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Every year around this time I hear about some bill that would make DST permanent. I used to be hopeful that that bill would pass soon and we could quit the twice yearly madness of collectively offsetting our circadian rhythms by 1/24th of the time it takes the Earth to make a full rotation.. Fuck it, I've waited long enough. Last year, I became a UTC-8 household year round. During the winter when my neighbors are using standard time, my watch is in sync with everyone else's. When spring comes around and I step outside to do my commute, I've crossed a timezone border and I'm thinking in the local time, UTC-7. Trash gets picked up at 7AM UTC-7 during the spring, and 7AM UTC-8 during the winter? No problem, I bring the trash to the street at 5:30AM UTC-8 year round. That way there's always 30+ minutes buffer, and I didn't have to change my sleep schedule. #winning
There's an indiegogo project that solves this same problem using a magnet mount https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mag2-the-display-safe-magnetic-webcam-mount#/
ok, I've just added 'performance mode' to Hashteroids 👍 If you get the chance it would be great if you could see if that makes it playable? This new mode massively reduces the number of particles, removes the nebula effects, etc.
Oh cool! That makes Hashteroids playable for me, thank you! That's a really fun game! Just played two rounds. My only complaint was the shield sound effect-- I think it's way too loud.
I've been enjoying performance mode on ASIC Lander too. Still get lag spikes every now and again where it feels like I'm flying in slow motion, but it's a big improvement. Love easy mode and the gravity adjustment too.
Allow me to unload that question for you. They don't. Bitcoin is a road. Bad people and good people use roads. Roads are for everybody.
This is my first introduction to plebdevs. I would appreciate a URL. (yes I could google it, but how would I know I'm clicking the correct plebdevs?)
When I go to download (for the first time ever), Cloudflare gives me an error 1015. "You are being rate limited" :(
I love that you love it! Thanks! Hashteroids? Yeah I tried it but the framerate is too low to be enjoyable.
On ASIC lander, I think I get an advantage using a computer without a GPU-- I think the ship flies slower lol. I just beat my previous best. 3470 ZH/s!
It plays on older hardware without a GPU, I love it! Really fun and challenging. Love the projected flight path line, the Bitcoin/sci-fi lore. I'll be replaying again and going for a higher score. Thanks for the fun!
No, I think their major focus is to make life multiplanetary. Starlink is just how they are funding that goal.
Related post full of good meetup marketing info #210175
I'll be honest, I bought it intending to flip it. I do that sometimes with collectibles from creators that I want to support. Or sometimes it's with electronics I want to try, but can't really afford. A younger me would have held onto them, but now I prefer to own fewer things.
Not an ebay store, just a user.
Today I learned about District Heating. Very fascinating, thanks for the prompt!
The longest goverment shutdown in US history happened only 6 years ago. It can happen again, that's why.