🧡 Positive news only. 🧡
This territory was heavily inspired by the "Some Good News" YouTube show started by John Krasinski (Jim from "The Office") during quarantine.
Personally, I enjoy sharing news from around the world but also news directly from the lives of Bitcoiners that has nothing to do with Bitcoin...babies being born, marriages, beating cancer, achieving a life goal, etc. Any news related to Bitcoiners should contain the [Bitcoiner] tag.
My long term goal is to create a YouTube channel called "A bit of Good News" where I broadcast the news as a reporter. If you are interested in developing this idea with me or contributing in any way, please let me know by emailing needcreations@gmail.com.
I'm excited to see more good news from the Stacker News Community. If you have any good news from your life, a family member, friend, or random stranger, please share it! Be well, NEED.