watched Interstate 60 last night and wow, so deep, thanks @Lux
“Experience has conditioned you into thinking that all hearts are red and all spades are black because their shapes are similar. It's easier for your mind to interpret them based on that past experience instead of being open to the idea they could be different.”
“Some people say we have the frontier of the mind, and they go off and explore the wonderful world of alcohol and drugs, but that's no frontier. It's just another way for us to fool ourselves. And we've created this phony frontier with computers, which allows people to, you know, think they've escaped. A frontier with access fees?”
“We see what we expect to see, not necessarily what's really there.”
My pleasure. not exactly the kind you asked for ;) I rewatched it yesterday so it kinda counts as we watched it together
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Excellent described, without making any spoiler! Indeed, the movie, is trying to describe natural law and contract law in its core, as I was praising for so long here on SN and everywhere.
natural law and contract law in its core
yes, so many details are really well put:
  • signing with blood
  • how someone putting up a sign would work for food
once accept the food, one should do the work, yet all that man want is food without working and that's breaking the contract.
Takeaway be aware of any contracts, especially the verbal ones - don't promise anything if you can't deliver, and always be CLEAR about the details.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I might watch it tonight if I'm not too tired. I see it has a great rating and its a Comedy/Adventure.
you won't regret it! it's so goood:)