I've never had a reoccurring dream, but have been having (or remembering) dreams as of late.
The last dream I had was Hustle working at bank of America again. He was super stressed about counting loose pennies and nickels as his manager hunched over his back looking at him like he was crazy.
Long story short, Hustle got the change order wrong and ran outside to grab the customer.
Looking back at it, it was one of the worst jobs I've had.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 15h
I'm glad you aren't stuck in that fiat mine anymore.
Out of one mine, and into another.
At least my current mine allows me to work remotely and zap freaks in the downtime.
i too have worked as a bank teller. it may be the worst jobs out there in terms of pay for what you are expected to do. and no tips ofc 😭