This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
The united states is about to break up into smaller parts. There is just no coming back after such an incompetent person as Joe Biden has been allowed to stay in power. Its basically a defunct government, the federal one. The local government in many cities are probably hardly better. But i suspect the federal government will be the first to fall. One by one states will secede from the union and begin minting their own currencies, there will also be factions of several states remaining. Sort of several small united states of america. In any case, the USA breaking up into smaller parts and some states beginning to mint their own currencies will be bad for the dollar.
Week 3 of building and we're off to an awesome start of the week πŸŽ‰
We just deployed our beta version to production and we pointed our main domain to it.
Also, we got LNURL-auth working, so anyone that wants to check out the platform can log in anonymously using their LN Wallet.
The project is starting to take shape and it's been really exciting to work on it.
Also, here are 100 sats up for grabsπŸŠπŸ’Š
And don't forget to check out our scoreboard πŸ†
I setup a profile. What is the correct way to share a profile to receive tips? I am lightsats user ID: cl9pe8h6t000sgrf6mqjlsq01
Our business model is a bit different than what you are asking, let me tell you what we're doing and how we are going about it.
We are building a platform that we Bitcoiners can use as a tool to tip/gift Bitcoin to users that do not know anything about Bitcoin.
The problem we're trying to solve is:
  1. Begin able to tip/gift Bitcoin to a no-coiner in the fastest way possible.
  2. Not have to onboard the user - ex: show them how to download an LN Wallet.
  3. Maker sure the user who receives the tip/gift has enough guidance/education to start their Bitcoin journey.
  4. In case the receiver does not show interest in learning about Bitcoin then I don't lose my sats. (The tip you send is set with an expiry date to create urgency on the receiving side to claim it, download an LN Wallet, and then withdraw their sats).
So all in all, we're building an onramp for no-coiners via tips/gifts where the user will go through different self-onboarding journeys to start exploring what the capabilities are with Bitcoin and the Lightning Network.
But we'll keep in mind what you asked though, maybe later down the road we can also add the functionality of being able to share your profile to receive tips.
Maybe check out it lets you create a widget to share on websites where you can receive tips via your LN Address and people can also send you notes via the tip.
Follow us on twitter also to keep updated with our development -
Ok thanks! That was not super clear! Maybe you could add some more notes or onboarding UX to the site to outline that better?
Yes thank you for the suggestion, we're working on the onboarding UX hopefully we can have an initial release in two weeks.
The focus for the proof of concept was being able to fund a tip, give it to someone and the person be able to claim it and withdraw their sats to their LN Wallet.
Now we need to start building out the UX/UI for a whole self-onboarding flow.
I finally got my loan for 3000€ approved! Conditions:
  • duration: 60 months
  • monthly payments: 62.33€ (last payment: 61.73€)
  • debit interest: 6.15%
My plan is to put additional 500€ per month into bitcoin now, so I would DCA my loan in over the next 6 months. Probably will do weekly buys, so 125€ per week. Currently, I only bought 200€ worth of bitcoin per month with my salary (sometimes more if I had some leftover cash for whatever reasons).
Hoping for one last crash in this bear market, lol
You can see the exact moment the loan arrived in my account, lol:
Moving markets!
Hoping for one last crash in this bear market, lol
That "aged" well, haha
That did age well!
haha, yes
GM all. I was at the Bitcoin Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland this weekend. I'm happy to say it vastly exceeded my expectations.
It was great meeting some Bitcoiners from the UK, EU, and North America.
I extended my travel until tomorrow, so no cabin updates for today πŸ˜‰ In the meantime I'm checking what's on my list for πŸ™ƒ
Have a great day ahead!