There will be murder in the streets in the coming reccession, when people realize all the things they took for granted is no more. They will not rise to the occasion and work through it, thats not how they were raised. They will revert to very childish, barbaric behavior, its already here, it just hasnt been fully unleashed yet. I obviously dont know this for sure, but you should prepare for the worst as best you can just in case. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
On a side note you can look at bitcoin as a worm hole, its not possible to tell which part of the world will enjoy the most stability going forward, so you buy some Bitcoin, essentially entereing the wormhole, and then when the dust settles, where ever Bitcoin is accesible, thats where you come out of the wormhole. Does that make sense?
Last but not least, not advocating to put all ur eggs in one basket, not advocating for going all in on BTC, but what do i know.