It's official.
Leading scientists and paper-pushers at the highest scientific (well, "scientific") level engaged in propaganda. They deceived the entire world — certainly most of its government officials — and caused/delayed/misused/exacerbated the worst respiratory virus outbreak we've seen in a long minute.
Matt Ridley, the British journalist and former House of Lords peer who has been on this story from the beginning, recounts the evidence from early 2020.
It was the first of many dreadful mistakes made by the government during the Covid pandemic: shutting schools at the behest of unions, assuming the virus was not airborne, vaccinating children, overclaiming for vaccines and masks. The government thought it knew best and it let us down.
"we now know that the two documents that persuaded the entire political, media and scientific establishment that a lab leak was not just unlikely but also improbable, perhaps even impossible, were highly misleading propaganda efforts by people with conflicts of interest who knew them to be misleading."
I thought a lab leak was unlikely but possible. Then these two statements were published. To my eternal shame, I – and my committee colleagues – took these two papers as definitive evidence against the lab-leak theory from experts in the field.
so, Stackers. What tha hell happened? Why did these people do it?
- Salivating at their own power grab?
- Having learned to wield a hammer for long enough, and now everything looked like a nail?
- Why was it "racist" to think that maybe, just maybe, the place that housed the coronavirus research center and was the epicenter of the outbreak be connected?!
- Excuse for money printing?
- distraction from chemtrails?
Covid is gonna go down in history among the other "conspiracies," and in 50 years none will be the wiser.
In a sane world, these guys would be in jail—joined by every public official who endorsed and enforced various levels of lockdowns.
Covid response + vaccine passport/force weren't just the "worst policy disaster since the New Deal" as my former colleague called it, but the worst atrocity performed with the good will of moral people since, probs, WWII.
...and so many people's brains just completely imploded. I don't know that we/they/I/"science" can ever recover from this.