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59 sats \ 8 replies \ @Bell_curve 29 Oct 2024 \ on: Do People Actually Believe the Election Result will Result in Positive Change based

One party is collectivist
Look who's talking... the jabs must be altered your brain...
Jab singular
J and J was one shot
Darthcoin- Are you still claiming that the Covid vaccines killed more people than they protected?
If so please show some credible evidence of this.
Regardless of your opinion. My point is that voting will not magically un-divide people.
Voting probably exacerbates division.
But since 1776, periods of unity are rare. Division is the norm. There was unity during WW2 and post Sep 11 for a couple years. The 'divisive' George W Bush had 80 or 90 percent approval rating in Jan 2002.
As far as exacerbating division, it's the corporate media and the political establishment.
When it comes to civility, the left has none because of certain derangement syndromes.
Truman called Dewey a Nazi in 1948. Dewey called Truman a Klansman in 1944 but Truman did join KKK in 1922.
All of our Western history is sound bites and unfortunately they are sound bites of who was wrong. Always, who was wrong.
If the information we get is not inspiring them it's misinformation. This historical narrative will always be manipulated to push is to the next watering hole in the way to the feed lot.
Are we good men? I can't say that I am. I can only say that I need a lot of work to do on my self and that at the same time I don't want it to be more difficult than it needs to be.
I'll vote because the church right behind my house is my voting area. No excuse. I can walk out of my back yard into the church yard and cast my ballot. It's like the organic bananas I buy. It tastes better. I've stepped away from the poles in 2020 and I've participated in the past.
I'm also going to pray. I will pray that our country, my state (commonwealth) and city will have leadership that can be noble. Sure, I may believe that anarchism is best served but how much do I desire less government and also none?
The fact is that I live in a city, in a state, and in a country. I have a passport. I'm already part of the mindless machine. My goal then is to wake up the man within and became noble so that I can better select and exemplify what nobility means. It's all about how I act. It's also about how I serve God.
One is clearly more collectivist but both are advocates of socialist policies.
Socialism without nobility is always the opposite. Nobility is when the King understands that he's the king because of his action and service. He's the tie breaker in the movement of the people. People will organize and move. They always have and always will.
In the Republic the king is a temporary position. Cesar, the Kaiser, Kzar and Ksaitriya are meant to be the defenders of the faithful. These men or women are leaders by Providence and now we've opened the gates of hell expecting some material solution to this material universe that will end.
It's all temporary in the eternal continuum.