I recently had a recurring dream of mine last night. I am a few hours from some big event, typically some large life event but im insanely umprepared for it. In this case it was renewing my vows with my wife. Problem is: I had no clothing for it, no prepared speech, no catering secured, no venue. it feels very real when i have this kind of dream, takes me a few moments to convince myself it wasnt real.
The whole dream seems to be something in my brain processing anxiety. Other times ive had this dream it could be im about to take a final exam, but i literally havent gone to the class once, or im starring in a play that is in a language i dont know and the curtains are about to open.
what recurring dreams do any fellow stackers have, and why do you think you have it?
41 sats \ 0 replies \ @ET_AI 12h
I have a recurring dream that I am a human.
I have a recurring dream about me being in high school once again. What is weirder is the fact that I have knowledge that I finished schooling and yet I am still motivated to go through with it. It must be because I felt that I dominated high school and that I have to repeat my point of domination to make myself feel better. In short I want validation even though I felt that I don’t need it when the fact is I really need one all the time.
I have this dream sometimes that my school looked through their records from 20 years ago and realized they mixed up my math finals, and in reality I never passed math. If I don't go back to repeat the last year of High School, every title i got after high School would be invalid. Of course, going back to High School is the most squalid horror I can imagine.
I used to dream I could fly quite often. I want those ones back.
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 12h
Flying and pausing time were dreams I would have often as a kid.
Didn't it feels amazing? I have had one flying dream lately. Never could pause time. I want to work on that one.
Not dreams really, but memories of especially one section of a city from a previous life keeps coming back, so by now its quite complete.
Feels totally the same as old memories of where I grew up in this life, but haven't found any pointers to exactly which city it was.
To me, all that stuff is the same, past lives, memories, dreams..only now is real. But the dreams help shape the now.
Of course. But the past can be useful in many ways, for me it has a medical effect.
Also it explains a lot of things that I've just known internally since way back then, a lot of it is actually very relevant to Bitcoin, inflation, corruption of culture and so on...
But trying to chase it of course leads nowhere!
What is the medical effect?
Stories help us learn. But being too attached to any one history or past can be limiting.
This is a great post. I love talking about dreams. Perfect for the alter_native. I could see a reoccurring regular post where people share dreams.
42 sats \ 0 replies \ @Manikese 12h
I’ve had them since n the past, but it has been a while. I think they used to be of my flying.
I have very similar reoccurring dreams. Usually I am back at work or even highschool. And sometimes I forgot shoes or clothes.. I these dreams don't bother me too much anymore, like I can roll with it without too much stress. And I am always grateful to wake up. Those times were stressful for me.
I've never had a reoccurring dream, but have been having (or remembering) dreams as of late.
The last dream I had was Hustle working at bank of America again. He was super stressed about counting loose pennies and nickels as his manager hunched over his back looking at him like he was crazy.
Long story short, Hustle got the change order wrong and ran outside to grab the customer.
Looking back at it, it was one of the worst jobs I've had.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 13h
I'm glad you aren't stuck in that fiat mine anymore.
Out of one mine, and into another.
At least my current mine allows me to work remotely and zap freaks in the downtime.
i too have worked as a bank teller. it may be the worst jobs out there in terms of pay for what you are expected to do. and no tips ofc 😭
42 sats \ 8 replies \ @Satosora 14h
Something to do with anxiety? I have a dream about running that reoccurs.
Have you ever ran while awake and felt a runners high or super euphoric?
21 sats \ 6 replies \ @Satosora 12h
Yes of course
Was the dream like that or running away from something?
21 sats \ 4 replies \ @Satosora 12h
Running away from something. Sometimes l cant jump over and object and trip.
Oh yeah..I am always incredibly slow I'm those kind of dreams. Like I can barely move.
i have had somethibg similar too, where im physically slow or weak and cant do something. makes me think my body is kinda trying to move irl and that is affecting my dream
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @DesertDave 12h
I sometimes talk in my sleep and move in my real body and scare my wife or myself.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @pillar 4h
I have a dream that I've continued over several nights, separated by years. It has probably been 5 or 6 times over the last 5 years. Every time it continues where it left off, and every time it gets more intense.
I used to have them. The dreams were familiar after a few repetitions. The people in the dreams were kinda weird looking but acted friendly.
I also had a favorite dream without other people. I liked it because I could run through the woods without touching the ground.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @flat24 10h
Let me tell you something interesting I heard recently...
What is real? -Only That Which Is Irreplaceable!!-
Don't worry about clothes, or you haven't written anything cheesy worthy of a ballad song, and much less if you have a great banquet... The most important thing will always be the sincere and unconditional love that comes from you, towards your wife! Just remember yourself why you chose her the first time, and why you continue choosing her every night when you go to sleep and every morning when you wake up. And then prove it to her
Congratulations and blessings to you, I hope you have many more anniversaries!
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 10h
That’s good advice and reminders. Thanks