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Or - Surrender to Chinas multiple proxy wars and be displaced from your global resource hegemony and 'bottomless' USD fiat debt leveraged 'credit card' seigniorage that funds your chronic over consumption of global resources you did not earn via honest trade.
Some Libertarians struggle comprehending complex realities and prefer a dumbed down version of reality complete with simplistic memes and captions.
There is nothing bad about that. It doesn't mean he is wrong. Specially considering how really dumb is the human world, specially the world of politics and states. All the worst people in the world are very intellectual, because they are lost in their forever cognitive dissonance mental disorder. On the contrary, you can be intellectual being a good person, but it is not required. Anyway, I've seen @DarthCoin to be very intellectual when he wants. I suspect he is not now with you because he is laughing at you very hard. Because you deserve it.
Looking forward to DarthCoin or you credibly refuting that facts and issues I have raised (though I doubt you can)- until then you have both defaulted in terms of a good faith reasoned debate and have descended to shoot the messenger name calling avoidance of the facts and issues. If you are so full of amusement at some blatantly flawed aspects of my comments then explain your reasoning- or perhaps, you cannot.
Wrong again. He responded with a meme, which has a deep meaning. Another question is if you are able to interpret memes. @DarthCoin is not only able to interpret them, but even make them. And good ones, I must say. That makes him more intelligent than you.
There is a say: shitcoiners, leftists and statists have something in common: they are unable to understand memes. That makes them retarded. Regardless on how well they are trained on repeating stupid concepts.
If you cannot with logic refute what you describe as 'stupid concepts' and if you think DarthCoins memes credibly refute or even seriously address the comments they are responding to (they are at best childish and inaccurate parody and diversion) then you are not capable of a logical fact based reasoned contest of ideas...and neither is he.
Nothing secret about my belief that we are to a large extent reliant upon the nation state and its power projection for the wealth and 'rights' we enjoy. Humans gain most of our wealth and security via the groups we live in- alone we are fragile and weak. And nothing secret about the fact that you would not last long out in the wilderness without the support and protection that the state has provided you with all your life. Go on Alone and see how long you last. A day? A week? Before you are begging for a blanket a coke and a Big Mac.
at this level with all this garbage salad words, I think you are just a stupid bot, so I will be just making fun of you
If my comments are garbage you should be able to describe why, but you have not and probably cannot...so you try to shoot the messenger. It's old as.
To remind you this started with your comment and my response-
You- Keep paying taxes guys... OR... Me- Or - Surrender to Chinas multiple proxy wars and be displaced from your global resource hegemony and 'bottomless' USD fiat debt leveraged 'credit card' seigniorage that funds your chronic over consumption of global resources you did not earn via honest trade.
You have demonstrated inability to respond to the message and repetitive tendency to instead attack the messenger.