This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
does someone know why under current circumstances there are transactions that consistently pay over 200 sat/vB ? could it be miners that are trying to game the various fee estimation algorithms?
stupid wallets and exchanges
I'm staring to test more and more the app that our team is building and so far the experience has been amazing, I just used it yesterday to gift $10 each to my cousin and her husband who haven't really been exposed much to Bitcoin.
The first I asked was what action do they think they would like to experience in order for them to help them start getting an understanding of Bitcoin, they first wne with that they wanted it "save it" but then quickly changed their mind and asked how they could "spend it" so I onboarded them with the exprience of me sending them $10 via the app then they claimed their sats and I onboarded them by downloading Wallet of Satoshi, withdrawing their sats and then setting up an account with so they could load up a virtual visa card with $10 and add it to their Apple Pay. Now they can go get a coffee or something with the sats that I sent them ✌🏼 Perfect way for them to make the connection that I just sent them $10 that never went through a bank or any entity and they immediatly received their funds and were able to turn that into a visa card they can go spend at a physical location.
Now my task as well with our team we have to translate this whole onboarding experience into a self-onboarding guide within the app.
Another thing I'm super excited about is that we're starting to creat a Scoreboard for the app to see other user's Orange Pilling orange 🍊💊 activity! I think this could spark a lot of interest with Bitcoiners, the cool thing about it is that since you can set an expiration date to the gift/tip if the user does not claim and withdraw their funds it's not a succesful conversion. Only if the user claims their funds and downloads a LN wallet on their own that would be considered a successful conversion.
The idea seems pretty neeto. Would be cool if it could be done in a way that has a self-custodial recovery process.
So instead of the user downloading an LN Wallet and sending the date, give them the option to do a full Wallet recovery?