Hang with me here. The title is a bit tongue in cheek but only a little bit. I doubt I'm alone in this but over the last few years at least a few times a week I will hear some conversation about inflation. The costs of whatever going up! A few years ago I realized that 99.9% of the time people are referring to price inflation not inflation. I've written about that on SN before. The short version is that classically inflation referred to an increase in the supply of money in circulation. Price increases are an effect of inflation. Not inflation. Inflation is the cause. Price increases are the effect. But, in practice when people talk about inflation they are really talking about prices of goods going up. Technically this would be referred to as price inflation. As I continue I will use the common term in the common way. I will refer to price inflation as just... inflation.
Now for therapy time. My lovely wife understands this topic. She's not a nerd about it like I am but she gets it. She works in a field where inflation is a massive factor. Real Estate. I often listen to Real Estate shows with her. Podcasts and radio shows. A while back I sat through a 45 minute show where the experts talked about prices and the reasons why property prices have increased so dramatically over the last 5 years. They literally talked about ever factor expect the most obvious one. The money supply has increased over 40% in the last 5 years. I swear my head feels like its going to explode.
I remember listening to Trump's debate with Biden when he talked about inflation and proceeded to blame the entire problem on Biden. I told my wife, dude presided over the largest money supply increase in history and is blaming Biden for inflation... its just too much.
When we watch an old movie or TV show I always point on the price of goods. Sometimes I go to the FED site and look at charts. I always find, yeah... pretty much lines up with the money supply. Once you see it, and get it the signs are everywhere. You can't unsee it. But, unless you are on Nostr or SN you will not hear anyone with any significant audience talk about monetary inflation. Inflation is always the fault of either government spending or corporate greed.
Government spending can expand the money supply and lead to price inflation of course but to me that is harder to see and prove. At least it can be said to be a factor. The low IQ answer of "corporate greed" is generally only coming from progressives. I say, low IQ because OBVIOUSLY corporate greed is ALWAYS a factor. Calling that an explanation for inflation is like blaming gravity for a plane crash.
So, our little support group here is an outlet where like-minded people can rant and rave and get it out of their system. Maybe we will reach some lost soul that looks at the world and thinks... yeah what they say on TV sounds like BS. There has to be another explanation.
So, do you identify with me? Do you actually hear people in the wild that get it? Or are you subjected to people just repeating the tired old explanations given by the suits on TV and politicians that NEVER bring up the bankers and their organization that curses us to live in the inflationary world where our only rescue is gambling on stocks, or real estate.
Thankfully we have bitcoin. Thankfully we have freedom tech and we can learn how the world works for ourselves. If Stacker.news is just a support group, its worth it to me. How do you feel about it?