I first posted this to the Bitcoin Education discord:
Morning y'all! I wanted to give a few updates on some of what's been going on in my bitcoin life lately. I continue hosting Bitcoin Brunch in Miami, where we chug our way towards 150 events. Through Bitcoin Brunch, and some of the other local meetups, I joined the founding cohort of a Bitcoin community accelerator / hacker space in Miami called Bitcoin Grove. Due to our collected efforts, Miam now has one casual and one practical bitcoin meetup every week, and we're going to be adding more. Tomorrow after Brunch, my friend Jae and I will launch our Bitcoin for Beginners class to a group of invited friends. We're going to pilot our presentation for a few months, and then hold a monthly, ticketed introductory bitcoin class which anyone could attend. Next Saturday, we're going to visit a special agricultural park about an hour and a half away from Bitcoin Grove, to try to connect with a few bitcoiners who live over there, and try to encourage them to build their bitcoin community, and take advantage of our resources and knowledge to help them. Another effort I've told you about before is the Bitcoin Vortex, of which we just had another at the end of October. It went really well. As usual I met new bitcoiners, and several came from out of town to hang out with us. Our next Vortex will be in February, and I invite anyone who is available and would like to go on a bitcoin vacation to come over to Miami for about a week of pure bitcoin goodness, all of it either free to attend or price set near cost. Finally, I am in the preparation stages of starting a non-profit organization dedicated to bitcoin education and community support