throat is sore
Try mix ginger, lemon and honey with hot tea, it works great for me!
Also eat less and sleep more, your body would do the work for you.

I also caught a cold few days ago, all I did was drink hot tea with honey and sleep! tada, here is me being lively again.
Hi Natalia. Thank you very much for the remedy. I've tried this yours before but with a slight twist. I just woke up now from my afternoon nap and I'm feeling a bit better.
I honestly prefer these natural remedies over pharmaceuticals.
My unsolicited advice is to get some fresh air in the sun, in addition to drinking @Natalia's tea.
Thanks for the comment. Its a bit windy by us today but I do get some sun from the kitchen window.
That might help your mood, but glass absorbs the UV light that your skin needs to produce vitamin D.
Yeah. You're right. I had a feeling, sitting in the kitchen won't be the same at sitting outside in the sun. I'm just concerned with the wind. I have a feeling a will get worse if I sit in the wind.
Trust your instincts. If you think the wind will make you feel worse it probably will. Hopefully the weather will improve later on.
yes, fresh air and the sun ☀️ good mood helps too:)