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The Bitcoin community in places like Reddit are brutal and so fucking mean to anyone who shows any lack of knowledge.
I'm very pleased that everyone here (for the most part) aren't deliberate assholes that prey on perceived weakness.
Glad you're here.
The mute setting is pretty effective at dealing with assholes.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Thank you, I'm glad to be here and trying to bring my own uniqueness to the place, while being on my best behavior haha
Did not know there was a mute button πŸ€” that's handy
Everyone needs to know that saying
Well, there is one person here who is a deliberate asshole and preys on perceived weakness, but he won't do it to anyone who's just trying to learn.
cc: @DarthCoin (I hope you don't object to that description)
Sounds like he's well-rounded, maybe reserves his attacks for those who deserve it haha
He certainly reserves them for those he thinks deserve it.
Would you consider Darth the sheriff around this town?
No. He's more like The Punisher.
I should figure, his styles in the name
While it is true that @Darthcoin is someone Radical and strong-willed, perhaps difficult to deal with. He is a person who is always willing to help. He has personally helped me in many debates or questions. And he is also someone who is always willing to do Zap. Someone like that, no matter how difficult it is, will always be one of the good ones "Doing Zap is the most honest Action that exists" and "Giving your time to help others" is in the same category as doing Zaps
So I think this comment about @DarthCoin is very out of place
You've misunderstood my comment.
No, not you.
Oh haa πŸ˜…, well hopefully that gets mended
I can agree zapping others is indeed a show of genuine kindness. I do it when I can and Im a strugglin', it feels like your really showing the person sum love.
Pay-to-post filters out the vast majority of the posts that would be low-quality. People try to create good content... and people here care about Bitcoin the network. SN is a great place. Welcome
That answers my curiosity about how quality posts just seems to happen without moderation, the incentive to think before you post seems to work well. Thank you, glad to be here and hope your doing well, really.
proof of work is a great filter for nonsense. someone somewhere had to mine that zap, that sat with energy and when there's energy at stake... people think before they act.
it's one of the great qualities of bitcoin. Welcome to Stacker News friend.
The way proof of work is applied to Bitcoin is genius, and using Bitcoin at SN is whats going to keep it thriving. Along with this great community.
SN is on another level. One of the things that captivated me when I arrived a few months ago was the lack of toxic people attacking everyone. And that when you ask about a topic, people really get involved in sharing their knowledge and in that way help you. Without the need to point you out as someone who asks a "stupid" question.
This ☝🏻
Ya stacker news is great glad we are all stacking together
There's something about stacking that brings people together πŸ«³πŸ»πŸ’°πŸ«²πŸ»
Yeah it’s like people are acting like they have all the answers. I’ve made EVERY mistake you can name in this space. It has made me more aware and enriched my life with knowledge, tools and information.
It looks like I'm gonna have to go through all the same gauntlets, guess it matters most what you do with what you've gained through that experience.
The Bitcoin community in places like Reddit are brutal and so fucking mean to anyone who shows any lack of knowledge.
It's funny you mention that because Reddit doesn't seem knowledge focused at all, every single Bitcoin post there is some variation of "Will the price go up? Or will it go down?"
Yes! That's a good point. The exchanges love those kids fees. I'm tired of reddits algo showing me top posts being that very subject all the time.
Please read this #686524 and prove yourself.
btw your first post on SN is saying that you are retarded... #825938 Then the 2nd post was in "crypto" about crypto... LOL #828161 So what I should expect from that ? When you play with shit... you smell like shit.
Bro...that's a day of dedicated reading, I got a 10 hour shift of painting to put in, but you bet I'll try to pick up what you're trying to put down.
Merely from what you said here though, I can simply say, read my bio, shitting on my own ego, popping in places I don't belong...That was an assumption that I was going to get some shit because I'm not a ehhh proficient.
I'm already putting together more quality as I go I guarantee it, because I care about sticking with this. I get off in 12 hours, and hopefully I can learn something from your "book". For now though, nice to meet you and hope your days going well.
Your post history do not show any PoW and "quality"... https://stacker.news/AlCoHoLnAcEtOnE/posts
I see only shitcoining and assmilking
You can't fool Darth, his bullshit-o-meter is very accurate and never fail.
Your bullshit on Monday meme is well revealed. SN isn't your property, so why don't you STFU assmilker asskisser.
Yeah that's not cool, isn't that how governments operate?
This asshole is the biggest liar here. He'll say, he doesn't want sats but he has bagged it in millions and still pretending that he's not an assmilker. You can see on meme Monday today, how's he manipulating the reward of 10 k sats.
beat me if you can assmilker!
Just to reach all my 23k posts, you will need at least 23000 x 100 sats = 2,3M sats. I wonder if you are willing to spend those 2,3M sats posting... and only to reach my level...
STFU, mf, those aren't posts, they are comments and it's now clear that you're a big big asshole to lie about a thing that anyone can understand. 1 comment = 1 sat 23k comments= 23k sats.
Stop lying here fooling everyone.
If you don't know sime maths, cut your dick and suck it, bastard.
I'll finesse my way into your bag, I'll see you at the top one day
You're right, I suck right now but fuck off I'll get better
I am always right...
STFU, Assmilker Asskisser. Everyone can see your righteousness. There's a pain in your ass because when SN has new Stackers, your assmilking will be over. Your days are over if you don't stop bullying newcomers here.
Welcome in bud. I agree this is a much friendlier environment than Reddit by a country mile. Come say hi in the ~Music daily thread some time. πŸ‘Š
Thank you pardna, I'll be there for sure.
Welcome to the bottom of the Bitcoin rabbit hole. You found us! 🫑
Haaaa I knew there was a carrot down here somewhere
Is it ok if I call you RBD? It just goes so well together πŸ˜‚
Glad you made it.
This is the best community in the space.
No doubt about it, glad I made it over to this gem too hustle
Welcome to the community :)
I stopped using reddit when it became over the top with ads. Hoping that SN can ward off ads forever!
Thank you mate 🍻 and yes the ads are crazy over there now, and imitating posts! Sheesh I think SN is gonna stay this way I got faith.
right.. I think the temptation for ads and all that stuff goes up when companies go publicly traded and need to bow down to the board and shareholders. Reddit preipo was great.
For real, I've never paid attention to the effect going public has on companies until recently and the quality literally goes down the shitter, every single time. I'm glad I work for a company, where even know it's traded, we simply can't cut corners. I like nostr but I gotta find a less chaotic instance than Amethyst
Even acquisitions! Ring being acquired by Amazon sucks big time, because now everything is a subscription based model. I hate living in the subscription based model way, I don't own anything at all.
Yeah you're right subs are a deterrent to quality.
Welcome! Glad to have you. It’s a super helpful group here!
Thank you future , glad to be around productive helping hands like you
Welcome to the SN community!
Thank you πŸ™πŸ»πŸ€œπŸ»πŸ€›πŸ», nice to meet you
Stack Sats and stay humble.
Never heard a better credo in my life, thank you. I know internet kindness is so-called cringe but I feel welcomed here and I hope everyone deserved does too.
Couldn't agree more, I've had enough of reddit.
Yeah that place is the talking dead
I find sn to be somewhat professional
In that I mean, you cant or one shouldn't shitpost utter tripe like I do on nostr
I find this place friendly and courteous
I would use sn to ask questions that I cannot find answers for in search
Or in darths guides btw
Or to share interesting information
I find the response here is very detailed and efficient
Would definitely recommend β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
Yeah, it it seems easy to locate what you need for the most part.
I find myself shit posting once in awhile but not shitting on others, if that makes sense.
I've recommended it already to a few friends, hope they join soon
Friendly and courteous for sure
you cant or one shouldn't shitpost utter tripe
that's what i use sn for
You're a part-time shitposter at best
deleted by author
Thanks for the welcome It's been the most helpful I've come across thus far.
Yeah, I've grown numb the toxic mess the world wide web is in lately, which is sad but just something you gotta deal with.
Collaboration always wins out over domination