Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Prediction market: will @ekzyis make this jump?
I think at some point someone will need to stop me with trying to see PMs everywhere, lol. I even was confused by a message where someone used PM for private message. I thought: "What do they mean, they get annoyed by PMs?"
will @ekzyis make this jump?
is this market manipulation? @ekzyis controls the act and make us think we have choice 😂😂😂
I was so focused on trying to make this jump that I didn't know I could manipulate to not make the jump, haha. So you guys basically had to bet against.
I was so scared, it took me literally (probably) more than 10 minutes to do it. I even wanted to test how deep the water is beforehand but realized there is a layer of ice on top.
Then I made a smaller jump a few meters to the right and then I jumped from the platform to the ground since the platform is a bit higher and it's less slippery.
Then I was wondering for some more minutes if I should take some run-up but what if I slip?
Then, even more minutes later, I "jumped". I realized I can literally just step over the water, lol
Comparing that with how I used to climb just a few years ago and I consistently asked myself: "Can I make this leap?" And then I tried the leap pretty quick since you just get more tired over time in the rope or hanging on the wall. And it wasn't even close, lol
My best experience during climbing was when I wasn't thinking so much. Literally just try and you might make it. If not, try again. Rinse, repeat.
Fuck yea, PWA notification badges are now showing up for me!
Not for me
iOS or Android? According to MDN, the Badge API only works on iOS browsers.
Major bummer
I did remove the PWA then reinstall it. Try that?
Wahey “Show full text” is merged. No more mindless scrolling & scrolling because of @davidw. Nice improvement that.
lol, you're quick. probably got a mail notification
FYI - Might not be rendering as expected in notifications view on mobile. Hiding last line or two, no matter the length @ekzyis
can you share a screenshot? or send me a very long reply so i can see it myself? lol
Aye, lookout hogshead bilge rat Sea Legs strike colors bilge water matey parrel crack Jennys tea cup. Furl Buccaneer salmagundi reef sails scuttle brigantine grog galleon strike colors driver. Warp bounty sutler lanyard league cable rum dance the hempen jig holystone splice the main brace.
Jury mast line Gold Road jib furl careen swing the lead Letter of Marque topgallant topsail. Fire ship Arr Plate Fleet overhaul lanyard piracy haul wind rutters bucko walk the plank. Piracy stern Brethren of the Coast code of conduct warp Pieces of Eight scurvy nipperkin Shiver me timbers black jack.
Pinnace Letter of Marque bilged on her anchor pillage trysail starboard rutters quarterdeck pressgang tackle. Crow's nest overhaul run a rig American Main squiffy fire ship topsail jolly boat jury mast plunder. Keel hornswaggle Spanish Main scallywag jack bring a spring upon her cable matey Chain Shot clipper sheet.
Shrouds bounty Sea Legs warp topsail quarterdeck doubloon Blimey bilge barque. Pirate Round tackle measured fer yer chains spanker hardtack Admiral of the Black dance the hempen jig main sheet mutiny ho. Squiffy crack Jennys tea cup man-of-war heave to yawl wherry jury mast main sheet sheet long boat.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Written in Scottish, courtesy of Pirate Ipsum.
News travels fast via @birdeye21 pigeon 🐦
that moment when you hate your landlord so much and you know that they can't kick you out if you didn't pay the rent for one month (they have to remind you first that you didn't pay and can only kick you out if you're behind one full rent of a month and a single cent), that you're planning to make your payments so irregular that they never know when i will still pay my rent and when they have to send me a reminder now
btw, they didn't notice for 6 months that i didn't pay my rent for one month. was just a mistake on my side of course :)
lol maybe you should, you've been here since at least February :)
But maybe some off time in between
I'm destroying my own joke
Lol, yes I've been on and off, but only recently I got my first hat and I really wanna keep it!
lol relatable
I'm kind of annoyed about merchants that still only accept onchain.
I feel like a lot of places that aren't in the Bitcoin community and onboarded "back then" didn't make the jump to Lightning.
In general it's fine to pay onchain fees but 35k sats fee are steeep.
That moment when you realize that you've been preaching "consistency is key" without realizing that inconsistency is one of your own own biggest problems. Inconsistent sleep, inconsistent desire for social interactions, inconsistent output at SN.
Maybe that's why I'm preaching it. I know how much it sucks, lol
Sometimes I wish for the "perfect loop" like Elliot in Mr. Robot. Without having to go to prison, lol
it's fine to take a break from everything sometimes, do what you enjoy the most and find your own rhythm - we are not robots 🤖
what if I have found my own rhythm but it just sucks? lol
then maybe need to understand what's the root cause of feeling sucks? 👀
For example, I noticed I would wake up really late if feeling unmotivated or unhappy, and naturally wake up early at about the same time when I'm feeling peaceful and happy.
ohh, right, it's important to analyze the causes of your problems! :)
I just tried to be a bit cheeky since your response sounded too "soothing", haha
And motivation does indeed play a big role regarding my sleep. At least when it comes to getting out of bed. Sometimes, you just want to hide, you know?
A famous ASMRtist once mentioned in a Q&A when she was asked how does she motivate herself to do all these YT videos that she just wakes up like boom, I am awake and then she wants to get up and get stuff done. That really resonated with me and I want to thank her so much for being so authentic if I ever meet here (without making it awkward since she probably has a lot of fans and it might get annoying but that's a different story ...). There is no magic formula. You just do stuff until it becomes part of your life and then it becomes natural. I am not sure if I got this quote from her, too, but it sounds a lot like her:
How do you motivate yourself? You don't. You just do it.
Or as a meme:
I was definitely unhappy with my performance regarding social interactions, regarding the prediction market and regarding my performance at SN. @k00b was very understanding and shared some own stories which was nice and fun but I think I have pushed his patience with me far enough now, lol
Being unhappy was the reason why I wasn't motivated. But then you get caught in this negative feedback loop of being unhappy and thus not getting stuff done and then you're even less happy that you didn't get stuff done and so forth.
not lol but lol
Boy does this hit home!
thanks but what exactly, lol? :)
I don't remember!
I am awake and then she wants to get up and get stuff done.
that's how I feel lately, but then I also feel tired, moody and want to be alone sometimes, I guess that's part of the fun being a human instead of a robot haha.
I was definitely unhappy with my performance regarding social interactions, regarding the prediction market and regarding my performance at SN.
Most unhappiness created by our own mind, but then if you think about how lucky we are living in this time, and you have all these skills to build things that many people don't have, and being in SN surrounded by so many wise and humble stackers willing to help, like wow.
I dunno whether this would make you feel better, maybe can try cc the funny @nemo to light up @ekzyis's mood.
that's how I feel lately, but then I also feel tired, moody and want to be alone sometimes, I guess that's part of the fun being a human instead of a robot haha.
yes, i think so too, the human condition, can't have the good without the bad and so on
at least we can do some introspection and find interesting things about ourselves and what being a human means :)
how lucky we are living in this time, and you have all these skills to build things that many people don't have, and being in SN surrounded by so many wise and humble stackers willing to help, like wow.
you are right but you can also spin it to make it worse: i do feel very lucky and i do have these skills and I did get hired by a bitcoin company much faster than I ever anticipated (if at all) and I am surrounded by so many wise and humble stackers willing to help, like wow
and despite all of this, i feel bad, which makes you feel worse, lol ...
it's lol all the way down
I dunno whether this would make you feel better, maybe can try cc the funny @nemo to light up @ekzyis's mood.
@nemo is taking a break, we've been in contact :)
i'll just get some stuff done now. Want to reply to so many on SN but then I get new replies and then it's a lot of "distraction" again even though it's very fulfilling to interact with all of you :) ok, let's say most of you! lol
just went through my 100+ emails and found a notice that a SSL certificate was about to expire ... oof, that would have sucked
another thing i never did: setup automatic certificate renewal (or to be precise: set it up again)
One month must be the perfect period where people say "ahh, I am going to do it later, I still have plenty of time" and then they forget. Over and over again, lol
i do feel very lucky and i do have these skills and I did get hired by a bitcoin company much faster than I ever anticipated (if at all) and I am surrounded by so many wise and humble stackers willing to help, like wow and despite all of this, i feel bad, which makes you feel worse, lol ...
that's a sign for you that there are deeper root causes to dig, maybe try to spend more time in nature?
@nemo is taking a break, we've been in contact :)
tamam, will share more kedi when @nemo is back!
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Was listening to a16z and was surprised to see a non shit-coin crypto guest talking about Bitcoin and Lightning... featuring David Marcus of Lightspark. Had never heard of them before... are they legit?
Stop listening to shitcoiners! a16z - total shitcoinery lightspark - total shitcoinery
a16z - total shitcoinery
and a fancy marketing company under the name of VC.
I listen for their non-crypto non-shitcoinery topics. Which is why I was surprised to hear them talking about BTC and lightning. Their crypto fund is probably insolvent at this point but Andreessen is still a brilliant founder...
WHY are you wasting your time with that garbage, when are soooooo many thing to study and learn about Bitcoin and LN?
I really fucking do not understand why people do such stupid things?
You have no interests outside of Bitcoin?
I hate PMs... so easy to just talk.
Yikes, a tad late but had a busy morning, good Monday to everyone, a beautiful day indeed! Perfect to start the week strong and with purpose, I wanted to share something with you, a way to success (whether is financial, educational, business, fitness, etc) try to visualize it in your mind every morning, act like you're already successful, for example, try to imagine this scenario, you've got 10 million dollars and you put them in your account and they tell you that you have to wait 5 days to show, during those 5 days you will act like you already have it, you're already making a list on how your going to distribute it, your attitude changes, because you know it's coming, that's the same with anything. Act like it, plan what you're going to do with your success, feel the success. Keep doing this for at least 21 days so it will become a habit, and trust me, your life will change. It starts in your mind then it becomes a feeling then it becomes word from your mouth then it's a reality. Anyways, I wish you a phenomenal day, filled with success, profit and productivity. Keep on, keeping on. You're awesome and YOU know it!! Be well and stay frosty my friend.
LFG Stackers!
It's Monday!
Photo: @21JCLP
Had a great weekend up in the Midwest north woods! My boys chopped down some Christmas trees for their rooms. Back to my fiat job today… looking forward to an exciting week in three Bitcoin space!
Winter is coming: Cormorants are back, one of the migratory birds here.
Chilling in the water like it’s summer!
Yes, winter is their summer.😁
So @siggy47 didn't show up today... That means he start writing the fiction novel post... good
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Bitcoin Brunch yesterday was low turn-out but high energy as several of the regulars got into a heated debated about race and inclusion based off a post @Blackbitcoinmiami recently made. Quite entertaining. Here's hoping every has a great week! As things in my bitcoin community get more exciting I find myself less compelled by my FIAT mining gig and the levels of degradation it sometimes makes me feel. Something in my feels as though the Bitcoin for Beginners class my play an important role in helping me move on to the next phase of my life.
Missing the bear market already 🥲
If this sticks, it will be really interesting to see how it plays out on SN, given that 100% of my experience here has been the bear.
Which makes me wonder: was it around at the tail of the last bull? Not sure how long it's been here.
First item was created on 11 Jun 2021. Second item on the same day is about the "soft launch" (never heard of this term before but I like it!). Price at this day was around $37k.
So more like in the middle of the last bull
More milestones:
Lol. I say, good riddance to the bear market. It's way too depressing, just like the last one.
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watched Interstate 60 last night and wow, so deep, thanks @Lux
“Experience has conditioned you into thinking that all hearts are red and all spades are black because their shapes are similar. It's easier for your mind to interpret them based on that past experience instead of being open to the idea they could be different.”
“Some people say we have the frontier of the mind, and they go off and explore the wonderful world of alcohol and drugs, but that's no frontier. It's just another way for us to fool ourselves. And we've created this phony frontier with computers, which allows people to, you know, think they've escaped. A frontier with access fees?”
“We see what we expect to see, not necessarily what's really there.”
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I might watch it tonight if I'm not too tired. I see it has a great rating and its a Comedy/Adventure.
you won't regret it! it's so goood:)
My pleasure. not exactly the kind you asked for ;) I rewatched it yesterday so it kinda counts as we watched it together
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Excellent described, without making any spoiler! Indeed, the movie, is trying to describe natural law and contract law in its core, as I was praising for so long here on SN and everywhere.
natural law and contract law in its core
yes, so many details are really well put:
  • signing with blood
  • how someone putting up a sign would work for food
once accept the food, one should do the work, yet all that man want is food without working and that's breaking the contract.
Takeaway be aware of any contracts, especially the verbal ones - don't promise anything if you can't deliver, and always be CLEAR about the details.
Good to work, the Bitcoins do not appear in the wallet alone
The Notary is actually a Deputy Secretary of State and is more powerful than the Court Clerk! Public Notaries originate from the time of the Egyptian and Roman Scribes who were the purveyors of certified documents, which are sworn affidavits. Certified documents and sworn affidavits are truth in commerce. [e.g.] Birth Certificates are certified documents on bonded paper. The word bonded is derived from bondage as in slavery, which makes all of us Bond Slaves to whomever retains custody of our original Birth Certificates. I bet you believed that the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves and it did for a short time and then the Birth Certificate and the 14th Amendment enslaved us all!
Birth Certificate
I just learned or realized something new. I never really thought about when birth certificates were first introduced into society. In South Africa it was introduced by the Dutch East India Company in 1686. I guess birth certificates wasn't always a thing. Lol.
Today is the same thing, only the corporation name is REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. If you're from there you might be interested in or
I like seeing your daily posts - it's like relearning about the things we never even questioned or why they even exist.
Lux delivering daily red pills 😂😂😂
so i'm a dealer now
Lux - The Truth Dealer
lol, more like a Doorman, i open doors i can park you car also if you want
Lux - delivering daily dose of the Truth, and zap harder if you want to learn more:)!
Great resource!
Day 233 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 33 push-up(s).
Horse Stance: 2 minutes 4 seconds
Hollow body back, front and side, plus V stand, plus horse stance daily will transform you into a tank by not even moving. The power of stillness
Been doing planks. Hollow body seems harder. Will mix this up along with plank.
Thank you good ser!
You're already close, it's going for 42k, there's only 58k left.
42k.... lets go.
Early today. Welcome __@_'-'
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I like to think that the extra rep pushes BTC a further $1k each day.
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I’m still on the road
Headin’ for another joint
We always did feel the same
We just saw it from a different point of view
Tangled up in blue
Just remember not to put too much faith into Google Maps when traveling. Lol.
Good advice. I stick with Organic
It's impossible to tame this beast.
@GlobalThreat just looked at your site where the following is mentioned:
Realtime global threat assessment driven by AI
What kind of threats do you mean? Can you give some examples?
I am not sure what a global threat is. Pandemics? Aliens? Nuclear war? All of this and more?
Earning bitcoin at $41k does not feel great?
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Great collaboration lol
Lol. I’m not worthy…
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Ooo. I like this…