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100 sats \ 13 replies \ @javier 23 Oct 2024 \ parent \ on: Biden's Absurd War in Yemen Continues Politics_And_Law
Wrong again. He responded with a meme, which has a deep meaning. Another question is if you are able to interpret memes. @DarthCoin is not only able to interpret them, but even make them. And good ones, I must say. That makes him more intelligent than you.
There is a say: shitcoiners, leftists and statists have something in common: they are unable to understand memes. That makes them retarded. Regardless on how well they are trained on repeating stupid concepts.
If you cannot with logic refute what you describe as 'stupid concepts' and if you think DarthCoins memes credibly refute or even seriously address the comments they are responding to (they are at best childish and inaccurate parody and diversion) then you are not capable of a logical fact based reasoned contest of ideas...and neither is he.
You see? You can't understand.
His memes are totally logical and have a deep meaning. You just discard them as childish because you don't get them.
The irony of this one you post now is tragic.
It and they do not, in any case, respond to the facts and issues raised.
It and they just attack the messenger in avoidance of reasoned debate.
They are the stuff of pure idiocracy...reducing any attempt at a contest of ideas to simplistic personal attacks, memes and jingoism.
It's almost as if you were Darthcoins alt...
Some Libertarians struggle comprehending complex realities and prefer a dumbed down version of reality complete with simplistic memes and captions, rather than a good faith contest of ideas...possibly because they know they cannot logic and reason do not support their clown world viewpoint.
javier = Darthcoin = Circle jerk Idiocracy

Certainly do not hate you Darthcoin - if that is what you think.
Just appears you cannot engage in a good faith contest of ideas ~ which is a sad thing.