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52 sats \ 8 replies \ @User21000000 12 Feb \ on: I would continue with Carnivore even if I got only this ONE benefit HealthAndFitness
Hey this is great I’m happy for you! Question is it just you in your house on this or is everyone?
Thankfully other family members either -
- are too young to have a say, and eat what is served (and other food, when out of the house)
- or one family member has recently gone, not full carnivore, but keto, and had some really great benefits from that.
So, no, family is not an obstacle, at least not anymore.
I would like to go carnivore but would like it if my complete house would and not sure on the kids getting them to eat enough of it.
How about eating when out of home any dramas finding something worth eating
Yeah, outside of the house it's a lot harder. That's a good reason to eat at home, which is both healthier and cheaper.
The best places are steakhouses. That's expensive, though. Burger places are usually quite good, places like McDonalds, believe it or not, are great because you can usually pay a little LESS to just get the burger, no bun or sides.
The important thing to remember with carnivore is - once you're adapted, it's not a "I must eat right now" type of thing. Usually it feels more like "I could really eat something, but if there's nothing that suits me, I'll just eat at home."
Getting the kids to eat it...it kind of depends on their age. The younger, the more control you have.
Be worth a test run . Would need to do a month min?
In carnivore do you add dairy fruit or literal meat only?
I do all animal products (beef, pork, seafood, dairy, eggs). I mostly avoid milk, the dairy I eat is mostly heavy cream and cheese.
Definitely many people say 90 days is best. Having said that, I noticed a BIG difference in energy level about 3 weeks in, and that's with a slow transition to carnivore.
Check out youtube videos from Dr. Ken Berry, he has some great ones for people thinking of doing carnivore. He used to be keto, so his earlier videos are keto, but I think the last 5 years or so are carnivore.
Do you go for organ meat as well to boost vitamin and mineral content?