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Did you or anyone you know receive any good news this week? Do you have anything special happening over the weekend? Did you hear a good story from your local community? Please share it with us! Let's spread the good cheer!
Week 4 of this weekly series from ~A_bit_of_Good_News by @needcreations_
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I'll start: I've made contact with a few businesses on Orange Pill app who might be interested in stocking my Bitcoin Education playing cards on their shelves! If I can keep scaling this up, maybe I can quit my fiat job? We'll see!
Which card did you choose for Satoshi?
How did you manage to represent them visually?
Can we sneak a look?
(I'm guessing you've chosen copyleft images in order to keep the costs down)
Satoshi is the Ace of Spades ;) I've included a couple more pics. Happy to send you a deck if you're willing to part with some sats hehe
More good news from me: I can do sets of 15 pushups now. I could barely do 1 pushup just 6 months ago
Excellent. Did you join the 100 pushups a day until 100k challenge? We are doing it here on SN too.
I'm still accumulating sats and this month I've managed to stack 500,000 satoshis, keep going
I started to stack sats in different ways in December, and this week I reached the 1 million stacked sats milestone. For me, it was a very good news :)
Congrats!! Great accomplishment. Keep stacking!!