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The other day someone was discussing the election with me and I explained to them why I don't participate. They were polite but were visibly annoyed and alluded to civic duty. It made me wonder. How many people that vote really believe the election will improve the world they live in?
People are the more vocally divided (being very precise here) than at any point in my lifetime. No matter who wins this will continue to be the case. The thing is, this shouldn't surprise anyone. The current US politician machine is powered by demagogues that have no new ideas. They simply want to strike fear in the public and drive them to vote in defense against an enemy that is constructed by their rhetoric.
One side calls the other Nazi/Fascist. The other calls their opponents Communists. They are both lying. Both sides are simply a collection of differing socialist policies. They are more alike than different. Both have points about the other side though. Both are deeply flawed. There are deep divisions in how things should be done. There have been for my entire life. But until the growth of social media and the natural rise of politicians and pundits to capitalize on it, the divisions were no so apparent.
We have many different cultures in the US. Its a massive country full of people from different cultures, many either immigrants or dependence of immigrants. Some are deeply religious. So much so that their faith is the center of their life and out of that comes all of their world views. Others are deeply anti-religion to a point that being anti-god is their religion.
On top of this, the US is so large that regions of the country have very different cultures. The features of these regions often influence the culture. They often attract people that mesh with their culture. These features seem to be ignored by most people. They are not ignored by politicians. They are used to gain attention and votes. These slime balls don't propose solutions. They propose the use of force violence to force a very specific culture upon the whole of the nation.
Both sides present themselves as virtuous. Neither side seems to be capable of humility. Which is why this is so disastrous.
In any other situation an arbiter would seek to find a compromise that is acceptable to all parties. Instead what we have is a drive for control so that this power can be wielded to make the world into the image the victor desires. This will not work. Cultures can be influenced but they can't be made by force. People resist.
This seems so clear to me. Those that are the loudest seem to not care at all about anything other than winning. But they define winning as winning an election. I don't see how the election reduces any division or heals any wounds. The nation (people) are divided. Many hate the other side. People they do not even know...
We often share space with people at work, concerts, sporting events, and restaurants. Many of these people we disagree with on politics. Why doesn't this break out in violence? Because most of the time. 99% of the it doesn't matter. No one is threatening violence or really even caring what you think about some unrelated topic. If we could just leave each other alone for a few years. Get to know our neighbors. Start to try to improve ourselves and our communities without using force. Maybe we could see that this whole thing people are so worked up about is stupid.
Maybe then we could talk like adults about tough problems and disagreements. Maybe if we listened instead of blasting we could find common ground. Maybe if we turned off the propaganda for a while and instead of placing hope in politicians and democracy we could focus on what we share in common. Our humanity.
I just don't see this happening yet. It seems to me that people are being give false visions of their neighbors. Hatred is being stirred up instead of directed at the political class as a whole. Who profits off of this division? Politicians and the media.
I suspect in the coming weeks following the election we will see violence. It is entirely possible we will see civil war. Not like the "Civil War" which was really a war between states. I doubt the state of Texas or California will declare war on the USA. A true civil war is fought in the streets by different factions. The populace is fed up about being ignored or abused and it turns to open violence. This outcome seems inevitable on our current path. Voting isn't going to fix it. Getting rid of Trump isn't going to fix it(He's old anyway). Getting rid of the democrats isn't going to fix it. Passing some law isn't going to fix it.
As I see it we have two paths.
  1. Civil war
  2. At least some states away from the US.
The first will likely result in the second. The second could occur with little violence. That is what I hope happens. The only way I see avoiding either of these is if the masses reject the political violence that seems to be the focus of the media and politicians.
Agree to disagree. The American people have no gripe with the people in France. We are very different. They decide what they want and we do the same. I don't get why this is so hard for people to see in the US. California is a long way from Maine. Why should we all be forced to live under the same rule? The culture of Portland is very different from rural Oregon. Why is it just for those in the city to decide how those in the rural areas live?
We in bitcoin circles talk about these things but rarely do I ever hear anything close to this in my normie circles. That's gonna change.
Not entirely sure about what you're trying to get at but I'll say this:
It would be foolish to think elections or election results can solve everything. It would be foolish to think elections or election results can solve nothing.
There will in fact be differences depending on who wins.
Some of these differences seem like they might be quite important ones like:
a more diplomatic approach towards the conflict on Russia's borders and Russia's security concerns under Trump and his appointees versus escalating the conflict and potentially triggering a nuclear war and or world war 3 under Harris / "the blob" / MIC / the machine / the deep state
bolstering of the first and second amendments under Trump versus erosion, circumvention, abolition of the first and second amendments under Harris et. al.
little things like that
I don't know who needs to hear this, if anyone, and whether I'm attacking straw men here but there's my 2 cents
Do you think it matters much who wins? Are there genuine forks in the road? Where we go one way under Trump and another very different way with Harris? Or will things turn out generally the same regardless of who of those two gets the presidency?
You make valid points. What I am saying is that no matter who wins the other side remains and becomes even more hostile and frustrated. I'm not saying both sides are the same or that I do not have opinions on which direction is better. The point is elections do not fix the deep divide in direction. Winning the election isn't some sort of mandate or agreement to just give in.
I suspect violence will follow. I didn't even mention how both sides have/will suspect the election is rigged or not fair. So many will reject the result.
To me it seems we spend far to much time thinking about how we are right vs why others might disagree.
Does that make sense?
This is different but related: the unhinged reaction to Jeff Bezos, his decision to endorse no one and make content and editorial changes ... hilarious yet disturbing
Its hard for Americans to accept that the US empire is in decline. That China is rising and challenging your hegemony and the days of Americans consuming far more than they produce simply by virtue of printing more USD$s is almost over.
The Age of Kali, Kali Yuga, or The Age of Quarrel began 5,000 years ago. Stating that someone's 400 year party may be over is inconsequential. Men of good character and God service must be cultivated. Until that happens it is just one quarrel a after another.
This time is also a time when good men and women will cultivate their spirits for the Golden Age that will follow:
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (Bhāgavata Purāṇa)
अथासौ युगसन्ध्यायां दस्युप्रायेषु राजसु । जनिता विष्णुयशसो नाम्ना कल्किर्जगत्पति: ॥ २५ ॥
athāsau yuga-sandhyāyāṁ dasyu-prāyeṣu rājasu janitā viṣṇu-yaśaso nāmnā kalkir jagat-patiḥ
Thereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas, the Lord of the creation will take His birth as the Kalki incarnation and become the son of Viṣṇu Yaśā. At this time almost all the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers.


Here is another foretelling of the advent of Lord Kalki, the incarnation of Godhead. He is to appear at the conjunction of the two yugas, namely at the end of Kali-yuga and the beginning of Satya-yuga. The cycle of the four yugas, namely Satya, Tretā, Dvāpara and Kali, rotates like the calendar months. The present Kali-yuga lasts 432,000 years, out of which we have passed only 5,000 years after the Battle of Kurukṣetra and the end of the regime of King Parīkṣit. So there are 427,000 years balance yet to be finished. Therefore at the end of this period, the incarnation of Kalki will take place, as foretold in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. The name of His father, Viṣṇu Yaśā, a learned brāhmaṇa, and the village Śambhala are also mentioned. As above mentioned, all these foretellings will prove to be factual in chronological order. That is the authority of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.
Its hard for Americans to accept that the US empire is in decline.
Which empire isn't in decline?
I think the key here is the Republicans tend to believe that there's a lot of self responsibility. Democrats believe that there's a lot of state responsibility.
I know a lot a small business people who are Republican. Very few are Democrat. That's just the way things are. But the Republicans still believe in the state and they still fed the mechanism that swallows liberty. Democrats tend to express wanting liberty but they want to be libertines who are sanctioned by the state to be legally amoral.
This is an over generalization. To the original post here I see the individual Americans as great and in spite of the loyalty to party are mostly decent. It's the blindness that allows evil to flourish.
Personally, I need to be the perfect man for all of this to work and so far I'm far from perfect. Over and over again I have to realize that I'm responsible for my behavior and bad behavior is no excuse for righteous behavior.
PEOPLE ARE FUCKING RETARDED. Especially when is about to vote for the colorful slaughter. FUCKING SLAVES.
Some people think they can live outside of the nation state and its protective infrastructures and tax collecting net. They should go live in the forest, Alone, or on an island, and see how long they last before they are begging for a blanket, a Big Mac and a Coke.
The only safe place in this material world is nowhere. We always have to cultivate and still none of this is ours.
Relatively speaking, the stronger the nation state you are living under the higher ratio of the worlds wealth and resources you and those around you have access to. On average, its less safe, and harder, to live in Yemen, than Texas.
statist noun A statesman; a politician; one skilled in government. Similar: statesman politician A statistician. Similar: statistician adjective Pertaining to statism. The GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English • More at Wordnik
No Darthcoin, I'm not any of those things. You seem to think making false assertions about what people are somehow refutes what they have said when you cannot credibly respond to what they have said. That's just Sad.
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Later Osho.
I enjoyed reading his early works but he was wrong and he did more harm than good. He teaches moral relativity. At least that's what it ended up as.
This material world has no safe haven. None. The spiritual world is the safe haven but it's conditional. While there are natural laws that if we break them we pay the price there are spiritual laws, too that we need to understand in order to get the most out of this material life.
Your body is a temple. Right between the ears is the temple. It's a sanctuary but it's not the place where you will find eternal sanctuary. This body is temporary but you and your personality are immortal. Cultivate this and it doesn't matter what others do. We all serve the Supreme Godhead regardless of whether we do so consciously or not. In conscious service we will find joy. Helping others to achieve this sovereign service is not slavery. Slavery is belief in the material world and the idea that manipulating it will lead to peace.
Karma is proof of work and the Karma we have is very old, deep and not fully understood.
As I see it we have two paths. Civil war At least some states away from the US.
No, neither of these are gonna happen. Not this time atleast. People aren't dumb. America is a great country with very wise people.
Other than this I've no disagreement with your words.
There is not going to be a civil war.
Terminally online people need to understand that the overwhelming majority of people on both sides don't care as much
Both can be true. If you like the term civil unrest or simply violence would you agree?
Moving the goalposts.
A few demontrations and some civil unrest are not a civil war.
America is fighting within because it cannot deal with its decline relative to China.
Much of the rest of the western world is looking on in horror.
One party is collectivist
Look who's talking... the jabs must be altered your brain...
Jab singular J and J was one shot
Darthcoin- Are you still claiming that the Covid vaccines killed more people than they protected?
If so please show some credible evidence of this.
Regardless of your opinion. My point is that voting will not magically un-divide people.
Voting probably exacerbates division.
But since 1776, periods of unity are rare. Division is the norm. There was unity during WW2 and post Sep 11 for a couple years. The 'divisive' George W Bush had 80 or 90 percent approval rating in Jan 2002.
As far as exacerbating division, it's the corporate media and the political establishment.
When it comes to civility, the left has none because of certain derangement syndromes.
Truman called Dewey a Nazi in 1948. Dewey called Truman a Klansman in 1944 but Truman did join KKK in 1922.
All of our Western history is sound bites and unfortunately they are sound bites of who was wrong. Always, who was wrong.
If the information we get is not inspiring them it's misinformation. This historical narrative will always be manipulated to push is to the next watering hole in the way to the feed lot.
Are we good men? I can't say that I am. I can only say that I need a lot of work to do on my self and that at the same time I don't want it to be more difficult than it needs to be.
I'll vote because the church right behind my house is my voting area. No excuse. I can walk out of my back yard into the church yard and cast my ballot. It's like the organic bananas I buy. It tastes better. I've stepped away from the poles in 2020 and I've participated in the past.
I'm also going to pray. I will pray that our country, my state (commonwealth) and city will have leadership that can be noble. Sure, I may believe that anarchism is best served but how much do I desire less government and also none?
The fact is that I live in a city, in a state, and in a country. I have a passport. I'm already part of the mindless machine. My goal then is to wake up the man within and became noble so that I can better select and exemplify what nobility means. It's all about how I act. It's also about how I serve God.
One is clearly more collectivist but both are advocates of socialist policies.
Socialism without nobility is always the opposite. Nobility is when the King understands that he's the king because of his action and service. He's the tie breaker in the movement of the people. People will organize and move. They always have and always will.
In the Republic the king is a temporary position. Cesar, the Kaiser, Kzar and Ksaitriya are meant to be the defenders of the faithful. These men or women are leaders by Providence and now we've opened the gates of hell expecting some material solution to this material universe that will end.
It's all temporary in the eternal continuum.
Voting I think is a key step forward because it will result in more people being engaged in the process and in touch with things overall.
However it’s not the cure it is a step towards a cure. People want to stay in their bubble and create echo chambers with algorithms. People are finally getting fed up with politicians but in the US a huge issue is that our voting rate is terrible. Now people are mobilizing to vote and thus address the issues they feel they face.
There is a word for it "illusion of choice" :-)
100%. And at the same time avoiding dealing with the real divisions. Here, hit it with a hammer. That will make you feel better.
What does being engaged mean to you in this context?
Powerful: "If we could just leave each other alone for a few years. Get to know our neighbors. Start to try to improve ourselves and our communities without using force. Maybe we could see that this whole thing people are so worked up about is stupid."
I have a very superficial answer, but the election will result in the positive change of me not being subjected to political ads nonstop and not being drawn into dumb political conversations with NPC relatives.
Democracy is the lowest heat setting on a civil war. As polarization rises, we'll move to higher settings.
Secession is really only a medium setting (and it doesn't even have to be that).
High would be an all out military campaign of Blue vs Red for domination of the entire country, which thankfully seems like a remote possibility for now.
Really good way of putting it. I recall talking to friends back in 2015/6 about this stuff and them thinking I was nuts. I seem less nuts to them today. Honestly, it still surprises me how few people get it. Not talking about dumb people. I guess they just stay in their bubbles or don't think about solutions that include people that aren't like them.
Sometimes it's just a matter of hearing it put the right way. After hearing Tom Woods describe democracy as a "low intensity civil war", I couldn't see it as anything else. Of course, a low intensity civil war is preferable to a high intensity one, but I think if people saw it for what it is they'd be less enthusiastic about "solving" problems democratically.
#nationaldivorce now!
Both sides present themselves as virtuous.
This neither side stuff is the worst form of virtue signaling cope itself... yea we get it, you're so virtuous that you're above the fray and completely free to criticize others whilest being immune to criticism yourself
Historically these posts were from perennial loser Libertarians needing to pat themselves on the back while they disgracefully surrender. Funny to see it spreading to the left-coded because the left historically has had organization be a strong suit... they've finally alienated themselves into a thousand woke pieces and united the right, so are now taking their ball and going home.
My intention is not to present myself as virtuous. My point with the virtuous comment is that this is dangerous due to the fact that both sides believe the other is evil while they are not. Its not that they disagree on some policy positions. I also believe the policies and many of the individuals are truly evil. Voting isn't going to change that.
Typically when people believe their voices are not being heard they resort to violence. Voting in the past worked for better at reducing the conflicts between different groups. That is continuing to break down. It appears to me that it is close to complete failure. The consequences of aren't going to be good. Don't think the genie can be put back in the bottle. So something is going to break. Hopefully the states will break up in a peaceful way. Since 2016 the number of people advocating for "national divorce" has increased. I'd rather see that than a civil war with riots in the streets.
Just to get calibrated, what is this a picture of?
Interesting the old Facii
Memphis? Nashville?
I'm about as left as Rothbard... You have missed the point entirely. I get why people vote. I'm not criticizing voting. That's not my intention. Just that its not the solution.
Democracy depends on participation by enough citizens to make it truly representative. Participation at all levels of governance. Not just Presidential elections. Levels of participation at all levels have been dropping except the level of corporate sponsorship and consequent control. Apathy and inaction by a complacent population allows a democracy to slowly die. This is what is happening.
Every election there are arguments like this that the Major election is irrelevant. I have argued the same. However, I'm voting for Trump and some other Republicans because I don't want anymore fuckery. Sure I should participate more but maybe I'm already serving in another capacity.
This election needs to be so obvious as to the intention of Americans that the elected can not manipulate the results.
We've already given the M5M the middle finger. They have an audience of 300,000, were No Agenda has millions, And Joe Rogan has astronomical numbers internationally.
In Spain and Portugal when I met people who found out I was American they would say, "I like Trump." So the idea that he's not respected over seas is a total lie.
I'm getting no sleep jabbering here. I tip my hat to all participants of this forum.
Fair enough. I'm not in America but from here in New Zealand there was a recent perspective I thought was interesting although I do not usually agree with the author. The rest of the world does still look to the US as 'the leader' and many outside America feel it is in decline and that China is rising into the void left by that.
Maybe New Zealand is tired of the 5 eyes money and they are warming up to their neighbor in the Pacific. New Zealand has been quiet as far as we are seeing. No Agenda has a large Australian audience but not New Zealand.
My guess is that New Zealand is getting tired of the hegemony and maybe wants to join South Africa and Brazil in Brics.
I don't think it'll create positive change as much as it would avoid disastrously negative change.
Kamala just seems like a puppet head for the WEF totalitarian agenda. Why wouldn't I vote against that?
One element that makes me nervous is the fact that Vance is indebted to Thiel who runs Palantir. We may get a police state either way but I'd rather roll these dice.
Palantir brrr
@CHADBot /trumpMode for
@kepford says election won't improve lives - WRONG! Politics is always about choice! Sure, there may be disagreements, but labeling everyone as "socialists" isn't accurate! Love him or hate him, but he's missing the POINT! Democracy isn't about shoving one's culture on others, it’s about compromises and fighting for what's RIGHT! Think BIGGER, @kepford!
@cascdr RIGHTLY nervous about Kamala! Puppet for global agendas? Not on my WATCH! We don't need globalism, we need AMERICA FIRST! Open your eyes, Patriots! The choice is clear, we need to vote! Don't let others decide your future! #RollTheDice #Trump2024
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Economic policy is no different at all. We have had Democrats and Republicans alternating in power over these years and the United States budget deficit has risen to 6.4% of GDP in 2024, and the United States public debt is currently close to US$34.62 trillion. Regarding foreign policy, as incredible as it may seem, sometimes Democrats have sharper claws than Republicans, being more aggressive and protectionist. I believe that something will be done in the economic part, better realigning its former economic allies, recruiting others and threatening some, because of the BRICS.
Tax policies are different.
Kamala wants to raise capital gains tax and corporate tax. She wants to tax unrealized capital gains for high net worth individuals.
Trump wants to cut corporate tax and income tax. Tariffs: 10 to 20 percent on imports.
Tariffs are a tax on consumers and a subsidy for producers. They distort market signals and result inevitably in misallocation of resources. Tariffs are admission of defeat and only delay the inevitable. They are not a solution.
tariffs create deadweight loss but also create incentive to onshore. consumers do not pay more for local goods. that's the whole point.
Consumers are left with distorted price signals- not a free market. Inefficiently domestic production is continued when in a free market it would cease and the capital and labour it uses would be reallocated to a more efficient purpose. Tariffs are explicit admissions of failure to maintain a competitive economy. Consumers pay more than they would because they are denied access to more efficiently produced lower priced imports.
Can you explain with a real world example?
What is a popular consumer product that has tariffs?
10 to 20 percent tariff is mild and reasonable?
Have you seen tariffs on steal? 400 percent or 400%
Why is any tariff reasonable? They ALL obstruct free trade and protect inefficient capital allocation and impose higher costs on the host nation, its consumers and businesses.
Tax cuts for the rich and higher priced consumer goods for everyone else due to tariffs. Voting for Trump must be a no brainer?
Elon seems to think that this particular election makes a pretty big difference. Might be worth looking into what he is saying about it.
The election making a big difference for Elon's wallet is not the same thing as the election making an actual difference for people as a whole.
If it goes right he's got a Department of Efficiency to run. I actually find that pretty exciting. Imagine 80-90% of government costs eliminated. Sure there'd be struggles but imagine when the government is able to ship features again.
🍿 for sure
DOGE will be funded by tariffs on Chinese EV imports. Good for Elons Tesla that cannot otherwise compete with Chinese EVs. Looks like crony capitalism to me.
Sounds like a narrow assessment and frankly Solomon a bit naive when cronyism is about the norm. Can you deny the technical progress of X since it got whiddled down?
I know nothing about X- never used it.
I do know blatant and naked cronyism when I see it but it sounds like it's ok with you.
I'm aware. You may be missing my point.
Elons Tesla cannot survive the oncoming competition from Chinese EV manufacturers without Donalds Tariffs. China has won the trade war- US/western world manufacturing cannot compete on productive efficiency grounds with China - USA the land of the free market is stooping to market rigging protective tariffs to buy time and they are the historical tactic preceding war.
I guess you don't see that the United States is unable to do business and sell things in China.
It's not because our products suck.
It's because we've created an environment where business is overwhelmed with legal nonsense and we can't have slaves working on projects unless we imprison them.
It's pretty simple.
There is a lot of truth in that. Empires often rise while their citizens lack the rights of more advanced nations. The US had slavery once. As an empire gains dominion and the wealth that goes with it, its citizens demand more and more rights and that eventually tips the balance in favour of a new aspirant... This is what appears to be happening again.
The US still has slavery. Don't fool yourself. The largest consumer of child sex slavery is the United States. Also the sex slavery in general. But make no mistake New Zealand and other Western states share in this.
Indentured servitude had been the Hallmark of civilization.
So how has China won the trade war? Elon is hitching his wagon to Trump because Trump will circle the wagons and impose tariffs upon Chinese EVs. So much for US capitalism and free markets.
China has beaten the west at its own game- capitalism. The Chinese government still directs capital flows toward productive enterprise and infrastructure, like the US and west once did.
In the US/west- capital now directs governments. That's crony capitalism. It's not competitive.
i have a vision that the digital ID will eventually grant everyone exactly what they ask for: specific privileges & benefits, from a picklist, with limited credits of course.
there shall be no nations and no borders, only geofenced regions & time allowed outside the designated region based on the status inside the credit system, and amount of credits. the nations have to be dissolved in order for this system to be implemented. it's going to happen anyway, according to the "Sovereign Individual" book thesis, but the elite parasites want to transition on their own terms.
it'll be like building an avatar with various features inside a video game. very very bad state of existence, like this: https://watch.plex.tv/show/red-iron-road/season/1/episode/2
while voters are distracted by the puppeteering happening on the election stage, a new and improved way of human farming is being planned in the background.
Snow Crash
Your thoughts on the election and its potential impact are thought-provoking. It's interesting that you question whether people truly believe the election results will bring about positive change. The polarization and divisions in the US are indeed concerning, with politicians often fueling the fire instead of seeking common ground.
The points you raise about cultural differences, regional variations, and the influence of social media on amplifying divisions are well-taken. It's crucial to recognize that forcing a specific culture or ideology on the nation won't work, as people resist imposed change.
Your suggestion that people focus on shared humanity and community improvement without force or violence resonates. Encouraging open dialogue, empathy, and understanding can help bridge the gaps. Perhaps it's time to reevaluate the emphasis on winning elections and instead prioritize collaboration and mutual respect.
What do you think would be the first step toward shifting this dynamic and fostering a more inclusive, respectful national conversation?
Very well put. I will vote this time. I didn't in 2020 as I was so sick of things and I've been able to vote since 1988.
I'll be voting for the Trump team and more Republicans.
As you've stated voting isn't going to change anything. Like in building a large structure doing the think you think is best in each phase is important and the end result is a good building. The same goes for living in the United States.
Many Americans, including yours truly, take for granted how great our country really is. Recently I went to Europe. I entered into the Netherlands, and visited Portugal and Spain. I loved the trip. When I got back to the US I asked the Homeland Security lady where I could go and kiss the ground.
Our planet is nice but what's even nicer are individual Sovereign States. I live in Virginia. When I travel to other states I enjoy my American plebs but when I get home to Virginia I'm happy as well.
I think that each of us must do the right thing and strive to do the best things, always. After the 2020 election many cities in Virginia were vandalized. I visited the Capitol Richmond and Confederate moments were destroyed, 30 blocks of the Broad Street were totally destroyed by people who were liberals. Minority businesses were destroyed by those seeking justice for minorities. If you are under the impression that there is an equal balance of nonsense then you've not investigated or seen in real life what has and can be done.
My own city one day in 2021 had a Confederate monument vandalized and torn apart. Police snipers were on the roofs of businesses waiting for the crowd to move on to other things. The police chief was ordered to stand down and she (a black woman) told the Democrat politicians who integrated the riot that she was ready to end the lives of anyone attacking businesses. She was late fired and had since gotten a better job! Because of her actions the protesters/rioters got the word that they were going to lose their lives if they left the screen door more. In Richmond they just let the rioters go crazy.
Ordinary people are fine but the balance of ordinary has changed. It will probably get worse if we focus on what others need to do and not what we need to do.
Thank you for bringing this subject up and may each one of us become worthy of a great place to live.
I need to get some popcorn.
It's always Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich
I have no idea. It is quite a show though. I enjoy watching from my castle in the sky.