it! Not sure how i feel about the image lol, went for something nostalgic
lol, windows xp, good old times :)
Halley's Comet reached Aphelion yesterday and will begin it's 38 year journey back to earth.
What will be happening with Bitcoin in 2061?
Day 238 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 38 push-up(s).
I want to be like __@_'-' when I grow up.
Horse Stance: 1 minute 44 seconds..
(Did too many squats yesterday, after long time)
, ,--, \ _ ___/ /\| ( )__, ) l/_ '--, \ ` / '
@nemo talks to me from across the void. He's still with us, pumping out push-ups every single day.
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Trapped in the dentist’s right now most likely
My bank has a "major outage" today it seems. Big name one, too.
Give us the first 3 letters please
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ChaseUK, here's their current status:
Pretty funny considering Dimon's recent remarks on Bitcoin having no use case.
Thanks. BNP Paribas is blocking me from getting cash every 3 months...
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All good thus far. These past few days I've been traveling which has messed up my routine a little. Looking forward to normality.
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Those winter mornings rain like sheets of lead, hidden tears of stolen lives
tears of stolen lives
I like that
Howdy y'all!!! The weekend has finally arrived, my last weekend before I start the holiday vacations from work, it's one more week for me before I get some rest, last week went between fast and busy to slow and lazy. Hope your week was productive and fruitful. Use this weekend to recharge and strategize for next week, use the same strategy if you had a great last week, if not check were it needs tweaking. Then give yourself a nice treat, perhaps a beer some tunes and no chores. Maybe a glass of wine and some cured ham with a delightful convo. The world is your oyster my friend. You're awesome and you know it, I believe in you and I believe in your capabilities, you've got this my friend. Have a wonderful Saturday and may it be filled with relaxation and happiness. Be well and stay frosty.
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Good afternoon cowboys. Are you're ducks in a row?
Inside the museums, Infinity goes up on trial Voices echo this is what salvation must be like after a while But Mona Lisa musta had the highway blues You can tell by the way she smiles
7 Eleven may be a humble convenience store in Japan, but it doesn't mean culinary innovations don't happen there. In a delightful case of East meets West, matcha is paired with truffle, yielding an interesting interplay of tastes and textures. Take a deep breath to savor the aroma of matcha and sink into the sweet comfort of the full-bodied truffle chocolates. It's just the extra oomph to add to your vacation.
Sounds great. But could it beat my son's 7Eleven favorite - Melon Bread!
A bit retro I know, but he likes it so much we're getting some of it for Christmas.
Great choice. Melons in Japan are fresh and oishii!
I wrote it wrong - it's Melon Pan.
An old favorite since the 80s. Ask your wife or in-laws. You'll find it in the cake section of 7eleven.
How are you getting melon pan in your part of the world for Christmas?
The moon and Venus are putting on quite a show in this morning's sky.
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In a world full of options, identifying what you want the most might be the hardest part - too many options are distracting.
Ya decision paralysis is real. That’s why deliberately living a minimalist lifestyle is necessary for us to be authentic to what we truly want
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Congrats on the cowboy hat. May it last long
Can hear a pin drop
You can connect me to another Stacker n make some noise xP
I guess I was just first.
Close mate but no banana ;) I just happened to be in the right place at the right time today.
So was it you who dropped that pin?
Better dropping it that sitting on it or having it fall into your boot.
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idk if I agree as you get older for me I try to be same person all the time even at home, I talk and treat people different but always try to extend some sort of grace and respect, my faith has helped me get here, cause It wasn’t there 6 months ago even, as time moves on you should be getting better all the time like the Beatles said, this extends online as well, pow social zaps incentivize this
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yes I agree with all these points minus the one
“you might not tell your banker all about how much you love doing x or y either”
why not? your both humans living on this planet, why not bring some light to his day?
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Welcome back to the goldfish bowl. 100% agree, but it’s sometimes too difficult for the average Joe to segregate their thoughts.
This is why I believe we will need our own A.I to help us manage and separate our differing identities when posting online. There’s too much cognitive load to retain what has been posted by each identifier previously, and to not compromise or link other ‘interests’. Might explore this further in coming week.
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So true!!!
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I am color blind do for me it doesn't matter which colour I have only my surrounding watch me in my clown fiesta walks of shame. I am legend of non-fitting shades of everything.
It's sooo me :)
yes I used to prefer black color! but now I'm a bit more extreme - I don't buy clothes anymore, I made my own:)
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I don't have the tailoring skill myself yet, but here is what I do:
  1. Knowing what you want - gather inspiration or draw them
  2. Finding natural fabric
  • for summer: cotton, silk, muslin
  • for winter: wool or cashmere
  1. Searching 1-2 skilled and reasonably priced tailor, but you need do small things to test their skills and taste first
I even sat there to watch how the tailor made the clothes, and it turned out it's a skill so learnable : measure - cut - sew - adjust 👀
But the whole thing was quite time consuming at first, but then you can make everything you want once you test a few times, real freedom:)
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oh yes! also learning how to tell which fabric is natural (and good for what) 👀 this is really important - seeing what's really inside instead of the outside brands/looks.
now I'm onto figuring out how to find the natural dyeing fabric, trying to limit chemicals in my life:)
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onion skins
dyeing fabric? 👀
I think we are missing out on so much fun in figuring out how to get things down thanks to all the click-convenient buying junks.