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While it is true that @Darthcoin is someone Radical and strong-willed, perhaps difficult to deal with. He is a person who is always willing to help. He has personally helped me in many debates or questions. And he is also someone who is always willing to do Zap. Someone like that, no matter how difficult it is, will always be one of the good ones "Doing Zap is the most honest Action that exists" and "Giving your time to help others" is in the same category as doing Zaps
So I think this comment about @DarthCoin is very out of place
You've misunderstood my comment.
No, not you.
Oh haa 😅, well hopefully that gets mended
I can agree zapping others is indeed a show of genuine kindness. I do it when I can and Im a strugglin', it feels like your really showing the person sum love.