pull down to refresh

I pasted a screenshot below of the current "notify me when" options. Maybe there could be another option in Settings:
"more comments are made on a post I zapped". ...but you'd have to batch it together...so if there were 20 new comments on a post you zapped, you'd want to only see 1 when you checked notifications.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 24 Mar
so if there were 20 new comments on a post you zapped, you'd want to only see 1 when you checked notifications.
So you only want to know if there have been new comments so you can look them up yourselves?
I am curious if you tried the 'subscribe' feature. Is it too cumbersome to subscribe manually or do you not like that you receive a separate notification for each reply?
Yeah, honestly I'm probably too lazy to right click and subscribe. As a matter of fact I didn't even know you could do that! But if I zap, I'm thinking I'd want to subscribe. Maybe. Who knows, maybe I'd find it too many notifications.
Actually maybe zapping is too low a bar. Maybe it should be something like...if I ever commented on the post. Or maybe 2 separate options?