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I do.
Bout inflation. That could also be caused be dilution of money, in the sense of decrease in fractional reserve requirements or debasement which effectively are the same thing, right? It's not just printing but also laxed lending requirements and debasement through softening of the hard money component. Guess I don't need to say that but just to support your point that all these shows talking around the main point is completely the problem.
This inlationary pressure causing price increases could also be due to just misallocation of capital, like spending your public finances on hosting more people to come and be benefit claimants instead of directing the capital to productive causes. I don't think this is entirely a western problem,if you look at housing markets globally. (Maybe the foreign population problem with misaligned cultural values is more western though, and why as a non-American I support what the current US administration is doing. It seriously needs to be done.)
As for SN as a release valve or knitting circle for hard money enthusiasts, yeah, there is a certain degree of nerdity. I also heard it said that it's not that interesting to some due to the limited scope through anchoring in Bitcoin. Personally, I don't have a problem with that.
I also don't have a problem that there is a likeness of minds and possible echo-chamber, simply, I don't have any need for media that just tries to gamify my experience or present all kinds of adjacent topics that I might be of interest, like everything that is tech, or every political and economic matter, macro or micro, local or global. These kind of sites are needed, or we just go back to some kiind of Reddit situation where you just engage with conversations in a few rooms of interest.