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From Dr. Eric Berg
Video Description
Processed and refined foods have certain components like fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and water removed. “Ultra-processed” means these foods have been processed in a major or severe way.
Dent corn, for example, undergoes several processes to become food. It is ground, pressurized, and treated with high heat and chemical solvents. It is then decolorized, deodorized, and combined with artificial flavoring, coloring, fillers, preservatives, and flavor enhancers.
Food can be defined as “that which is eaten to sustain life, provide energy, and promote the growth and repair of tissues.” Ultra-processed foods do not meet this criteria!
Ultra-processed foods contain three main ingredients: sugar, starches, and seed oils. Check the ingredient list and avoid these foods!
  1. Sugar The sugar in processed foods is often highly altered. Synthetic sugar such as glucose syrup, corn syrup, and dextrose is most often utilized.
  2. Starches Starches are highly processed, synthetic chains of sugar. They aren’t the same as starches found in vegetables. Avoid synthetic starch, like modified cornstarch and maltodextrin.
  3. Seed oil Seed oils such as corn, soy, canola, and cottonseed, are highly processed, refined, and treated with chemical solvents.
Ultra-processed foods are devoid of vitamins and minerals, which are essential in digesting and using calories. When you eat foods without vitamins and minerals, your body has to pull from its reserves.
Ultra-processed foods are terrible fuel for your body. Ketones are an alternative fuel source that allows you to tap into your body fat for fuel between meals.
Pills are often prescribed for blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar rather than addressing the diet that’s causing the problem in the first place.
this territory is moderated
the rise of fiat foods and governments meddling in food and welcome to the results.
this goes back to Ancel Keys and his flawed theories.
a guy i went to school with recently died of colon cancer after turning 40.
the travesty of modern processing and the shit that is sold is horrifying
Any diet which isn't ultra-processed is better than ultra-processed. Change my mind.
I do think that's the place to start for everyone. Then, figure out which real foods you like eating.
That was great.
Before I became carnivore, I didn't eat processed foods, and cooked almost everything at home. That in itself is a huge win over the Standard American Diet (SAD), and I was healthier than most people.
But since I became carnivore, my health has improved immensely. I'm never going back. I'm hoping, slowly, to convince some family members to try it out. Unfortunately some people have a very different relationship with research, and learning new things
I probably started out in a similar place to you, but then went fully plant-based and my health immediately improved. I immediately got in the best shape of my life and my eyesight improved to where I don't need contacts anymore.
Interesting. Would you consider that you eat a standard vegan diet - maybe whole foods vegan?
I would say I aspire to a whole foods vegan diet, but implement it imperfectly. I don't eat many grains and I avoid anything with added sugar, seed oils, etc.
Was avoiding added sugar and seed oils something new when you went fully plant based? Or is that something you did before as well?
I was already avoiding sugar, but I also wasn't nearly as diligent about my diet when I was in my early 20's.
Seed oils weren't on my radar until the past few years. I had a sense of which oils were healthier than others, so I would have been slightly avoiding them, but I didn't realize that seed oils were basically toxic.
I totally agree, the main thing is to modify our diet, these ultra-processed foods are harming even our children, I am a migrant and I have been here in Lima, Peru for 7 years and I can see children of four or five years old consuming many sodas high in sugar!! And then I realize that there are many young people from 15 to 20 years old who use glasses or goggles, sugar is affecting the young people's eyesight and it's incredible how parents, for the convenience of not preparing a fresh juice for their children, buy these processed and high-sugar drinks!! We have to wake up to be able to have a good diet and save our family!! From serious illnesses!!
It's such a big problem. I hadn't thought about a link between sugar and eyesight, but reducing sugar might be partially responsible for my eyesight improving. My optometrist explained to me how inflammation can distort the optic lens.
We have to get the word out about how toxic so much of this "food" is. It's not that hard to read food labels, but people have no idea that they should be doing that.
It's true that we have to spread the word!! Since I've been here, I've adopted the good and nutritious part of their meals... for example, their breakfast drinks like Maca... Quinoa... and so on...!! They're delicious and nutritious... if you have time, research them and you'll see that they have a lot of benefits 👍
I'm familiar with both, but don't consume them much anymore. We went through a phase of eating lots of Peruvian style meals, now we mostly eat Indian style food.
Fiat Food
Junk food is rising every where in the world