Whatever side you take on this issue I would think an easy fix here is for a book to be banned it needs more than one person challenging it. I mean the fact that all these challenges are coming from 11 people is ridiculous.
Should need 1000 signatures to challenge a book.
That’s my two sats anyways.
This makes definitely more sense.
We have left school librarians and teachers the job of deciding which books are appropriate for years and years now without any real issues. This whole book banning nonsense only started after parents started injecting themselves into school lesson planning. My generation was really the last to graduate high school before that started (I'm 31, graduated HS 2011.) We took sex education in fifth grade and we laughed and giggled for weeks over saying penis and vagina and we read Lord of the Flies in high school and other somewhat explicit books and we all turned out just fine.
And guess what. We also had a couple teachers in middle and elementary school that were openly gay. And not a single one tried to force us into being gay either!