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Yup, it's fundamental in informationt theory. When you write a seed on paper there are indents in the table. If you grind the indents to sawdust that can be reconstructed. It's all a matter of, like you said, who has the capability to find the information and to decode it.
This is actually a fundamental part of cryptography too. "All the computers in the world would take a quintillion years to crack this key" is saying the same thing: it can be cracked, but there's no practical way to do it with current technology. So things can be practically untraceable without being absolutely untraceable.
That was released by a Monero community member and shows chainalysis using honeypot nodes to probabilistically figure out which IP broadcast a transaction. If you run your own node or use one you're 100% certain about this is impossible.
I don't really see it. I understand what you mean, it just doesn't hold water to me.
Is the Dollar less valuable (ignoring that it is ultimately worth 0 for a minute) because people use Yen in Japan? Yes, actually, if people used Dollars in Japan it would be more expensive because of demand. But that doesn't mean it is undervalued. That means organic demand sets it's price (to the degree that can be true with a fiat currency). A money that has artificially created demand is overvalued.
And that's all it is, price discovery. Demand for Bitcoin will be what it will be, demand for whatever else will be what it will be. Refusing to use things that are useful in your life reduces value to you, and hoping that people choose to do that is a futile endeavor. It's not having your cake and eating it too, its using what's available to you as needed. We should do that. I shouldn't force myself to live with negatives I don't like. It's my capital. There's nothing virtuous about hamstringing yourself.
Everyone is tired of it except the people so wrapped up in it that they see it as normal. Most of us are just like "yeah I get it, you don't like him, now leave me alone about it." Their constant expectation that everyone be outraged is probably a big reason the guy won.
Just because a phenomenon is emergent doesn't mean that it is not objectively real. "Evil" is emergent within living systems, and more concretely, among human create social systems (and only those so far as we know). We can think of a lion rending apart an antelope as "evil" in in the sense that it is the darker side of life, but not really in the sense that it is wrong. Certain human behaviors we can say are evil, and the motivations, forces that incentivize those behaviors, social systems that reinforce them we can call evil as well.
So yes, evil does exist.
I'd just correct something, wizardswap is not an aggregator. It's a swap service with it's own liquidity, like the the first generation of swap services were.
It's interesting though in that you can provide liquidity to them and make some money off the fees, but best in mind it is a centralized service and if they were to ever take off with your coins there's not much you can do about it. Probably never gonna happen though, they've been pretty straight so far.