These two podcasts will explain much.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @jp305 2 Sep
I didn’t know Cenk Uygur up until this episode. His views on capitalism and independent thinking are refreshing.
he is a left wing socialist hack
He is from Turkey and still will not acknowledge Armenian genocide 1915
What are the fucking odds?
:) the interview with Cenk Uygur was great
Cenk Uygur is a left wing hack.
His Young Turk ancestors committed genocide during WW1 (Armenian genocide).
You won't learn anything from Cenk, only left wing talking points
I appreciated his take on corporatism. Except I haven't heard his solutions, which to me appeared to be larger governments/institutions. It appears out of time. I would rather much more agree that people would be allowed to vote on matters like "Should we brake down Apple's app store business into a separate entity"? But again, I'm not set on the best way to ensure free and open markets.
Get big money out of politics.
This is what is required to fix America.
Sadly Not easy to achieve.
cool. thanks. will give it a listen.