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What about allowing the hiders to be tipped? That might be one way to encourage users to add content (caches) to the app.
For me, personally, when I go to find geocaches I don't need/care to make money - finding the thing is the reward. What I want is more caches - I'd tip people sats if they hid caches in fun locations. If a cache took me to an interesting place and the app told me cool facts about the area I'd want to tip even more.
Just a thought. Maybe I'm a weirdo.
yes that's a great idea! Thinking about geocaching, I think getting people out to find them isn't as hard as getting people to place new caches, so yes, an incentive for people caching is the way to go!
Quick question: do you revisit the same geocaches or are you geocaching in new areas?
I don’t think I’ve ever repeated. Always new places.