This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
There will be murder in the streets in the coming reccession, when people realize all the things they took for granted is no more. They will not rise to the occasion and work through it, thats not how they were raised. They will revert to very childish, barbaric behavior, its already here, it just hasnt been fully unleashed yet. I obviously dont know this for sure, but you should prepare for the worst as best you can just in case. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
On a side note you can look at bitcoin as a worm hole, its not possible to tell which part of the world will enjoy the most stability going forward, so you buy some Bitcoin, essentially entereing the wormhole, and then when the dust settles, where ever Bitcoin is accesible, thats where you come out of the wormhole. Does that make sense?
Last but not least, not advocating to put all ur eggs in one basket, not advocating for going all in on BTC, but what do i know.
Anyone else dance when they code? Maybe it's less "dancing" and more so jamming out.
I find it especially useful when my motivation is waning.
My neighbor has low volume music on all day, so I dance with my shoulders pretty often :)
When coding I jitter... but most of my day is spent in meetings, so there I'm doing a lot of handwaving when I talk :)
I think everyone who owns bitcoin should take the time to write down their own personal reason(s) for being a Bitcoiner.
Firstly, it’s good practice to be able to externalize your goals and reasons for doing anything; it helps optimize one’s life.
But it would also help to have these ideas clearly formed before talking to others about Bitcoin – whether you’re trying to orange pill someone or answering questions.
I’ve been guilty of throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, often just confusing people with my rantings.
So today I’m taking the time to sit down (with a clear mind) to write my reasons.
I will report back.
I'm hoping others see value in this and share their own.
(@ekzyis, @k00b, does tagging work on Stacker?)
Experience it yourself @satoshinaka069
Heh heh, yes! Thanks. I found the little bell icon. Somehow I missed that.
Tagging works
I will report back.
Please do
As we approach the end of the year I consider what to do for my bitcoin brunch essays. Assuming I have the right numbers, I've recited 47 columns/essays at Brunch, and one more makes 48. If I can manage to do one every week next year I'll have 100 essays/columns, At which point maybe I'll be ready for a formal formal publication? I've got a lot of editing to to!
Learning in university about binary exploitation which currently means buffer overflows with return address overwriting and injecting shell code. The course is designed like a CTF (capture the flag). Really exciting stuff! Today, I was even elected to present my solution to a bonus exercise.
Can recommend to anyone who has some computer knowledge to try out CTFs. Really makes you understand how computers work on a deep level. There are also different topics for challenges like web hacking etc.
I started out with picoCTF :)
What school? Seems like your teacher knows how teach. Most good teachers do activities like that, instead of just telling you to read something.
It's a practical course, not a lecture, so I guess that makes it possible to design it like a CTF and be less about pure theory.
I am a bit hesitant when it comes to publishing PII on the internet which can be linked back to me in real life but I guess I have to take my privacy guard down sometimes to be more open.
It's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology :)
Good day gang!!! Well coffee is being brewed here at school so I'm a tad grumpy since I couldn't have my Java at home, but it's starting to be a great day and of course it's payday so even more, I wish you all a phenomenal day and keep on keeping on!!
Make sure you stack some more sats with that paycheck