I finally got my loan for 3000€ approved! Conditions:
  • duration: 60 months
  • monthly payments: 62.33€ (last payment: 61.73€)
  • debit interest: 6.15%
My plan is to put additional 500€ per month into bitcoin now, so I would DCA my loan in over the next 6 months. Probably will do weekly buys, so 125€ per week. Currently, I only bought 200€ worth of bitcoin per month with my salary (sometimes more if I had some leftover cash for whatever reasons).
Hoping for one last crash in this bear market, lol
You can see the exact moment the loan arrived in my account, lol:
Moving markets!
Hoping for one last crash in this bear market, lol
That "aged" well, haha
That did age well!
haha, yes