Afternoon everyone. I hope everyone is well today. I'm feeling a bit under the weather. My throat is sore because of this shitty flu.
Hope you feel better soon
Thank you buddy. I'm feeling a bit better after a short nap. Hopefully I'll feel better by tomorrow.
throat is sore
Try mix ginger, lemon and honey with hot tea, it works great for me!
Also eat less and sleep more, your body would do the work for you.

I also caught a cold few days ago, all I did was drink hot tea with honey and sleep! tada, here is me being lively again.
Hi Natalia. Thank you very much for the remedy. I've tried this yours before but with a slight twist. I just woke up now from my afternoon nap and I'm feeling a bit better.
I honestly prefer these natural remedies over pharmaceuticals.
My unsolicited advice is to get some fresh air in the sun, in addition to drinking @Natalia's tea.
Thanks for the comment. Its a bit windy by us today but I do get some sun from the kitchen window.
That might help your mood, but glass absorbs the UV light that your skin needs to produce vitamin D.
Yeah. You're right. I had a feeling, sitting in the kitchen won't be the same at sitting outside in the sun. I'm just concerned with the wind. I have a feeling a will get worse if I sit in the wind.
Trust your instincts. If you think the wind will make you feel worse it probably will. Hopefully the weather will improve later on.
yes, fresh air and the sun ☀️ good mood helps too:)
Advice from my granma: a tea/infusion with rose-hips will always keep you healthy and prepared for winter, especially for throat/flu issues.
In november (northern emisphere) after the first icing go and collect them. Let them dry in the sun on a large superficie. Put 8-10 of them into a good cup of tea and let the infusion magic to settle. Drink every morning or before you go to bed a tea like that with some honey.
Mark my words: you will never get sick. The amount of Vitamin C that contain these is x higher than a lemon.
Also you could make marmalade and wine with them. Excellent desert!
Hi Darth. Thank you for the remedy. I just had to Google rose-hips because I've never heard of the fruit before. I'm not sure where I can buy it but I will keep an eye out for next time.
Remedy bookmarked. Thanks again my friend.
Man, are everywhere! On every side road are growing. I don't know where you live, but definitely these do not grow in cities 😂😂😂
Yes, you can buy also extracts and stuff like that but is not the same. I saw some tea bags on amazon I think, but not sure what they put inside. I always prefer to make my own remedies with my own hands with REAL plants not bought.
Just go out of cities on a walk and you will find them. Collect the ripe fruits, strong red, in november, when is cold. Collect and dry them in large quantity to have for the whole year. That wikipedia page is explaining where are located.
Where I live, in a rural area, I have shit tons of them. People just ignore them but for me are the ultimate remedy.
Lol. These definitely don't grow on the side roads in my community. I just found rose-hip oil on our Amazon equivalent online market. I prefer the natural fruit over processed oils so I will keep an eye out at the store when I go do some shopping this weekend.
these are exactly the things I would like to see more, the unscientific yet passed down by generations way of healing 😎
yes, people nowadays just jump into going to a so called doctor that only give them some shity pills.
We forget what is natural healing and using natural plants to boost our immunity.
I hate going to a doctor because they almost never help with the underlying issue. I always get prescribed pain tablets and what ever medicine is needed for the underlying issue.
Seeing doctors now is really different from seeing doctors back then, I used to use traditional Chinese medicine when I was a kid, and those doctors asked me many questions about what I eat or how I feel, listen to my pulse, see my tongue, etc.
I remember the last time I went to see a doctor, she barely checked anything, only me telling what symptoms I had 😂 and then here is the drugs you need, omg..
That's exactly my past and present experience with doctors. I stopped going to doctors and mainly rely on natural remedies and on my bodies natural healing abilities.
cc @hn @sn
could we have a natural health sub?
Yes because their main task is not to CURE you, but to keep you alive and willing to pay continuously. Practically a hidden scam. Most of the so called doctors are the prostitutes of phrama (the pimp).
Preach brother because you are absolutely correct. I remember a time when medical practitioners actually cared about their patients. Today, it's all about profits and selling as much poison as they can to their patients.
yes, so it is double paying for both scams, the insurance and medicine 😂
And there are tons of great books out there, I prefer to do the work myself and keep learning bit by bit rather than relying on others' mercy.
I ended my health insurance from this year, but dedicating some of my time to learning about natural healing.! I mean, isn't it a bit stupid paying for a well-designed program so to be able to access the "most advanced treatment" , especially now that we know most fiat doctors don't have the best interest of patients...
Many things to be learned, indeed.
health insurance
is a shitcoin
health insurance marriage real estate
the lists goes on...