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Just finished coding up my latest venture, questforsats.com. Basically what the title says - a bitcoin treasure hunt of sorts. Hide some sats somewhere fun for other stackers to find. Or go and find some that have already been placed. No creepy alleyways, you lovable incels.
You'll probably find there's none been placed yet as you're the first to see this and there might be some glitches along the way. But I'd be buzzing if you'd help me test it out and go hide some sats today.
256 sats \ 1 reply \ @Alby 20 Feb
Wow, we used to play geocaching a lot!
Come over to one of our Community Calls! We're always happy to see new projects and learn from them!
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Alby 12 Mar
@questsforsats what would you say?
110 sats \ 2 replies \ @jasonb 21 Feb
This looks awesome! I’ll hide some early next week for sure!
Be patient and try to receive Satoshi. I wish you success
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @nichro 20 Feb
Do folks get a notification when their stashed sats are claimed?
Cool idea btw
thanks, I wanted to make something fun using bitcoin, I feel the last year things have been getting pretty serious with the etf/politics and I missed the early goofy/fun nature of it all.
Currently no but it's definitely on the todo list now!
Good luck with the venture!
appreciate it, would you be able/willing to place some sats down on your next walk?
Seems to go blank screen on my iPhone
I've pushed a fix(I think), does it work now?
Working now can’t see any around here but like you said it’s new . Closest one to me in New Zealand
Am I seeing that right there is only two waypoints currently
Very very good
Thanks for sharing, I am always on a quest for sats. Cool name!
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @ch0k1 23 Feb
This is awesome idea and project!
Good luck and I'll try it placing a waypoint asap.
Thanks, I can't wait to see where it will be!
looks great! i will enjoy playing this and finding sats!
100 sats \ 2 replies \ @anon 22 Feb
A Brilliant Blend of Bitcoin & Adventure!
QuestForSats.com is an absolute game-changer for Bitcoin enthusiasts and treasure hunters alike! The concept is simple but genius—hide sats in fun locations and challenge others to find them. It’s like geocaching, but with real Bitcoin rewards!
The platform is intuitive and easy to use, making it perfect for both hardcore Bit coiners and newcomers looking for a fun way to stack sats. The thrill of hunting for hidden Bitcoin adds an exciting real-world element to the digital economy.
While it's still new, and there may be a few glitches here and there, the potential for this is massive. Whether you're looking to hide some sats for fellow stackers or go on an adventure to find some yourself, this is one of the most exciting Bitcoin projects out there. Can’t wait to see this grow!
A Brilliant Blend of Bitcoin & Adventure!
QuestForSats.com is an absolute game-changer for Bitcoin enthusiasts and treasure hunters alike! The concept is simple but genius—hide sats in fun locations and challenge others to find them. It’s like geocaching, but with real Bitcoin rewards!
The platform is intuitive and easy to use, making it perfect for both hardcore Bit coiners and newcomers looking for a fun way to stack sats. The thrill of hunting for hidden Bitcoin adds an exciting real-world element to the digital economy.
While it's still new, and there may be a few glitches here and there, the potential for this is massive. Whether you're looking to hide some sats for fellow stackers or go on an adventure to find some yourself, this is one of the most exciting Bitcoin projects out there. Can’t wait to see this grow!
چگونه می شود در اینجا به شکار بیت گوین رفت و یت کوین واقعی بدست آورد
This is a really cool idea.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
Amazing ! Really cool idea
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @crrdlx 21 Feb
I love the treasure hunt idea. I thought it was going to be ecash though. Still, nice.
Please delete the waypoint from the map after all sats are withdrawn!
I was thinking of marking it as depleted and maybe other people could top it up? Part of the problem is the codes are one time use
yeah, you can leave them marked as depleted to keep the map look busy. I was just testing today, and after the withdrawal my waypoint did not change color (I looked at the map again in incognito mode). but now it disappeared. guess just a delay.
instead of hiding containers (leaving trash) we can scratch the codes on undersides of the stones
yep, I quickly updated the code to return depleted ones, I think later on I'll also depleted ones so people can go back and top them up.
I really like the stones idea! Actually makes placing even easier
Very cool. Tested and works. UNITEDWAFFLE ) Just don't rugpull too soon!
thanks, is it possible to make this non custodial?
wondering that myself. but decentralized map would also be hard to arrange
Great idea!! Thanks for building something so cool. Will give it a try.
appreciate the good vibes
Do you think we could use your APIs to hide some sats on the our markets at Predyx https://beta.predyx.com, and whoever finds it (the first one to predict) gets that extra bonus of hidden sats. Would love to be your first API customer 🤝
sounds interesting, contacted you
100 sats \ 2 replies \ @Wumbo 21 Feb
When viewing a waypoint, is someone able to see the Sats bounty or is a crap shoot if it is 1 Sats or 100,000,000 Sats?
right now its a crap shoot, not sure whether thats good or bad :D maybe I like the air of mystery and the thought that someone might become a whole coiner when finding a waypoint
When you quest for a traditional geocaching, you never know what you will find, so I think it is fair enough to do a 'blind' quest.
Hahah this is cool
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Jon_Hodl 20 Feb
Cool idea.
I did this with paper wallets a while back but never had a cool website like yours to make it work well.
Thanks, I'm hoping there's enough stackers like yourself to place a few waypoints around :)
100 sats \ 7 replies \ @Wumbo 20 Feb
Good job on the site. Question:
Does withdraws works with Anon accounts?
I created a waypoint in one browser. Then checked in to the way point in another browser and it shows the Sats up next to my anon user name.
But when I click sandwich board and then withdraw menu option. The balance up next to anon user name goes to zero and I can not withdraw.
Thanks :) withdraw works with anon accounts. Each time you switch browsers, its a new set of cookies, hence a new anon account. I can see you created a waypoint with 21sats and checked in using a different account. The 21sats will be on that new account.
If you cant get back to that new account, Im happy to refund your sats, paste an invoice :)
100 sats \ 4 replies \ @Wumbo 20 Feb
I still have both browsers open.
Using the browser that claimed the waypoint: On this page I see 21 sats in the header - https://questforsats.com/w/1131142132 On this page I don't see the 21 sats - https://questforsats.com/withdraw
I think it might be a small bug.
I am not concerned about the 21 sats.
mmm interesting, from my end I can see the initial user id is 4265<redacted>.questforsats and then you used 1853<redacted>.questforsats to checkin which has the 21 sats. You can look at storage/cookies in dev console to check which id the browser is using. I pluged in 1853<redacted>.questforsats and checked the withdraw page which showed me the 21sats.
Thanks for testing this out btw, I'm sure it's full of bugs!
Sat در اینجا به چه معنی است وچند ست یک بیت کوین یا دلار می شود
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Wumbo 20 Feb
So Microsoft Edge (the browser where I claimed waypoint) has two different cookies saved:
{"userId":"1853<redacted>.questforsats"} {"userId":"2578<redacted>.questforsats"}
I am guessing the 2578 cookie is getting used when I goto withdraw page and 1853 is being used on the waypoint page.
How and why this is happening I don't know.
Firefox (browser where I created waypoint) only has one cookie 4265
Surprise! Surprise! Edge is the problem child.
When I am trying to play the game, The first step is go to a waypoint. How and where can I find a waypoint ?
The waypoints are red circles on the map(I will add that to instructions). Currently there are only 2 waypoints(New Zealand and Argentina). I'm hoping kind stackers like yourself will create some waypoints in their area! place
This is a great idea! I may give this a shot. One bit of feedback though - you should integrate Nostr!
Thanks, what would the nostr integration look like?
Well, firstly I'd like to just be able to sign in using Nostr, instead of giving my email address. Beyond that though, you could try to do something with Zapping to get sats to people who find a cache. I dont know how you could actually implement that, but it's worth considering.
ah yep, I've got nostr/lightning login in the todo list. People who find the cache currently get sats but do you mean other random people could tip/zap them for finding the cache?
Im thinking more along the lines of utilizing Zaps in Nostr to actually move the sats around when they find the cache. But, I haven't dug into the technical details of that, so I have no idea it would need to be in practice. I also haven't tried finding a cache yet, so I don't have a good understanding of your current state :)
Did you saw the new LNbits v1 ? They added a geocaching extension too, really cool https://v1.lnbits.com/where39/ - demo site
wow thats really cool, I have what3word signs near me. I'll add where39 to the features list
Never did any geocaching, looks fun.
Do you recommend also putting a link to your website in case a random person finds the waterproof container?
Yep its a good way to get out into nature and explore your area. Yep that's a great idea
100 sats \ 4 replies \ @j7hB75 20 Feb
Cool idea! Site doesn’t seem to work for me though.
Oh dear, what bit is broken? What device/browser are you using?
Safari on iOS
I've pushed a fix, let me know if it works :)
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100 sats \ 1 reply \ @zapsammy 20 Feb
wow! excellent tool to incentivize people to go on a hike or a walk!
thanks! I'd really appreciate if you could place some sats down on your next hike/walk, place
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @chris42 20 Feb
Looks fun, I'll place some sats this weekend
Great idea! I can see this being pretty fun.
cheers buddy
What about allowing the hiders to be tipped? That might be one way to encourage users to add content (caches) to the app.
For me, personally, when I go to find geocaches I don't need/care to make money - finding the thing is the reward. What I want is more caches - I'd tip people sats if they hid caches in fun locations. If a cache took me to an interesting place and the app told me cool facts about the area I'd want to tip even more.
Just a thought. Maybe I'm a weirdo.
yes that's a great idea! Thinking about geocaching, I think getting people out to find them isn't as hard as getting people to place new caches, so yes, an incentive for people caching is the way to go!
Quick question: do you revisit the same geocaches or are you geocaching in new areas?
I don’t think I’ve ever repeated. Always new places.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 19 Mar
That's a hell of a boost....
روز وروزگارتان به خوب وخوشی در گذر باد .
"Knowledge is power, but in the crypto world, knowledge brings satoshi in addition to power! ⚡🚀"
The title is great man, A BITCOIN TREASURE HUNT OF SORTS. I guess I probably missed it. I'm new to stackernews, would love to interact with you guys❤
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 21 Feb
I like it, but not sure how to play. If you know the location, you enter the coordinates?
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
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