I think everyone who owns bitcoin should take the time to write down their own personal reason(s) for being a Bitcoiner.
Firstly, it’s good practice to be able to externalize your goals and reasons for doing anything; it helps optimize one’s life.
But it would also help to have these ideas clearly formed before talking to others about Bitcoin – whether you’re trying to orange pill someone or answering questions.
I’ve been guilty of throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, often just confusing people with my rantings.
So today I’m taking the time to sit down (with a clear mind) to write my reasons.
I will report back.
I'm hoping others see value in this and share their own.
(@ekzyis, @k00b, does tagging work on Stacker?)
Tagging works
Experience it yourself @satoshinaka069
Heh heh, yes! Thanks. I found the little bell icon. Somehow I missed that.
I will report back.
Please do