Learning in university about binary exploitation which currently means buffer overflows with return address overwriting and injecting shell code. The course is designed like a CTF (capture the flag). Really exciting stuff! Today, I was even elected to present my solution to a bonus exercise.
Can recommend to anyone who has some computer knowledge to try out CTFs. Really makes you understand how computers work on a deep level. There are also different topics for challenges like web hacking etc.
I started out with picoCTF :)
What school? Seems like your teacher knows how teach. Most good teachers do activities like that, instead of just telling you to read something.
It's a practical course, not a lecture, so I guess that makes it possible to design it like a CTF and be less about pure theory.
I am a bit hesitant when it comes to publishing PII on the internet which can be linked back to me in real life but I guess I have to take my privacy guard down sometimes to be more open.
It's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology :)