pull down to refresh

I assume it’s going to be the fact you need to attach a wallet, but I want to hear it from you. Maybe I’m wrong 👀
It is post-centric and discoverable, vs discussion-centric. Comments are much less "real". Most things that are interesting (to me) are scattered across time (e.g., what is fundamentally the same conversation threads through time and multiple posts) and the current means of organizing and presenting is time-bound. This exerts a force where SN displays itself in the least advantageous way.
This doesn’t solve your problem, at least not completely. But I wonder if being able to switch between posts and comments, or just have them intermingled, on the home page would help. Kinda like browsing new, but this was it’s not just post centric, and you see the highest zapranked items, regardless of type
Edit: basically adding this dropdown to the hot page
Btw, v interesting to intersect this idea w/ the idea of evergreen-ness.
It's an interesting start. This seems like one of the things where a lot of bottom-up efforts like the one you just described will give insights and point the way to larger compositions. Most people are so thoroughly trapped by the existing paradigms that they'll never figure it out (look at LLM chat interfaces as the most stunning example), so it requires a different kind of mind[s] to get there probably.
The intermingling idea seems very promising as an insight-generating tool. The "comment reputation" idea @k00b introduced the other week is a cool building block.
Old GameFAQs message boards were pretty active. They had a system where the topic with the latest comment was at the top so the default sort was based on activity.
I like the current hot metric but I wonder if recent activity couldn't also factor into the default hot sort
27 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 24 Mar
This is a very good point to bring up here since it's sometimes not clear how bad something really is. We know we're bad at evergreen-ness, but that someone would say this is literally the worst thing about SN is very good to know, haha
I'm glad I asked since I apparently was so wrong what the worst thing about SN would be for most people!
I guess my assumption that it would be the wallets only applies to new stackers. But maybe not even that is true?
It's a good point. I solved wallet issues and don't think about it anymore. My pain points are around long-term use and value, which are probably not representative.
275 sats \ 6 replies \ @C_Otto 23 Mar
It appears as a wall of text with unstructured/random content. Technical stuff, policitcs, art, everything. Some things I find interesting, others I'd rather not see. The core idea, BTC integration aside, seems to be very similar to Reddit. On Reddit, I can more easily select subreddits, and my homepage is curated based on my preferences. I'd love to see that, but I also have to admit that Reddit is far from perfect :)
That aside, I think the default font size is a bit too small. That's something I can easily tweak in my browser, though.
100 sats \ 4 replies \ @gmd 23 Mar
Yeah there's a lot of reddit hate here but I wouldn't mind emulating more of the old reddit (never migrated to the new UI). Much easier there to follow subreddits that you are subscribed to, and they have so many other topics. I get tired of 24/7 bitcoin talk tbh.
108 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek OP 24 Mar
I get tired of 24/7 bitcoin talk tbh.
me too
Me too. However, I have enjoyed discussions about music and video games, which have little to do with Bitcoin. The approach and the context with which you open Stacker News are important. I think I have made an inherent assumption that I am opening this page for something related to Bitcoin, and I am just pleasantly surprised to find topics outside of Bitcoin that I engage in here. So maybe that's inherent in the application's name, Stacker News, with 'Stacker' at the forefront. So unless we redefine who stacker is, it will be difficult to eliminate that association. But I don't think we want to get rid of the association. It's about a community of BTC stackers who enjoy other things in life and are not one-dimensional. I think that's a good direction to take rather than just focusing on Bitcoin conversations.
I think there is quite a bit of discussion of non-bitcoin related topics. I posted what I think some of the most popular topics are here: #923250
Yes, completely agree. But I have stumbled into these discussions. I am wondering if there is a way where discoverability of these topics is easier. Then I will come to stacker news for these discussions instead of when I want to read Bitcoin related news
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek OP 24 Mar
I know it's probably far from what you actually want, but have you tried muting territories?
We have plans to bring back personalized feeds in a better way. Territories should also feel more like territories and less like tags.
imo the worst thing is that engagement is pretty cyclical, and if your post doesn't gain traction in the first 6 hours or so of posting it, it probably won't get much attention
I agree, thats also my main point of criticism. Nobody bothers to comment on older posts or reanimate older discussions
Hahaha I do. I keep commenting on old posts to provide an update but you are correct I do this in an echo chamber for myself which is fine
Me too. I will comment on anything and respond to comments to me from any time.
111 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 24 Mar
One day I will have finished Broken Money and "added my mustard"1 to every post you made about it.


  1. That's how we say it in German.
Haha. I'll be ready.
Ahh glad I’m not the only one doing this haha
109 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 24 Mar
I love zapping old content just to surprise stackers
140 sats \ 4 replies \ @OT 23 Mar
I think quality posts and engagement could be better. I kinda understand that not everyone will have time to get too deep responding to a post.
I think it has been changing a lot since I joined. I'm glad there's a great community here keeping it going.
I think it has been changing a lot since I joined.
You mean there is more quality content and engagement now compared to when you joined?
125 sats \ 2 replies \ @OT 24 Mar
I think in 2022 there were more well known bitcoiners on here (remember mutiny people?) Then later some plebs started to shine through and a lot of them have stayed and are active.
I think as of late the engagement seems to have gone down. Just not enough people and all the distractions of geo politics. I guess when there's turmoil twitter is still probably the place to be.
Twitter doesn't have Zaps.
Zaps > No Zaps 10/10
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 24 Mar
That's why we're here.
There's no incentive to zap good older (even just a couple of days) content.
We could have really valuable, immortal discussion threads, if this were fixed.
57 sats \ 2 replies \ @Fabs 24 Mar
That's what the "Random"-list is for, no? There are also some users who've made it their Jam to curate and essentially wrap said posts in a fresh post.
I think this one's not something SN can "fix" per se, but something we'd have to make a conscious decision about on an individual / Community-Level.
The big issue is lack of incentive. Stackers don't get any reward for zapping old content, which means they don't put any effort into finding it and engaging with it.
I think there are some ways to fix this and have stuff recirculate through the hot and top feeds.
32 sats \ 0 replies \ @Fabs 24 Mar
Ah, yeah now I get what you mean, true.
Very good point. I'm also pretty sure some people stop zapping once a few people have zapped already.
You have to do some kind of gimmick to make the thread immortal ;)
Here's a thought. I read interesting posts, and the commentary on them. And then there may be more (probably also interesting) commentary, but it doesn't necessarily bubble up for me in notifications - I think it depends on whether it's on the reply thread to me. Or maybe if I'm the one who posted it.
Anyway...if there were a way to optionally see ALL NEW comments on a post that I've somehow shown interest in. Like if I zapped it, or something.
And when I say "see", I mean "it shows up in my notifications".
You can subscribe to posts youre interested in, but that’s a manual option via the overflow menu.
Maybe a user setting to automatically subscribe you to posts you zap, which means you can always go in and manually unsubscribe if you don’t want to hear about it any more
I pasted a screenshot below of the current "notify me when" options. Maybe there could be another option in Settings:
"more comments are made on a post I zapped". ...but you'd have to batch it together...so if there were 20 new comments on a post you zapped, you'd want to only see 1 when you checked notifications.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 24 Mar
so if there were 20 new comments on a post you zapped, you'd want to only see 1 when you checked notifications.
So you only want to know if there have been new comments so you can look them up yourselves?
I am curious if you tried the 'subscribe' feature. Is it too cumbersome to subscribe manually or do you not like that you receive a separate notification for each reply?
Yeah, honestly I'm probably too lazy to right click and subscribe. As a matter of fact I didn't even know you could do that! But if I zap, I'm thinking I'd want to subscribe. Maybe. Who knows, maybe I'd find it too many notifications.
Actually maybe zapping is too low a bar. Maybe it should be something like...if I ever commented on the post. Or maybe 2 separate options?
I think it needs more users mainly pretty much everything else is good. More users then it will bring more discussion and more territories and the sub territory
For that we need more Bitcoin-people who use and embrace Lightning. Or just more Bitcoin people. Or just more people.
I think more of both . I feel it can be more then strictly bitcoin talk on here so when Bitcoin is the norm we have things to talk about
Stacker News almost never talks about 'price' which is the polar opposite of Reddit and Twitter.
It's quality over quantity.
Yes it is which is the cost to participate on sn is great
133 sats \ 2 replies \ @dot 24 Mar
I think what concerns me the most is the direction and goals of Stacker.news. Personally, I’ve gradually moved away from Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit to use Stacker.news because I see the superiority in its economic model and philosophical values:
  1. Writers are encouraged through sats.
  2. Commenters are more thoughtful before speaking because of sats as well.
I believe Stacker.news will become something much greater than what’s happening now. If it only revolves around BTC, the topics will remain very narrow. It won’t attract many people. But if more topics are allowed, there will certainly be more opposing opinions — however, it will attract a wider audience.
I think both of these directions are still unfolding naturally on Stacker.news, and I fully support this kind of organic growth.
Besides Bitcoin, my sense of the most popular topics are:
  1. Economics
  2. Technology
  3. Philosophy & Culture
  4. Politics & Current Events
  5. Sports
  6. Family Life (this includes animals & pets)
  7. Food / health / fitness
  8. Literature, poetry, art
  9. Entertainment (movies, games, music, etc)
Not having a native app. It’s my goal to build one but I haven’t opened vs code in like two or three weeks.
So development is at a snails pace
211 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek OP 24 Mar
@remindme in 1 day to remind @BlokchainB to continue coding
142 sats \ 2 replies \ @jasonb 23 Mar
…not being able to convince more of my real life friends to use it. I CANNOT understand why this isn’t more appealing to more folks.
71 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 24 Mar
Are they into other social media, like maybe even Reddit? And are they somewhat familiar with bitcoin?
Even though you don't need to use bitcoin for SN. That's why we have CCs.
Slowly but surely, more and more folks I know are coming around to bitcoin. Unfortunately, most folks I know are not into Reddit style social media.
The worst thing about Stacker is its relatively limited reach and viewership. You need to have sats to post and participate (realistically) which means that people using Stacker News are relatively knowledgeable about Bitcoin already if not full-blown enthusiasts.
Great for the quality of content and interaction, not as great for being widely read.
On the scale of Quality VS Quantity, Stacker News leans heavily towards "Quality" which makes it stand out from almost every other forum or social media site.
It's like a really high-quality club that builds a comport of dedicated patrons (users, fans) that are intensely loyal. But lightning-enabled websites are a very small fraction of the internet so far.
that was well said
There are 2 things I really don't like :)
  1. You can't see who joined with my link, you can only see that "someone joined SN because of you"
  2. Some "veteran members here (I don't want to name it) "attack" the new guys almost every time (usually during the bio entry) that they are shitcoiners.
I hope I didn't offend anyone with my comment.
44 sats \ 1 reply \ @dot 24 Mar
Regarding number 2: I feel the same discomfort as you do. But after all, that's his business. And I have mine. We're simply doing our own work on Stacker.news. Even if he calls me a shitcoiner a hundred times, it doesn't really affect your presence or mine, does it?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @dot 24 Mar
I always respond with the same sentence whenever he calls me a shitcoiner. And out of respect for him, I never copy and paste it — I type it out every single time. Without him, Stacker.news wouldn't be as lively. And without him, we wouldn't have such a strong wall standing against scammers and bad actors.
one day he shall leave, and stacker.news will suffer under the avalanche of wrong-thinkers & wrong-doers, at which point the only reasonable solution wud be to create a Darth-bot, in order to keep away the scammers/spammers/wrong-thinkers. or hopefully by then the wise stackers will have enough knowledge of how to prevent degeneracy.
I love... how the universal social interpretation of 'shitcoining' is degeneracy.
yes, it is the correct word, since de-generare means to un-create, i.e. destroy, such as in destroying value.
I wish the homepage had endless scroll.
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek OP 24 Mar
Thanks for taking a look at the reports I just submitted on Github. Just letting you know I was the one who did that, but haven't linked my account to here.
Oh, that was you! Thanks for letting me know.
Sorry if my replies were rude, but we get AI spam from time to time and I assumed it was another case of that.
114 sats \ 6 replies \ @flat24 23 Mar
I do not believe that attaching a wallet is something bad, on the contrary it is a good thing, adds a barrier of entry into some technical knowledge and does not allow SN to be filled with wild monkeys. 🐵🙊🙈🙉
We are still at the point that if someone is very stupid, where it goes to Tiktok, it does not go to Sn.
And it is good that he stays like this
I can't wait for the day... that "Youtube Lightning" comes out. And every post on Youtube requires like 1-2 sats to post.
The bots and Scammers in the Youtube comments section will be pissed. It will be so expensive to scam or Spam the Youtube Comments!!!
I would actually like a Nostr client to appear to replicate YouTube, or some new platform that moves with Sats and replicates what they do on YouTube.
We have nowhere near enough Lightning-users for that.
Also the current state of Nostr isn't great. It's mostly spam and AI filler with no cost to post it needs pay-to-post.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek OP 24 Mar
There are some pay-to-post relays but I didn't try them.
Pay-to-post is also kind of antithetical to nostr: now you even paid someone to store your data in a centralized way. 👀
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @flat24 24 Mar
it needs pay-to-post.
Total an agreement ... That little detail is what keeps SN healthy and free from scammers
it also has zero structure or anti-spam incentives. with regards to the quality-quantity pendulum it is the exact opposite of Stacker in my opinion.
i think it wud be pretty cool to have recommended comments and entire threads as well as posts that are relevant to the post that i am reading. maybe u cud experiment with noting which threads accumulate the most action (sats and/or CC's) and presenting them for observation.
Another ideas - this is not by far the worst thing, BUT, to copy the link and get your referral code, you need to right click on the three dots under the title, click copy link then in the little pop-up that comes up, you need to AGAIN click "copy link". At least in windows.
One more thing since I'm complaining - the edit link, once you've written and submitted a post or comment, is tiny tiny tiny.
It's embarrassing to admit how long it took me to discover it. Months at least. And I think that was only because someone mentioned editing a post, so I looked more carefully, and found it.
34 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 24 Mar
then in the little pop-up that comes up, you need to AGAIN click "copy link". At least in windows.
Oh, right, we're using the Share API which will invoke the native sharing mechanism of your device. If your device has none, we just copy the link which is what you want. We use the text copy link in both cases though.
Not sure what the best compromise here would be since I believe some stackers actually like to use the native sharing mechanism.
Would it help you if the URL already includes the referral link? So you can copy it from the URL bar?
One more thing since I'm complaining - the edit link, once you've written and submitted a post or comment, is tiny tiny tiny.
It's embarrassing to admit how long it took me to discover it. Months at least. And I think that was only because someone mentioned editing a post, so I looked more carefully, and found it.
Wow, that's wild, didn't know the size could be this much of a problem, thanks for letting us know!
Yeah, once you know the edit button is there, it jumps out at you, but initially I was clueless.
Personally I guess it would help me if the URL included the referral link, for when I link to posts. But I do also like that the current URL is nice and straightforward, with just #922174. I like clean links, makes you feel like you're not tracked!
I dont feel you actually need to attach a wallet, only those that want to pull sats from sn need that. CCs work fine for the use on this site. I think the biggest problem with this site is that it isnt large enough, and it isnt reaching enough eyes.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 24 Mar
Yeah I actually wanted to write this:
the fact you need to attach a wallet to send and receive sats via zaps,
I think the biggest problem with this site is that it isnt large enough, and it isnt reaching enough eyes.
Hopefully this is fixed by EOY; now that we have time to focus on other stuff next to the wallets.
Oh, tell all the eoy plans! Or have you published them already and I just havent read about them?
I don't consider attaching a wallet a bad thing, even that I do not use this feature. Is more like for advanced users.
SN is too young and is normal that some things are not going as people expected. But I see a lot of activity on github repo and that is a good sign.
As the worst thing on SN is not about the software but about the users that don't understand properly what really is SN. Too damn many shitcoiners, grifters, scammers, assmilkers, agents, clueless ignorants.
Yes, many do not like my words because are too pussies to say out loud the truth being afraid to not "insult" others. I don't give a shit. I will always point out the obvious things and uncomfortable truths.
SN main focus should be Bitcoin and bitcoin education, news, debates (around bitcoin solutions), discussions that involve bitcoin. Many will jump and say that we need also other things to talk about, but those are totally meaningless.
People MUST understand once and for all: without Bitcoin adoption and good users education WE ARE FUCKED. Nothing else matters.
Stacker News users are like... not only the 99.9% of "crypto" people but probably the 99.9% of Bitcoin people.
Most 'Bitcoin owners' have never used Lightning, they may only be vaguely familiar with what it is.
Lightning assumes self-custody, curiosity, 'attaching a wallet', creating quality content plus being generous with regards to the efforts and quality contributions of others.
So in the venn diagram of 'Bitcoin curious', 'app-familiar', 'patient', 'exploratory', and 'Sat Generous' (to zap) is a very small number of people right now.
To self-custody you have to take responsibility, to take responsibility takes a certain personality type, and to 'use Lightning' on Stacker News you're also on the 'cutting edge' of new technologies.
It's a small number of people... considering that >99% of people have never "used" Bitcoin.
I do not consider "bitcoiners" those users that are still using other crapcoins.
The people
I kid! I kid!
  • Spending 666 sats and still ending up in the bottom 5 of the leaderboard;
  • It’s like stackers being compared to search results on SNL;
  • Going to sleep in 3rd place on the leaderboard, waking up to find I dropped to 13th;
  • No Daily Discussion Thread when I check in first thing in the morning;
  • Meme winning Meme Monday with one 16 sats zap, while second place has 11 zaps totaling 100 sats;
  • Not being able to edit territory post when the correct one is more expensive;
I wish we had a lot more users making a lot more posts an extent that it would make more sense for people to subscribe to territories rather than auto-sub to all of them and then just mute the ones you don’t want to see.
the search function is complete crap
(but yes, since I'm on record saying the shitcoiny wallet stuff is a bad idea, I guess I gotta say that too)
The amount of satoshi's you need to create a new thread is bonkers! I mean 50k? I wanted to create a Fantasy Premier League & UCL threads but when found out I had to pay that much, I just disappeared fro SN, now back again just participating wheverever i can but mostly in sports events.
Wouldn’t you just post about those topics in ~stacker_sports for 69 sats?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @MANI 3h
That's a shocker right there! LOL I mean seriously!!!!! :P
when you are looking for something , it is not ordered by date :
It should if you sort by recent
100 sats \ 13 replies \ @Roll 24 Mar
Hi @Roll I wanted to ask you about your experience with search. Were you looking for a specific recent post that you couldn't easily find?
i wanted to look for something recent but i did not remember exactly the name of the post , except the name of the topic "surf"
were you able to find it quickly?
mhh, will look into it
Missing sats-supremacist mode.
That I can't self-host it in my server.
Self host what? A SN client?
self-host my posts on one of my servers, just like running your own nostr relay
you can crosspost to nostr if that helps at least a little bit, see your settings:
currently only works on desktop with a signer extension though
I know about that, but I my intention is to make SN much bigger and more censorship resistant. And not nsotr dependant.