Over the past few years, plant-based meat substitutes have come closer and closer to mimicking the real thing, with brands like Beyond Meat having even sussed out how to create fake meat that “bleeds”. But after an initial boom, the company has rapidly come down from its peaks.
There are several reasons for the hype having died down, one of which being that many consumers decided to move away from buying the often more expensive items amid the cost of living crisis. Another reason cited is that plant-based meats have become a part of the U.S.’s culture war, labeled as a symbol of left-wing politics and a binary to "real" meat.
Once we get over our addiction to eating flesh, we won't need "alternatives". We will just consume other foods and be more connected.
Here in South America you don't see those products... or at least if they do exist I haven't been able to see them... but I confess that I would like to try "Vegetable Meat" and include it in my weekly diet.
Many of them are not very healthy: lots of seed oils and other highly processed ingredients.
There are things like black bean burgers that are made with other veggies that taste good and are reasonably nutritious.
Ok, I understand! How curious, a black bean burger🤭 In my home country, black beans are called "Caraotas"...
It's definitely not "fake meat". It's just a different sort of delicious patty that you can grill and eat like a burger.
A very good one, it's interesting... and I want to know more... I'm going to investigate on the web ☺️ Thanks 👍
You'd think they had taken over, with how much people are obsessed with talking about them.
I like a black bean burger once in a while. Red meat is much worse than seed oils, if you want to be alive. Don't believe the "study" and YouTube video. There will be new big scary foods along shortly. And then we will laugh at the "past", again... And again... And again... It's a circle. Get out of the circles and spiral up. Tune into self. Be still. Then you know what to consume. It's simple. It's vibration. Whole foods that are closer to the sun. Or eat dead flesh if you like. If you aren't ready to shift, you aren't ready. I love you all either way.
PS. Fear nothing. Not even big scary seed oils
"Seed oils" is a very imperfect label, but that's what people use. The problem isn't the oils in the food itself, it's the way they're processed.
Most seed oils are quite healthy, if you're getting them from actually eating the seeds, and several "seed oils" are not even derived from seeds (corn, peanut, soy).
Sure. Not as bad as beef was my point. I go by how I feel. And vibration.
Most people aren't in their body enough to feel what feels good I them. They live in their heads so they feel how they believe they feel. So we have biased based on our own identifications of experience. There is not right or wrong. There is only vibration. 🤷‍♂️
academons are working on a new beyond-food narrative
If you want an alternative to take off, it needs to be some combination of better and/or cheaper and so far a beef burger still wins on both fronts. I agree that a black bean patty is a close second, and I prefer it to faux beef.