I was reflecting today on the last time I orange pilled someone, and I couldn’t remember when the last time was. I am a single guy on my 30s and have good relationship with friends, family, and girls I date.
Friends tent to look for me for financial advising, I thought I had orange pilled many, but after last year’s bull, some proved me wrong. Some friends that had entered and bought BTC in a really good price after the FTX crash, I was able to teach them how to do their self-custody in a cold wallet and everything, these guys sold BTC when it reached around 60k. Meaning I did not orange pilled them at all, they were just speculating, and the only interest was that.
In my family, I avoid talking much about BTC and investments as I want to avoid family members coming asking for money and so on, which is a very common thing in my culture, so I just act poor around them. With close family, I was able to convince my mother to put a small percentage of her savings on BTC and she got the point, but we kept it very small as she is retired and is in a phase of life of enjoying her savings and doesn’t have much stomach for volatility. My brother is a smart guy, but just distracted from anything that isn’t his job, so I orange pilled him in 2019, he made a structural position in BTC and just carries it for the long run.
Girlfriends and dates, believe it or not, even as a BTC nerd I get some girls sometimes haha. For the girls I date for more than a couple of weeks, the topic always comes up, it’s inevitable. I am always surprised that often, girls in their 30s have a bit of BTC, which is nice to see that the idea is more spread out in our generation. Some I have orange pilled or at least annoyed them to the point that made them think about the benefits Bitcoin. Some women just show me no interest in the topic, which is not a dealbreaker, but they do instantly become less attractive to me.
With that, I am not and annoying Bitcoin guy (like vegans that think because they are vegan, they are better people, and need to tell everyone about it). I stopped forcing the orange pill down the throat of people, and just flow the conversation if they already have an interest in it. I feel like my orange pilling days are behind me, I now feel more like making general comments about it, I did the work, I will keep stacking sats forever, and the longer it takes for people to wake-up, the cheaper sats I can accumulate.
What has been your experience orange pilling people most recently?