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I nailed it today: over 16 hours w/out food or drink.
For those keeping score at home: Day 1: 14 hour fast (13 dry) Day 2: 15 hour fast (14 dry) Day 3: TBD (16 dry)
I'm also holding strong on the fiscal fast.
I'm going to enjoy my coffee now.
Cool, smart thing to share too!
Do it live next time? I would be interested in that, a tiny gang...
The longest I have done with some MCT and coconut only to avoid total heartburn and so on was maybe close to 4 days.
Intermittent fasting is my default now, I rarely eat before 11, preferably not before 12 or 1 each day.
I do eat a lot late in the day, ideally I should work on that too...
I happened to eat a lot later in the afternoon yesterday, so I skipped dinner. The timing worked out well.
I also tend to have a harder time with the "stop eating earlier" part.
I have lots of routines for making a cup of something mixed with coconut milk here, which is super cheap, that works well to dampen any physical craving from the digestive system on its own.
Talking about all of this makes me realize that I should get some MCT oil again!
32 sats \ 0 replies \ @398ja 4 Feb
Nice. πŸ’ͺ
24 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 3 Feb
And me every hour 😏
It is really very unique and surprising to me what you do. I have never done a prolonged fast, the most I have done has been an hour. I hope you continue to be consistent with what you have started. How many days do you plan to continue with this plan?
You must sleep very poorly if you've never gone more than an hour without food.
This kind of fasting is a regular habit for me, but I'm using the month of February to focus my attention on it. That helps me improve the habits and routines going forward.
What’s the fiscal fast?!
R u starving after 16 hours?? R u eating right before bed?
Fiscal fast = no spending on myself. I eat what's in the house, on the grocery list, or what I can forage.
I usually stop eating about three hours before bed (which is good for sleep quality), but yesterday I had stopped more like seven hours before. Once your body gets used to regularly fasting, it stops sending out hunger cravings so quickly.
Yes less hunger cravings naturally is key
fiscal fast
In my opinion, its not a "money fast" if you still get to keep/spend the money you are saving now... its just savings.
In a money fast, you would still forgo spending, but at the end, you literally burn the money you just "saved". Not give it away, not save it for later, burn it!
Its like a "reset" with your relationship with food/money.
That's not really analogous to how I do the other fasts. I don't make breakfast and throw it away or pour water down the drain instead of drinking it.
So fasting money is just saving? I guess fasting food is just getting fatter then? Or stocking the pantry?
"Fiscal fast" is not spending, just like "fasting" is not eating.
That's just what the term means. Sorry if that's triggering you for some bizarre reason.
I'm just trying to understand this term
Fiscal fast
Do you also forgo any revenues? Or just expenses?
How is it different from saving?
Just expenses. It's basically just a tool to reevaluate your spending habits. It's more analogous to an elimination diet, I suppose.
It's different from savings, because you could increase your savings by earning more, while keeping spending constant. So, technically, it's the same thing as cost minimizing.