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I am at a loss as to why the Bitcoin community seems to be leaning towards Trump (or at least that is my feeling). I was under the impression that Bitcoiners are quite sophisticated people and can see through bullship, so it is puzzling to me. Please help me understand.
I have voted only one time in my life and regret that decision (long long time ago :)). Since that have never voted in any elections. Think of it what you will, but I have not seen one person that would enchant me so much that I'd change my principle and be bothered to go out and vote.
That is why I am so intrigued by the current hate/love situation around Trump and especially in the Bitcoin community.
From what I have gathered, this is my summary of him. Trump will say anything as long as it gets him votes (so do most politicians), but his is just so plain to read. He cares not a tiny bit about anyone but himself and maybe his family (and that is questionable). So, you cannot believe anything that comes out of that guy's mouth. He has conflict of interest all over the place and wants to rule with his faimly like a king (as we saw).
On one hand, it was nice that Bitcoin was in the spotlight when he spoke at the Nashville conference, but to be honest, RFK's speech was much better in terms of appearing that he has at least some understanding what Bitcoin is. Trump was there just because one of his clever advisors told him this one issue voter community is hungry for acceptance, so with a few wisely spoken gimmicks (like firing Gary), you'll be their hero. And people there actually clapped and cheered, I don't get it.
Plus his NFT money making machine is not even on Bitcoin.
Let's assume, he will do all those things he talked about, yes, it helps bitcoin, but there is much more to being a president than just supporting Bitcoin and this guy just appears as a terrible human being (and he is not even hiding it).
Don't get me wrong, I agree with his Bitcoin statements, but just cannot wrap my mind around why this would be the candidate that makes it all better. The world is much bigger and more complex than just Bitcoin, so voting for someone just because he appears to be supportive of the area I am in, seems very nearsighted.
Thanks for reading and keep on living.
Think of it like an attack on all fronts.
Build tools that buck the current system but at the same time defend your rights by suing the government (like the cypherpunks did in the 90s to protect encryption and solidified code is speech thus protected by the 1st amendment)
I respect your decision to opt-out but imagine if you were mayor or the US Representative for your state. Being a bitcoiner you will vote and serve according to your bias and to your constituents who voted you into power. If you go back on your word then you will have hell to pay with the people you represent.
Politics is a numbers game and decisions get made by the people who show up. Bitcoiners are using this opportunity to gain a foothold in this toxic swamp that has become American politics. The more we band together and align with our interests it will be harder for the communists and the Marxists to wield their power over your peacefully. Don’t fall for the libertarian fallacy. Politics is war by other means. Get involved and fight. If the majority of gun holders took this passive approach the 2nd amendment would have been repealed a long time ago but a group of gun owners used their votes, money, super PACs to make it really hard to pass laws that outlaw guns or to pack the Supreme Court to strike down the right.
Thanks for your thoughts. Toxic swamp it is ineed.
I just don't get how supporting Trump gains a foothold for Bitcoiners since he won't do any of that stuff he said anyway. You would be changing one corrupt system for another which ideas are not far from an authoritarian rule.
I get your point about voting, just have not found a person that inspires me to vote for. Let's not talk about guns, that is a whole another discussion.
Baby steps. One reason merchants don’t accept bitcoin for payment is the tax treatment it gets now. Merchants have a logical reason to adopt bitcoin and the lightning network as a means of payment. It’s a way better system and drives the cost down well below what visa and Mastercard charge. It’s the political overloads of the dying system that is holding us back. Plus look at the team Trump has assembled. RFK, Vivek, more progressive forward thinking people versus the current administration still having no answers on how to move this industry forward.
Trust me i understand your struggle red blue Trump Kamala both are going to spend us into oblivion. But if you aren’t going to vote then are you going to fight? You going to do pull requests on privacy focused FOSS? Buying and storing bitcoin is a start but we need more from you. What ever you decide make sure it can maximize freedom and sovereignty because that is what bitcoin stands for.
Fighting is more important than voting unless you live in PA and other swing states.
use coinOS for merchants!
If trump actually HAD bitcoin I could better support voting for him. But based on news reports (?) he has... ethereum. NFTs. And creates more nfts... and sells pictures of himself 'on a blockchain' which are honestly worthless.
Don't listen to what people say watch what they do. Trump showed up in Nashville which was cool... but apparently he doesn't actually own any bitcoin. And the 'crypto' his family is associated with appears to be memecoins and pump-n-dump-like tokens and nfts and such? A big appeal of bitcoin is fiscal and monetary soundness - predictability of monetary policy and having a bearer instrument available to everyone. Credit insurance.
And yet the republican party isn't interested in fiscal discipline and reducing the american deficit. (Which is what bitcoin is hedging against anyway imo). So i'm not sure where the appeal comes from.
This is a fallacy as well not everyone who doesn’t own a gun doesn’t support gun rights. Ownership and support are not synonymous. Trump loves fiat money. He’s a boomer that got massively wealthy him grifting is expect as with most from that generation. But the man showed up to the bitcoin conference and spoke. Proves bitcoiners are gaining political power. Soon both party candidates will be forced to appeal to bitcoiners.
Let's not talk about guns is code for I support gun control and want to repeal 2nd amendment
So easy to forget about the mining excise tax: #671390
well, why would I want to talk in detail about guns if I wanted to know different reasons why bitcoiners consider a vote for trump
why are you voting for Kamala? why is she better or more qualified than Trump?
read the post before posting irrelevant comments
Filling a vacancy is not packing the court.
Adding extra seats to the Supreme Court is packing the court. Kamala supports expanding the Supreme Court as did Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.
Only left wing socialist Democrats like FDR and Kamala and Biden have tried to expand or pack the supreme court.
TBH. Trump seems to me more honest than other political vultures!
He’s more honest because he lacks a filter. He has a hard time not telling you how he feels on most topics. Even though he talks out of his ass, you know it’s his own bullshit and not someone else’s.
I think most bitcoiners realize he's a piece of shit just like every other politician but he does have a few appealing qualities.
One is that he said he will free Ross. Yes politicians lie but I think it's worth voting for him for no other reason than he said he'd do it, so maybe there is the slightest chance it will happen.
Two is that he is so vehemently despised by the absolute most horrible, disgusting people on earth: the progressive left and their propaganda machine the mainstream media, and the bureaucratic state with its corrupt three letter agencies. If they hate him so much I can't help but like him.
Three is that compared to the alternative he is so much better. Harris really is that bad. I've never liked the idea of voting for the lesser of two evils but this time I'm willing to make an exception.
Thanks for sharing. I can somewhat understand point 2. :) Point 1 - not sure that one man's life is worth risking this type of choice 3 - I am not in for choosing lesser evil. Evil is evil.
who are you voting for? no one?
who is your ideal candidate?
you are not sure Ross's life is worth risking voting for Trump? Better to let injustice prevail for Ross because of your personal hatred of Trump? Evil is evil, you are being evil.
I don't believe anything in this guy, everything he does is to gain votes and I knew it before he gave any talk in Nashville, those who believe in him simply because he "supports" Bitcoin are blinded and have no own judgement imo.
That is one way to look at it. If you read some comments here, it is not so black and white.
Even bitcoiners are susceptible to convincing lies.
especially the open borders proponents
Hate speech? anti immigration rhetoric should be banned and incarcerated
Elon Musk? We need to arrest Elon
I've voted more than once, but like you, I haven't done it in a long time.
I don't find people's support of Trump particularly confusing, though. Many people feel like Trump doesn't despise them and everything they care about, which is enough to elevate him above regime approved politicians.
I think he's best understood as a big middle finger to the regime.
Nice. I guess, I could see this. If I think of a middle finger to the regime, I would not think of a grumpy rich old white guy who inherited his fortune and used the system to be even more rich though.
Neither would I, if I were designing him from scratch, but I think people are responding to the ruling elite's reaction to Trump. They hate him with a deranged passion that I've never seen. That makes him the best available repudiation, in many people's eyes.
I spent a lot of effort trying to understand Trump after he won the first time, because I also found the whole thing perplexing. This is the best I've come up with.
Trump is a political and DC outsider.
He was also an outsider in Manhattan. Despite his wealth, he was shunned by NY elite/insiders during the 1990s and beyond.
People assume because he has money he must be an insider.
Being a billionaire means that Trump can't be purchased like Obama and Clinton and most of DC.
Trump is not grumpy.
He didn't inherit all his fortune. The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice were produced by him and his brand.
Your thinking is misplaced. Look at the political prosecutions vs Trump. Trump is an outsider who is hated by DC insiders.
Russia collusion was a pack of lies.
Why are you asking for an impossible mission? Who can understand Trump? 🤔
hehe. touche my friend
Like most here have said, Trump is a blathering idiot, but his enemies are my enemies and I don’t see how anyone honestly prefers Harris’ idiotic feel-good messaging over “MAGA”, even if he has no idea how to MAGA. None of them do, but Trump is much more likely to get out of the way than Kamala.
I’m curious what makes you think Trump is such a terrible person. Personally I believe this is just a form of Hanlon’s razor playing out with the help of infotainment talking heads and our collective unconscious desire to turn Idiocracy into reality.
Mining excise tax
Thanks for sharing.
Trump is much more likely to get out of the way than Kamala.
That is interesting that you'd think that, after what he displayed during the last time he should leave the office, I have hard time believing this.
you have a hard time believing something you disagree with
did you not hear her price gauging speech? She mispronouned gouging
Get out of the way of the actual wealth producers. Did you think I meant something else?
Why do you think he's such a terrible person and not just incompetent?
Bitcoin Simps for Trump only want one thing: their bags pumped.
do you simp for Kamala?
Nope, im from NZ😂
did you simp for Jacinda?
LOL. HorseFace
Agree with pretty much everything you say except there is one problem.
It seems almost certain to me that the Democrats are owned lock stock and barrel by the banks.
Its a tragic situation where incrementally the leader of the free world has come to be owned by banks and other corporate interests.
People go with Trump as a protest as he is not as obviously owned by the usual corporate sponsors, although it does look like Putin has some hold over him!
Sad to see but Looks like USA is screwed. Hard to see any way out? Not sure even Bitcoin can fix this.
Good point. Wouldn't Trump be owned even more by the banks though? He has no cash, only loans. That is why he relies on poor suckers to by useless nfts.
Trump has cash, he paid off most of his loans only to be sued by corrupt NY AG.
Trump is not owned by any industry including banking.
What did Trump during his first term that helped banks?
Yes the entire system is corrupted by corporate banker sponsorship. The only obvious fix is to remove the ability of wealthy entities to buy politicians. Cenk Urgur puts forward how that might be done in the video clip linked in one of the other replies to your post. IMO Trump is symptomatic of disease that has infected the system but that he is at least more open about his own corrupt nature than Democrats who still posture as being altruistic when they are owned by sponsors. Can totally see why you don't usually vote and how any American who cares must despair about the state of their democracy- its a sad state of affairs that requires some sort of revolution to fix it.
As an outside observer of US politics (I live in Canada but 3/4 of my household holds US passports). Personally, I am not a fan of Trump but in my opinion this strange coalition of the democrat party, permanent bureaucracy, academia, mega cap corporations and of course the media is much more nefarious and dangerous than Trump will ever be.
I have given up on the idea that Trump will drain the swamp (don't think anyone can) but he still a great way to express a Fuck you to all the above mentioned entrenched powers.
ok, that I get. I just think this fuck you will backfire even worse for the world and an ordinary us citizen.
I suppose we will see. I do appreciate that Trump has brokered some sort of deal with RFK for him and Tulsi Gabbard to be on the transition team and part of the administration's hiring decisions. I don't know if Trump will actually listen to them but it's a step in the right direction.
did it backfire during his first term?
are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?
Sounds like you are voting for Kamala because she is good and Trump is evil
You are in a Bitcoin social media, Democrats has always been anti-crypto and Trump has allied with crypto institutions. If you disagree with Trump maybe Reddit will give you answers you will like.
Thanks. I am not looking for an answer I like. Just trying to understand how people look at Trump
For me hearing him talk gave me hope for building bitcoin businesses in the US. I also love that hes the anti version of trending, I personally like to stop n look at trendy things like do I really like this or not. I do question some moves from the past however it was his first time in the captains chair and if he wins this time I think he will really shake things up I believe he is more qualified to run America being these politicians study political science their whole lives then get placed in a CEO type position to make big decisions to which they r trying to please rather than the good of said company.... lets be real when u see the american flag theres always a copyright symbol next to it, the social security number is identical to an employee id America is a business..as a businessman his whole life who has been a successful business man no matter what mainstream or anyone says dude is filthy rich, first guy to say fuck getting paid to be president that's cool to see rather than other politicians entering office and leaving filthy rich like wtf? These last 2 years proved more than enough, the current administration does not like bitcoin with these regulations and moving goal posts. End of the day though the choice is yours whether you choose to opt in or out. I don't pay attention to politics due to I'd rather put my attention towards things I can control. Exciting times stackers love that we are all on this journey together. Just speaking my mind and sharing
thanks a lot for sharing
Really interesting issue! Not voting as I am not from the US. However, it’s a daily source of news here where I live. I do not rely on what politicians say, especially during pre-elections as their main interest is to get as many votes as possible.
It’s not the first time they say something during pre-elections and the opposite after being elected.
So I would not take my decision based on what a politician says, look at the facts…
Thanks. What are the facts though? Trump is a criminal and Kamala is a communist?
Just look at what they have done. Personally, loosing confidence in any politician.
Trump is not a criminal, the case by Bragg was a kangaroo court prosecution
These two podcasts will explain much.
I didn’t know Cenk Uygur up until this episode. His views on capitalism and independent thinking are refreshing.
he is a left wing socialist hack
He is from Turkey and still will not acknowledge Armenian genocide 1915
What are the fucking odds?
:) the interview with Cenk Uygur was great
Cenk Uygur is a left wing hack.
His Young Turk ancestors committed genocide during WW1 (Armenian genocide).
You won't learn anything from Cenk, only left wing talking points
I appreciated his take on corporatism. Except I haven't heard his solutions, which to me appeared to be larger governments/institutions. It appears out of time. I would rather much more agree that people would be allowed to vote on matters like "Should we brake down Apple's app store business into a separate entity"? But again, I'm not set on the best way to ensure free and open markets.
Get big money out of politics.
This is what is required to fix America.
Sadly Not easy to achieve.
cool. thanks. will give it a listen.
I have voted only once in my life, and that was to get that mad man out of office. However, I think that people in the Bitcoin community really resonated with RFK Jr. When Trump was outspoken about supporting the Bitcoin movement, we had something that was useful from him. I don’t think any non-brainwashed individual likes him. However, if there is someone that is that well know and will be giving Bitcoin a positive image out to society, that is priceless. The Democrats do the opposite. I think Kamala is a wonderful person, intelligent, and not a psychopath. However, her party spreads shit information to the public and makes adoption of Bitcoin much more difficult that it should be. If I truly want Bitcoin to succeed, I think the choice is obvious. I would never cheer for a madman. However, I will always cheer for the positive promotion of Bitcoin. The state of the government and the false illusion of choice is a travesty. If I want Bitcoin to flourish in the world, what I need to do is painfully obvious to me.
I personally thought JFK's speech at nashville was wonderful. I though it was really inspiring and wonderful, and encompassed the spirit of bitcoin really well. Then I looked at D Trump's campaign website... Kamala's campaign website, and RFK's campaign website. Guess which was the only one that accepted bitcoin as a campaign donation?
RFK's website even took LIGHTNING as a donation method! I donated via lightning (from my own node) and... then he dropped out of the race but oh well. I thought it was really cool that I could donate 10$ in lightning, from my own node over TOR because of his awesome speech. It was a promising moment for bitcoin imo.
I also sent quite a bit over Lightning to JFK Jr’s campaign. It was disappointing that he dropped out. I’m sure his reasons were sound though.
well, the idiotic 2 party system leaves no room for others
right there with ya
True, that kind of publicity is priceless for sure and it shows how far the Bitcoin journey has come so far.
Kamala is a wonderful person, intelligent
She is an idiot... you clearly have not heard her speak
Where do you get your news? CNN?
Trump added like 8 trillions to the federal debt while he was the president, he will add twice as much(?) this time. This will eventually lead to a collapse of the system. Bitcoiners are truly visionary people.
hmm, interesting, so break it all down and build it back up kind of approach. This I can get behind. Well said.
Jokes aside. I think that the saying that politicians are a mirror of the society explains this quite well.
George Carlin had said once that people... despise politicians. And yet politicians come from the society. They are us, literally, they come from us. We critique politicians and yet in some ways they are a reflection of society.
That’s silly. In this system of miss-aligned incentives bad actors and rent seekers get to the top. They aren’t “us” they are the worst of us.
If political positions were purely voluntary and the people filling had to relinquish economic rights do you think we’d see the same type of people assuming those roles? Absolutely not.
Politicians still come from us. They don't come from the moon or from the stars... they come from society and, at least to an extent, are a reflection of it.
The fact alone that he has proven not to start wars all over the globe can be a reason to vote for him. That doesn't mean people think he's a good guy.
Nice new angle. I guess we will never know if this was just a coincidence by circumstance unless he is the commander in chief again.
He was the first president in 40 years not to invade a new country, you think that was coincidental?
from Random #309222
It's more a vote against whatever we have now than it is a vote for anyone. The democrat machine seems uninterested in any form of legitimate discourse and is instead opting for some kind of Mao inspired Gay Imperialism.
We have the Biden DoJ reinterpreting law to go after samourai, starting wars on all fronts, making threats against basic freedom of speech, going after parents at PTA meetings. The VP candidate is possibly a Maoist sleeper cell. If you're someone that cares about liberty (like most bitcoiners) these developments are distasteful and frightening enough to make you pull the lever for a cartoon character. Not to mention the insane wealth tax proposals.
Kamala has threatened to forcibly confiscate firearms and has essentially the same or possibly worse foreign policy than the current one. A vote for Kamala is a vote for WW3 or Civil War or both.
Add in the offers to be friendly to bitcoin and free Ross and you have my vote. I can pause buying the orange coin for 5 mins to vote for the orange man. Bitcoin is a tool in the fight for freedom but it is not equipped to handle every aspect of the abject totalitarianism that is being pushed forward.
thank you for sharing your point of view.
pause buying the orange coin for 5 mins to vote for the orange man
What an awesome statement:). t-shirt slogan?
Perhaps because the alternative is Kamala (aka communism)?
I’m not going to glorify any politician but when democrats like RFK Jr (whom you seem to respect) and Tulsi Gabbard leave the Democratic Party and endorse Trump, you might consider your own bias towards the individual man and examine the deeper consequences of an unelected appointee who has clear socialist/communist goals to better understand why people are gravitating towards Trump.
to be honest, i do not respect any politician.
I respect people based on their actions.
I think we all know he has a few screws lose up there (e.g. vanity, savior complex, etc.) but even with that if that gets us closer to where do we want to be (wide spread adoption) then the mission is worth the vote. The blue side has no clue what's going on and the shadows run the show where no one knows the rules but them.
He has one role for us - stay the F%$@# out of the way and if he can deliver only on that, that is worth voting for.
There are a lot of opinions whether votes matter or not, if it makes you feel better go ahead and vote. Voting out of spite is actually worse and speaks to ones character, but that's another discussion, another time.
What is your top issue for voting?
"Trump will say anything as long as it gets him votes (so do most politicians), but his is just so plain to read"
What about Kamala changing her position on fracking? That is just so plain to read
Top issue is that they are all liars.
what is your top issue for voting?
Saying they are all liars is a copout.
Regarding liars, do you believe anything Kamala says?
Trump supports fracking.
Kamala will not ban fracking.
Who is lying?
I’m at a loss. To add, He’s been impeached twice, and is a convicted felon who can’t vote for president…
I can't. I am poleticen tho I am unable
My opinion on this is the following... First of all, we must take into account what could happen if Trump were to win, that is, what would mean the continuation of one of the worst state administration managements in the United States, so bad has it been that this administration has the third largest expenditure in the history of the US. Being only below the expenditure of the Second World War and the expenditure of the Plan-demic of 2020. The Socialist Communists who are in the White House disguised as Democrats must get out of there. That in my opinion is the main thing to observe in this matter. 👀
Now regarding the Bitcoin issue, I think it's all noise, Trump and all the politicians are false and obviously look out for their own interests, there is none on the earth's surface who is really there for the well-being of the common people or their equals, none.
About Bitcoiners, IMO. There are two types of people who talk about adoption, bitcoin payments, ETFs, showbiz and those topics where they think that adoption is that each human being has some SATS and that all the Governments say, Yay, come with me and let's get on the Bitcoin Train 🚂🍊.
And then there are the other Bitcoiners, The Awakened 👋🤠⚡ those who know that adoption has been here for a while, and those who only really care about escaping with their wealth from state control (for me, Bitcoin's best superpower 🍊, of the many it has) those who understand that Bitcoin does not need support from Governments, even that Governments do not want to support Bitcoin, but rather control it. Because Bitcoin is THE GREATEST THREAT THAT COULD EVER EXIST, TO END THEIR FIDUCIARY SYSTEM, WHICH KEPT US SLAVES.
Slavery that was supposedly abolished in 1780, when Tupac Amaru II, leader of the indigenous revolution in Peru, issued the “Bando de Libertad” in Tungasuca (Cusco), proclaiming the abolition of slavery and granting freedom to the blacks that the indigenous forces found and inviting them to join their cause.
In conclusion, and I repeat, this is just my opinion. The real issue is who is worse, Trump or Kamala (KE-MALA). And it is important because they are still the economic power of the world, everything that happens there impacts the rest of the smaller economies around them, at least those that are clearly dependent on the US, which is where most of us live.
Thanks for reading, stay free and in Pagüer 💪🤠⚡🍊
thanks for posting. I don't get why so many talk about communism. USA's current agenda is not even close.
You say, everything impacts smaller economies, that is very true, hence I do not get why Trump. He is a horrible choice if we start talking about his impact on global world. many leaders think he is a joke, he thinks any agreement with other countries which is not financially beneficial has to be changed (there are other long term reasons than short term financial gain to be in a certain agreement)
So you consider Kamala as an option? Everyone thinks communism won't ruin their country... until it happens
In reality, Trump is a different kind of politician. Politicians generally depend on entities that finance their campaigns and government efforts. Trump, on the other hand, is a tycoon who is used to arguing, conquering in an economic sense, and as such, he is convinced that he is above everything and everyone. His speeches will always be in line with his interests. He will launch a memecoin, or promise to support the Bitcoin community. But in the long run, they will be promises as always. I cannot doubt that he will buy BTC. That he will support the Bitcoiner community, it will be if it suits him and to the extent it suits him. That the Bitcoin community should support him is up to each person, but in my opinion I doubt, I always doubt.
Remember that "if the charity is great, even the saint doubts"
I think depending on a politician or government to support the adoption of a cryptocurrency... is not a good idea. Cryptocurrency aims to be independent of the state, and decentralized to the greatest extent reasonable.
doubting already:), thanks
It's not about Trump himself, but about his detractors. Simply put, Trump has all the right enemies.
I think it is important to separate what bitcoiners (broadly speaking) feel about Trump vs. what the bitcoiners who have megaphones (influencers, podcasters, early adopters with large follower counts, etc...) feel.
Bitcoiners who have the megaphones certainly seem to lean towards Trump. Two quick examples I can point to are Marty Bent and AmericanHodl. From what I can gather, but I do not know with 100% certainty, they were both conservatives prior to both bitcoin and Trump. When they speak about politics, they cite Fox News reports or Tucker Carlson, etc... They both have large megaphones and often (perhaps just self deprecating humor) describe themselves as idiots, but they did have the good fortune to run across bitcoin early, spent the time/effort to understand bitcoin, latched on early and became relatively wealthy/popular in the process.
On the other hand, you have bitcoiners, the tens of millions of actual bitcoiners who don't have an outsized voice online. They, surprisingly perhaps, do not lean towards Trump (or conservative) but rather largely follow the general demographics of the US electorate except they tend to lean towards the younger and male side of the spectrum. The Nakamoto Project released an excellent study recently that you can read for free on their website. If you don't want to peruse their dozen page study (which I highly recommend), you can also listen to one of the study authors on the What Bitcoin Did podcast. I'll put some links below:
https://www.thenakamotoproject.org/report (click the "Download Your Report Now" button to read the doc, you don't need to fill out the mailing list info)
Summary image breaking down bitcoin owner's political leanings:
Here is the executive summary of the report for those who don't want to click the link:
deleted by author
I understand your frustration but Trump has nothing to do with Bitcoin. It is just that Elizabeth Warren and the Democratic establishment tried their best to alienate the self-custody crowd with suffocating propositions in their areas of concern(lawmaking). It is unforgivable that they are so stupid to think that they can stop self-custody. It is pretty clear that they have no idea what they are talking about. The deciders will punish them for being stupid and not because they believe what Trump has said.
"From what I have gathered, this is my summary of him. Trump will say anything as long as it gets him votes (so do most politicians), but his is jY family (and that is questionable). So, you cannot believe anything that comes out of that guy's mouth. He has conflict of interest all over the place and wants to rule with his faimly like a king (as we saw)."
You have already made up your mind. Your post title is dishonest.
Hmm. I don't think I have made up my mind. Currently, I have a certain opinion, yes and that is why I am seeking reasons why Bitcoiners vote for him, so I challenge my opinion. So, I would say my mind is opened to change.
you're hopeless if you are voting for Kamala
where do you get your news, CNN and MSNBC?
Where do you get your news?
Why are voting for Kamala?
Many bitcoiners agree that trump isn't perfect, but he is marginally better on many fronts better than the other party.
The alternative to Trump is horrendous on every front, where Trump is a 6/10-8/10 on many policies.
It is picking the better out of two non-optimal choices, but with Harris being much much worse.