This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Some stats after each 5,000 items.
SN Item #85,000: Oct 24, 2022 (13 days since Oct 11, 2022) 385 / day
I'm interested in transitioning my career into BTC and spent the morning exploring avenues for doing that.
Not for nothing but I kinda view my old industry like a walking zombie compared to what's coming.
Best of luck in your career change.
Why is bitcoin adoption so slow you think? The active adresses chart has been more or less stagnant for 3 years
Looking only on chain data is not going to reveal the whole bitcoin usage. Also we are on bear market.
Lack of awareness combined with pandemic/war/economy anxiety. It's harder to convince someone of something new when both the TV and legitimate financial problems are perpetually on their minds.
Holders + LN increased usage?
Writing a new book focused in savings. This would be my second book in spanish. Some progress I'll be updating in my newsletter [SPA] and you can find it here
I read a bit of your newsletter & think it's great what you're doing. Latin America needs BTC
Thank you my fren...It's really inspiring to read this kind of things :D
Heading on to week 3 of the BOLT🔩FUN Legends of Lightning ⚡️Tournament! 🎉
In case anyone wants to follow our progress, I've been adding weekly updates here on
Week 1 - #82384 Week 2 - #84937
Hope everyone has a great week ahead.