Biden’s war in Yemen is also a reminder of why the decision to initiate hostilities against another country should never be left to the executive alone. If there had been a serious debate over the wisdom of military action before the bombing started, it is doubtful that Congress would have authorized it. At the very least, the president would have had to make a case publicly for why using force was the best course of action available, and I don’t think that case would have withstood public scrutiny.
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64 sats \ 7 replies \ @kepford 23 Oct 2024
Remember when the left was anti-war? I know you do @siggy47.
I still remember the protests against W. Bush and when I realized how the system worked. I started to oppose war. I wasn't dumb enough to believe Obama's promises but I do remember hoping I was wrong about him. We all know I wasn't. He was Bush 2.0. And that was the last time (other than Israel) that I can recall a significant left wing anti-war movement.
I have to hand it to the MIC. They have done a great job getting the left on board with death again. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the politicians. They have always worked for the war machine. But in the 60s there was an actual anti-war movement. Its long dead.
87 sats \ 3 replies \ @SimpleStacker 23 Oct 2024
My working theory is that the longer a party is in power, the more pro-war they become and the longer a party is out of power the more anti-war they become.
I consider the Trump years as a continuation of the left being in power from the Obama years, because Trump didn't really have institutional support from the conservative power-centers in DC, and because of the left's total dominance of academic and elite institutions.
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @kepford 23 Oct 2024
That sure has played out to some extent.
111 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 OP 23 Oct 2024
I agree to some extent, but there were plenty of Republican neocons to step up into his cabinet and show Trump how it's done.
64 sats \ 0 replies \ @kepford 23 Oct 2024
I took @SimpleStacker to be referring to the plebs in the movements. Not the leadership. I don't think the left or right are ideologically opposed to war. Not the leadership. They both work for the MIC and "Corporate America". Remember that buzzword? Now its more like the Global Elite. Same people though.
33 sats \ 2 replies \ @siggy47 OP 23 Oct 2024
You stated it well. I wasn't old enough to really understand the Vietnam era protests, but there was the general shorthand through the 80s that the left opposed war.
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 23 Oct 2024
That's what I grew up hearing. As a kid I wondered, why would someone be pro-war? Then I started listening to Rush Limbaugh. Then his(conservative) hypocracy was exposed to me by Ron Paul.
52 sats \ 0 replies \ @siggy47 OP 23 Oct 2024
Ron Paul saved us all.
64 sats \ 5 replies \ @zuspotirko 23 Oct 2024
Dafaq you mean "Biden's war"?
The war in Yemen is a war between two religious groups (Shia & Sunni) with complicated intersectionalities with the Israel/Palestine conflict.
This really has very little to do with the US in general let alone Biden.
5 sats \ 4 replies \ @siggy47 OP 23 Oct 2024
I didn't write the article or its title. I think a more accurate description would be engaging in an act of war without congressional approval.
63 sats \ 3 replies \ @zuspotirko 23 Oct 2024
I quickly scrolled through this guys profile social media profiles.
I hate populists that make everything revolve around the US. Not because of their opinions (I couldn't care less) but because people with such a poor grip on the situation shouldn't have the authority to talk about the topic at all.
5 sats \ 2 replies \ @siggy47 OP 23 Oct 2024
I don't disagree, but when we start talking about lacking authority it's a slippery slope towards censoring "disinformation."
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @zuspotirko 23 Oct 2024
I mean morality and decency. Not law. By law he can ofc talk bs all day.
5 sats \ 0 replies \ @siggy47 OP 23 Oct 2024
I know and agree
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64 sats \ 1 reply \ @orto 23 Oct 2024
There are many facts of war that the American people do not know. For example, how many Americans know that the United States is feeding a fully equipped 150,000-strong Kurdish army in northern Iraq?
1 sat \ 0 replies \ @Solomonsatoshi 23 Oct 2024
How many people are aware that Iran backs one of the strongest groups operating in Iraq and that the oilfields are mostly operated now by Chinese engineers?
China won the trade war by building the most efficient mercantile economy the world has ever seen. It dominates commodity markets and manufactured goods that nearly all nations depend upon in trade.
Few if any nations can cease trade with China without serious consequences- the same is no longer true for the US.
Chinese are moving to displace the US global monetary hegemony that the US has become dependent upon.
China is fighting multiple proxy wars via Russia and Iran and N.Korea, all of whom are now dependents and tribute states to China.
176 sats \ 24 replies \ @DarthCoin 23 Oct 2024
Keep paying taxes guys...
0 sats \ 23 replies \ @Solomonsatoshi 23 Oct 2024
Or - Surrender to Chinas multiple proxy wars and be displaced from your global resource hegemony and 'bottomless' USD fiat debt leveraged 'credit card' seigniorage that funds your chronic over consumption of global resources you did not earn via honest trade.
0 sats \ 22 replies \ @DarthCoin 23 Oct 2024

0 sats \ 21 replies \ @Solomonsatoshi 23 Oct 2024
Some Libertarians struggle comprehending complex realities and prefer a dumbed down version of reality complete with simplistic memes and captions.
21 sats \ 16 replies \ @javier 23 Oct 2024
There is nothing bad about that. It doesn't mean he is wrong. Specially considering how really dumb is the human world, specially the world of politics and states.
All the worst people in the world are very intellectual, because they are lost in their forever cognitive dissonance mental disorder.
On the contrary, you can be intellectual being a good person, but it is not required. Anyway, I've seen @DarthCoin to be very intellectual when he wants. I suspect he is not now with you because he is laughing at you very hard. Because you deserve it.
0 sats \ 15 replies \ @Solomonsatoshi 23 Oct 2024
Looking forward to DarthCoin or you credibly refuting that facts and issues I have raised (though I doubt you can)- until then you have both defaulted in terms of a good faith reasoned debate and have descended to shoot the messenger name calling avoidance of the facts and issues.
If you are so full of amusement at some blatantly flawed aspects of my comments then explain your reasoning- or perhaps, you cannot.
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0 sats \ 3 replies \ @DarthCoin 23 Oct 2024

0 sats \ 2 replies \ @Solomonsatoshi 23 Oct 2024
Nothing secret about my belief that we are to a large extent reliant upon the nation state and its power projection for the wealth and 'rights' we enjoy.
Humans gain most of our wealth and security via the groups we live in- alone we are fragile and weak.
And nothing secret about the fact that you would not last long out in the wilderness without the support and protection that the state has provided you with all your life.
Go on Alone and see how long you last. A day? A week? Before you are begging for a blanket a coke and a Big Mac.
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43 sats \ 1 reply \ @OriginalSize 23 Oct 2024
Bitcoin fixes this. All of this will continue it seems until the fiat system is defunded. There will still be wars over resources but the juice is going to need to be worth the squeeze.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Solomonsatoshi 23 Oct 2024
If US loses the multiple proxy wars with China the US loses global USD hegemony- the US is then insolvent, very SWIFTLY.
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @7e6e393a56 23 Oct 2024
The humanitarian situation in Yemen is worsening: 70% of the population depends on humanitarian aid to survive and more than 80% live below the poverty line. In the end, the vast majority of people who suffer have nothing to do with the conflict waged by bureaucrats and fundamentalists
43 sats \ 2 replies \ @Satosora 23 Oct 2024
Biden is barely able to string a sentence together.
Do you really believe he is the one making decisions now?
64 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 OP 23 Oct 2024
I almost put the name Biden in quotes. Just read "military industrial complex."
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @Satosora 23 Oct 2024
Yes, the forces behind him want the war.
0 sats \ 5 replies \ @Solomonsatoshi 23 Oct 2024
Maintaining the Saudis dependence upon the US for military might ensures the Saudis don't move the payment of their oil to Yuan, like Iran and Russia have already done.
The naive idea Libertarians propagate that wealth and economic dominance does not come from resource hegemony is as absurd as it is demonstrably wrong.
What is the current global hegemony spose to do? Let the Iranian backed Houthis continue to harass international shipping without a credible response?
Libertarians seem to want to lie down and sleep while China gains global dominance.
They will be the first to cry and wail when the wealth and ease of life in the west is undermined if/when China gains the upper hand via its now multiple proxy wars against US hegemony across the middle east and europe.
10 sats \ 4 replies \ @siggy47 OP 23 Oct 2024
So you're cool with the executive branch using military force whenever it decides? Screw the whole constitutional separation of power thing? How about the whole democracy thing?
43 sats \ 3 replies \ @Solomonsatoshi 23 Oct 2024
Have been protesting the use of drones to attack 'enemy combatants' in locations where there is no declared war, over the last 20 years.
However over the last 3-5 years where increasing aggression from Chinese proxies has been occurring I am also not ignoring that - unlike the article and some comments.
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @siggy47 OP 23 Oct 2024
That's my concern. Regardless of who's sitting in the white house the power of the executive branch to use military force seems de facto unlimited.
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @Solomonsatoshi 23 Oct 2024
Agree. Global hegemony becomes a fragile and vulnerable thing when there is an opponent that does not have to defer to democratic processes. US democracy has been compromised by the corporate bankers who own it, since at least E.O. 6102.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @siggy47 OP 23 Oct 2024
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