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My favorite conspiracy theory is that China released it on purpose to kill off the older, less productive members of their population, while also financially crippling other nations.
As to the insane response by the media and politicians? I seriously have no fucking clue what anyone had to gain besides big pharma and the people they donate to... oh shit, I guess that answers the question.
Here's a twist on this one that I entertained. China released it on purpose to debilitate our fat-but populace.
Covid almost only seriously harmed the obese and China has far fewer of those than America does.
Definitely a possibility.
OK, that's fine... but do we know that big pharma was involved in a) making/releasing the virus and b) pulling the strings to lock peeps down and go about all these atrocities?
Not really, right. We still need coordinated, unidirectional stupidity to an unbeliable extent. I dunno man
"Let no good tragedy go to waste."
The media pushes mass fear bout outbreaks of rare viruses that will mutate your babies and melt your teeth every year. They finally got their teeth into one.
Big pharma keeps the lights on for the news outlets, it was just a perfect storm that they capitalized on.
I haven't read RFKs book a out faucci yet, but I hear it's incredibly well sourced and that guy is an absolute shit head.
Perfect storm.
i think the dollar profit is a byproduct of the actual mission - total enslavement. at some point money as we know it will become irrelevant, because people's obedience, whether forced or voluntary, will be the money. that is when bitcoin shall become something other than "money."