I hate going to a doctor because they almost never help with the underlying issue. I always get prescribed pain tablets and what ever medicine is needed for the underlying issue.
Seeing doctors now is really different from seeing doctors back then, I used to use traditional Chinese medicine when I was a kid, and those doctors asked me many questions about what I eat or how I feel, listen to my pulse, see my tongue, etc.
I remember the last time I went to see a doctor, she barely checked anything, only me telling what symptoms I had 😂 and then here is the drugs you need, omg..
That's exactly my past and present experience with doctors. I stopped going to doctors and mainly rely on natural remedies and on my bodies natural healing abilities.
cc @hn @sn
could we have a natural health sub?
Yes because their main task is not to CURE you, but to keep you alive and willing to pay continuously. Practically a hidden scam. Most of the so called doctors are the prostitutes of phrama (the pimp).
Preach brother because you are absolutely correct. I remember a time when medical practitioners actually cared about their patients. Today, it's all about profits and selling as much poison as they can to their patients.
yes, so it is double paying for both scams, the insurance and medicine 😂
And there are tons of great books out there, I prefer to do the work myself and keep learning bit by bit rather than relying on others' mercy.