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0 sats \ 48 replies \ @DarthCoin 21 Oct 2024 \ on: Minneapolis Fed's paper on banning Bitcoin to maintain "permanent deficits" bitcoin
I personally don't give a shit about any papers coming from any gov or politicians.

Let's see if you gonna rebut when the government of your country of residence comes up with such a paper. It's easier said than done. It's also easier hide than fight.
Please show me where is the paper where I signed and consent that any gov have any authority over me the living man.
I will give you 1BTC if you can show me that.
government of your country of residence
There is no such thing. Is not my government, is not my residency.
If you want to put yourself in the state cage, so be it, but don't assume that I will do the same.
I demand my 1 BTC right now.
buahahaha this paper is the only one existed, none of any gov could provide such thing.
Keep daydreaming! You can say it but you can't do it. Just ask yourself if you can travel around the world freely.
Watch me.
And please dump all your sats right now. Are worthless for you.
You're an ignorant wise man. That's all.
@remindme in 1 year
You don't care if they ban Bitcoin private custody?
Please explain how can you ban something that you can't control?
Sure- you make it unlawful to hold or trade Bitcoin privately.
The vast majority of hodlers have been KYCed.
An increasing ratio of the market is already held by complicit institutions.
A ban on private custody, probably with payment for sats at current market price would mop up most of this threat to USD fiat debt hegemony.
Most of the western world is militarily and monetarily subservient to the US so would follow Uncle Sams lead.
You dont have to get every last sat but if you get a good most of them the thing is effectively captured and controlled. Ala Order 6102.
The majority of the world will defintely not follow Uncle Sams lead. Ban on gold only happened in USA. The most they can do is Europe following them, but Europe is more and more irrelevant and it is in the process of being destroyed.
If they ban Bitcoin from USA or Europe we move to another country and let them devaluate their shit-fiat-coin until they are completely irrelevant. Bitcoin would only suffer a 2 year devaluation like it happened with the China ban. After that, it will be unstoppable.
Are you saying Japan, S.Korea, Australasia, Canada, the EU and Britain are not monetarily and militarily subservient tribute states to the US?
These are the nations where perhaps over 90% of the available Bitcoin is held, 90% of that already KYCed and or held under institutional custody.
Are you saying that if those countries ban Bitcoin it would not be the start of their destruction?
Already major Bitcoin hodlers moved to more tolerant and less taxed countries to avoid the state. If that happens, the movement to LatAm, Asia, and even Africa will be massive, and would only impoverish USA even more.
If you stop being a fucking statist and use for a bit your brain you will realize that just by NOT funding those CORPORATIONS (that are nation states) you will remove all your problems.
Watch and learn
Is so fucking simple: stop being an obedient shitizen.
The vast majority of hodlers have been KYCed.
So what? If they never go back to fiat, what is the problem?
Please explain how you would take my sats from a private wallet?
From this one for example:
Please take them if you can
Most people will cave to the threat of prosecution and the fact that if they dont surrender their sats will be illegal to trade and therefore considerably devalued.
They don't need to capture all sats and all hodlers- they dont care if you hodl on as long as they effectively end the open market- again, see Order 6102 for effective historical precedent.
You are forgetting one thing. While governments are doing all this, they are also making sure fiat money is an increasingly unattractive option to hold, and at an accelerating pace.
So there are two forces at play. One is as you describe where government pressures people to turn over their bitcoin, and you're right, some people will. The other is the force of survival that people have in the face of debasing money.
There are many examples in history where people risk life and limb to smuggle their wealth out of bad situations. You seem to think this survival instinct has disappeared from humanity. It is alive and well and Bitcoin makes it easier than ever compared to what refugees throughout history have done. Don't underestimate the motivation debasing money gives to people.
Please sell all your sats right now! Are worthless for you now.
What are you waiting for?

deleted by author
Sell all your sats right now. They will confiscate them from you anyways.
I will be gladly take them all.
I trade only in BTC, I do not use anymore fiat. Please stop me doing that.

When people will understand that all that a gov is saying is only bla bla bla and they need YOUR FUCKING CONSENT in order to do something?
So don't fucking consent, is that hard?
Who will you trade with?
Most people are sheeple.
With my close community and friends.
Did you built that community around you?
Or are you waiting for a sign from your lovely government to give you permission?
Sheeple are only those that are afraid of gov to use their sats and read these bullshit so called laws. They are NPCs... that doesn't count.
As I said so many times: